Stimulation Combined With Powered Motorized Orthoses for Walking After Stroke
Primary Purpose
Stroke, Hemiparesis
Not Applicable
United States
Study Type
Neuromechanical Gait Assist
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About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Stroke focused on measuring neuromuscular electrical stimulation, stroke, hemiparesis, walking, powered orthosis
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- More than 6 months post stroke.
- Stiff-legged gait defined as a gait pattern manifesting as "dragging" or "catching" of the affected toes during swing phase of gait or use of compensatory strategies such as circumducting the affected limb, vaulting with the unaffected limb or hiking the affected hip.
- Sufficient endurance and motor ability to ambulate at least 10ft continuously with standby assist.
- Weakness at the hip, knee and ankle.
- Poor lower extremity coordination due to weakness or tone.
- Hip extension range to neutral.
- Hip flexion range greater or equal to 90 degrees.
- Passive range of ankle dorsiflexion to neutral with knee extended.
- Sufficient upper extremity function to use a cane.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Severe knee extensor tone requiring >25Nm of torque to flex the knee.
- Ankle contractures of more than 0 degrees of plantar flexion and hip contractures of greater than 0 degrees of hip flexion.
- Inability to grasp with both hands.
- History of potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia, supra-ventricular tachycardia, and rapid ventricular response atrial fibrillation with hemodynamic instability.
- Presence of a demand pacemaker.
- Parkinson's Disease.
- Edema of the affected limb.
- Active pressure ulcers or wounds in lower extremities.
- Sepsis or active infection.
- Severe osteoporosis.
- Uncontrolled seizures.
- Presence of substance abuse.
- Severely impaired cognition and communication.
- Uncompensated hemineglect.
- Pregnancy.
Sites / Locations
- Louis Stokes VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OHRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm Type
Arm Label
Neuromechanical Gait Assist
Arm Description
All participants will participate in developing controllers to coordinate device assistance with walking ability. Walking will be compared before gait training and after gait training. Walking will be evaluated both with and without device assistance.
Primary Outcome Measures
Controller accuracy
The accuracy of the controller (True/False positives and negatives) in detecting gait events and gait transitions.
Secondary Outcome Measures
10m walk test
The time required to walk 10m is measured to calculate walking speed.
Quantitative motion analysis - kinematics
Participants complete mobility tasks in the laboratory (walking, stair ascent and descent, and sit-to-stand transitions). Body-worn and floor mounted sensors measure kinematics (i.e. motion).
6 minute timed walk
The distance measured in 6 minutes of walking is measured.
Oxygen consumption
Participants wear a face mask that measures oxygen consumption while they walk to determine the metabolic load of walking.
Timed up and go test
This test of agility measures the time required to stand, walk a set distance, turn around, walk back, and sit down again.
Manual Muscle Test
This test measures volitional strength at each joint (e.g. knee extension). A score is given based on the amount of movement at a joint and the resistance that can be applied. Scores for each movement range from 0 to 5. 0 is no muscle activation and 5 is normal strength.
Modified Ashworth scale
This test measures spasticity. The joint is passively moved through its range of motion to determine muscle tightness in response to stretch. Scores range from 0 to 5. 0 is no increase in muscle tone while 5 indicates the joint is rigid.
Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment
This test measures coordination in combination with strength and spasticity. Individuals complete a series of movement and are scored based on their ability to complete each task. Scores range from 0 to 34. 0 indicates the worst possible movement and 34 indicates normal movement.
Instrumented impairment measures - joint stiffness
These tests will be completed on a Biodex system. Participants will be seated with their leg attached to a force measurement device. The individual will remain relaxed while the device moves the joint through its range of motion.
Instrumented impairment measures - strength
These tests will be completed on a Biodex system. Participants will be seated with their leg attached to a force measurement device. The individual will push with their leg to generate movement through a range of motion at different speeds (isokinetic test).
Quantitative motion analysis - kinetics
Participants complete mobility tasks in the laboratory (walking, stair ascent and descent, and sit-to-stand transitions). Body-worn and floor mounted sensors measure kinetics (i.e. joint torques).
