AlloSCT for Malignant and Non-malignant Hematologic Diseases Utilizing Alpha/Beta T Cell and CD19+ B Cell Depletion
Acute Leukemia, Severe Aplastic Anemia, Non-hodgkin Lymphoma

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Acute Leukemia focused on measuring allogeneic stem cell transplantation, t-cell depletion, alpha beta cell depletion
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- ALL:ALL high risk including one or more of the following: (t(9;22) or 11q23 chromosomal abnormality, primary induction failure (<15% blasts at time of registration), mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL), persistent MRD (<0.01% by flow or persistent abnormal karyotype detected by cytogenetics) or hypodiploidy (44 chromosomes)) in first remission ' ALL in second remission and beyond;
- AML: History of AML induction/reinduction Failure (<15% blasts at time of registration); AML in CR1 with poor cytogenetics (i.e. 12p, 5a, -7, FLT3 mutation/duplication, t(9;11) and others); AML with persistent minimal residual disease (MRD) in CR1(<0.01% on flow or persistent abnormal karyotype detected by cytogenetics); AML CR2 or beyond; AML in refractory relapse but ≤15% bone marrow leukemia blasts; Therapy-related AML
- High Risk Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) 4 Lymphoma: Hodgkin (HL) or Non-Hodgkin (NHL): HL or NHL in induction failure; HL or NHL in PR1 or PR2 ; HL or NHL in CR2 or subsequent remission
5. Bone marrow failure syndromes: Kostmann syndrome refractory or intolerant to granulocyte colony-33stimulating factor; Diamond-Blackfan anemia refractory or intolerant to corticosteroids and/or cyclosporine'; amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia 6. Sickle Cell Disease (Homozygous Hemoglobin S Disease, or Hemoglobin S β 0/+ thalassemia, or Hemoglobin SC Disease) 7. age 0-30 years 8. adequate organ function
Exclusion Criteria:
- Females who are pregnant or breast-feeding are not eligible.
- Patients with documented uncontrolled infection at the time of study entry are not eligible.
- Karnofsky/Lansky (age appropriate) Performance Score <60
- Demonstrated lack of compliance with medical care
- Patients who have received allogeneic HSCT within 6 months, unless being done as a boost.
- Patients with active <Grade 2 GVHD.
Sites / Locations
- New York Medical CollegeRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
alpha beta cell depletion
Matched allogeneic donor stem cells will be processed utilizing α/β CD3+/CD19+ cell depletion with the Prodigy system. Standard pre-conditioning and post-transplant motioning will be given.