Quantitative motion analysis - electromyograms
Participants complete mobility tasks in the laboratory (walking, stair ascent and descent, and sit-to-stand transitions). Body-worn sensors measure electromyograms (i.e. muscle activity).
10m walk test
The time required to walk 10m is measured to calculate walking speed.
6 minute timed walk
The distance measured in 6 minutes of walking is measured.
Timed up and go test
This test of agility measures the time required to stand, walk a set distance, turn around, walk back, and sit down again.
Quantitative motion analysis - kinematics
Participants complete mobility tasks in the laboratory (walking, stair ascent and descent, and sit-to-stand transitions). Body-worn and floor mounted sensors measure kinematics (i.e. motion).
Oxygen consumption
Participants wear a face mask that measures oxygen consumption while they walk to determine the metabolic load of walking.
Manual Muscle Test
This test measures volitional strength at each joint (e.g. knee extension). A score is given based on the amount of movement at a joint and the resistance that can be applied. Scores for each movement range from 0 to 5. 0 is no muscle activation and 5 is normal strength.
Modified Ashworth scale
This test measures spasticity. The joint is passively moved through its range of motion to determine muscle tightness in response to stretch. Scores range from 0 to 5. 0 is no increase in muscle tone while 5 indicates the joint is rigid.
Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment
This test measures coordination in combination with strength and spasticity. Individuals complete a series of movement and are scored based on their ability to complete each task. Scores range from 0 to 34. 0 indicates the worst possible movement and 34 indicates normal movement.
Instrumented impairment measures - joint stiffness
These tests will be completed on a Biodex system. Participants will be seated with their leg attached to a force measurement device. The individual will remain relaxed while the device moves the joint through its range of motion.
Instrumented impairment measures - strength
These tests will be completed on a Biodex system. Participants will be seated with their leg attached to a force measurement device. The individual will push with their leg to generate movement through a range of motion at different speeds (isokinetic test).
Quantitative motion analysis - kinetics
Participants complete mobility tasks in the laboratory (walking, stair ascent and descent, and sit-to-stand transitions). Body-worn and floor mounted sensors measure kinetics (i.e. joint torques).
Quantitative motion analysis - electromyograms
Participants complete mobility tasks in the laboratory (walking, stair ascent and descent, and sit-to-stand transitions). Body-worn sensors measure electromyograms (i.e. muscle activity).
Full Information
First Posted
October 2, 2019
Last Updated
January 5, 2023
VA Office of Research and Development
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
Stimulation Combined With Powered Motorized Orthoses for Walking After Stroke
Official Title
Stimulation Combined With Externally Powered Motorized Orthoses for Stroke
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
January 2023
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
April 1, 2020 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
February 29, 2024 (Anticipated)
Study Completion Date
February 29, 2024 (Anticipated)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Name of the Sponsor
VA Office of Research and Development
4. Oversight
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Product Manufactured in and Exported from the U.S.
Data Monitoring Committee
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
Objective: The goal of this study is to implement and test a neuro-mechanical gait assist (NMGA) device to correct walking characterized by muscle weakness, incoordination or excessive tone in Veterans with hemiparesis after stroke that adversely affects their ability to walk, exercise, perform activities of daily living, and participate fully in personal, professional and social roles.
Research Plan: A prototype NMGA device will be used to develop a finite state controller (FSC) to coordinate each user's volitional effort with surface muscle stimulation and motorized knee assistance as needed. Brace mounted sensors will be used to develop a gait event detector (GED) which will serve the FSC to advance through the phases of gait or stair climbing. In addition, a rule-base intent detection algorithm will be developed using brace mounted sensors and user interface input to select among various functions including walking, stairs climbing, sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit maneuvers. The FSC controller tuning and intent algorithm development and evaluation will be on pilot subjects with difficulty walking after stroke. Outcome measures during development will provide specifications for a new prototype NMGA design which will be evaluated on pilot subjects to test the hypothesis that the NMGA improves walking speed, distance and energy consumption of walking. These baseline data and device will be used to design a follow-up clinical trial to measure orthotic impact of NMGA on mobility in activities of daily living at home and community.
Methodology: After meeting inclusion criteria, pilot subjects will undergo baseline gait evaluation with EMG activities of knee flexors and extensors, ankle plantar and dorsiflexors and isokinetic knee strength and passive resistance. They will be fitted with a NMGA combining a knee-ankle-foot-orthosis with a motorized knee joint and surface neuromuscular stimulation of plantar- and dorsi- flexors, vasti and rectus femoris. Brace mounted sensor data will be used for gait event detector (GED) algorithm development and evaluation. The GED will serve the FSC to proceed through phases of gait based on supervisory rule-based user intent recognition algorithm detected by brace mounted sensors and user input interface. The FSC will coordinate feed-forward control of tuned stimulation patterns and closed-loop controlled knee power assist as needed to control foot clearance during swing and stability of the knee during stance. Based on data attained during controller development and evaluation, a new prototype NMGA will be design, constructed and evaluated on pilot subjects to test the hypothesis that a NMGA device improves safety and stability, increases walking speed and distance and minimizes user effort.
Clinical Significance: The anticipated outcome is improved gait stability with improved swing knee flexion, thus, increasing the safety and preventing injurious falls of ambulatory individuals with hemiplegia due to stroke found in large and ever-increasing numbers in the aging Veteran population. Correcting gait should lead to improved quality of life and participation.
Detailed Description
This study includes controller development and feasibility testing for a hybrid neuromuscular gait assist (NMGA) system to enhance walking after stroke. The study consists of baseline testing, fitting the device on participants, tuning assistance parameters to enhance walking, collecting movement data with and without the device, modifying controller designs to optimize walking, sit-to-stand transitions, and stair climbing, gait training, and evaluating movement capability with and without device assistance. Heart rate and blood pressure will be monitored during each session.
Device Description The NMGA is comprised of a motorized knee brace and surface electrical stimulation applied to muscles acting across the hip, knee, and ankle. The device is worn on the impaired side of the body with an orthotic interface attaching it to the leg. The goal of combining the powered knee with stimulation is to improve leg movement and coordination for safer walking at reduced user effort. The powered exoskeletal knee ensures adequate toe clearance during the swing phase of gait by generating knee flexion and then prevents knee buckling during the stance phase of gait by maintaining extension for support. Surface muscle stimulation assists with user volitional effort. Stimulation applied to ankle dorsiflexors assists with toe clearance during swing while quadriceps stimulation assists with stance. Gastrocnemius and rectus femoris stimulation assist with push-off and swing to improve walking speed.
This study focuses on developing and testing control methods that integrate assistance of stimulation and the powered knee with volitional activity in a manner that maximizes the user's own muscle contribution. Orthosis mounted sensors measure motion, joint angles, interaction forces and foot-floor contact to determine the current phase of gait and assistance required. A Gait Event Detector (GED) determines the phase of gait and appropriate control state based on sensor data and then a Finite State Controller (FSC) optimizes stimulation and motor assistance in coordination with volitional effort. The controller design incorporates feedforward control of stimulation with stimulation triggered by detection of different gait events. Feedback control is applied for motor assistance only as needed. This study will evaluate different algorithms to detect different phases of gait. Controller refinement is an iterative process of testing different algorithms, adjusting detection parameters, and adjusting assistance parameters.
In addition to detecting phases of gait during walking, this study will also develop algorithms to detect user intent for mobility task transitions. Beyond overground walking, mobility includes transitions between sitting and standing as well as stair climbing. Depending on command signal robustness, these transitions could be achieved through separate inputs (e.g. a smart phone app or orthosis mounted buttons) to inform the device when to change task states or may be detectable based on the user's motions. As part of this study the investigators will test different approaches to determine the safest effective option and user preferences.
The following describes the participation involved in this development process.
Screening After signing the informed consent form the subject will undergo screening to determine if an individual is eligible to participate in the study based on the inclusion/exclusion criteria. During screening the investigators will also collect information about stroke demographics (e.g. date of stroke, type of stroke, lesion location, side of impairment), medications, and leg and foot size to ensure the investigators have appropriately sized orthotic components during subsequent sessions.
Baseline testing After meeting all inclusion/exclusion criteria and agreeing to participate, initial testing will determine participants' impairment level and walking ability prior to controller development and training with the device. Walking tests will be completed in the laboratory, hospital hallways, and the environment surrounding the hospital. Outcomes will measure impairment in the legs, walking ability, and participants perceptions of the device and the effect on walking.
NMGA Fitting and Tuning The study team will work with the participant to fit the device and determine appropriate stimulation patterns to assist walking. Fitting includes choosing orthotic components that fit well on the wearer's leg and allow comfortable walking. Stimulation patterns will be generated for each individual. Electrodes will target movement at the hip, knee, and ankle on the affected side. During stimulation tuning the investigators will adjust surface stimulation electrode locations as well as stimulus timing and intensity during the gait cycle. Orthotic fitting and stimulation pattern creation are expected to take about two sessions. Assessments may be repeated with surface stimulation assistance.
Controller Development During several sessions, the participant will complete mobility tasks (i.e. walking, stair climbing, and sit-to-stand transitions) while walking with the NMGA and recording data to characterize walking (Quantitative Motion Analysis data and orthosis mounted sensor data). These data will be used to create and optimize the controller to estimate phases of gaits (e.g. initial contact, pre-swing, mid-swing) based on exoskeleton mounted sensors to coordinate NMGA assistance with walking ability. Participants will complete tasks while different algorithms control transitions between tasks (e.g. walking to stair climbing) and assistance during task completion. Controller parameters will be adjusted during this process to optimize assistance and determine which task transitions the sensors successfully detect and which transitions should be controlled by a separate user input. Contact guard assistance will be provided to prevent falls during controller development. During this process participants will be interviewed in an open discussion format to get feedback about aspects of the device that could be improved. Up to 16 sessions will be used for controller development.
Gait Training After determining a control algorithm, there will be six sessions of training to use the device for walking, stair climbing, and sit-to-stand transitions as appropriate. Gait training will be conducted by the study physical therapist in the gait laboratory, hospital hallways, and surrounding outdoor spaces. The physical therapist will provide standby assistance, monitor subjects' vital signs, record their progress and solicit feedback on the use of the NMGA. Training will focus on increasing walking speed while maintaining safety, specifically toe clearance in swing, stability in stance, and situational awareness to the surrounding environment. Participants will provide feedback about when during the process they feel comfortable donning, doffing, and using the device without study staff assistance. The study physical therapist will also provide input about when participants are capable of using the system independently.
Post-Training Assessment Following training with the NMGA, the previously described assessments (see Baseline Testing) will be repeated both with and without the device to test the hypothesis that walking with the NMGA compared to without enhances walking speed, endurance, metabolic consumption, and gait symmetry. In addition to the tests at baseline, participants will complete the Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology (QUEST), a survey to assess user satisfaction with a device. Additionally, each participant will fill out a worksheet prioritizing different design requirements (e.g. size, weight, ease of use). Up to six sessions will be used for final testing.
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Stroke, Hemiparesis
neuromuscular electrical stimulation, stroke, hemiparesis, walking, powered orthosis
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Not Applicable
Interventional Study Model
Single Group Assignment
Model Description
Participants are contributing to the development of a hybrid device combining surface muscle stimulation and a powered knee orthosis to assist walking after stroke. There is a single group of individuals participating in controller development and then pilot testing of the device to determine both the effect of training with the device and the impact of the device on walking ability.
None (Open Label)
10 (Anticipated)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
Neuromechanical Gait Assist
Arm Type
Arm Description
All participants will participate in developing controllers to coordinate device assistance with walking ability. Walking will be compared before gait training and after gait training. Walking will be evaluated both with and without device assistance.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Neuromechanical Gait Assist
Other Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
A hybrid powered knee orthosis combined with surface muscle stimulation to assist walking.
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Controller accuracy
The accuracy of the controller (True/False positives and negatives) in detecting gait events and gait transitions.
Time Frame
up to one year
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
10m walk test
The time required to walk 10m is measured to calculate walking speed.
Time Frame
At baseline
Quantitative motion analysis - kinematics
Participants complete mobility tasks in the laboratory (walking, stair ascent and descent, and sit-to-stand transitions). Body-worn and floor mounted sensors measure kinematics (i.e. motion).
Time Frame
At baseline
6 minute timed walk
The distance measured in 6 minutes of walking is measured.
Time Frame
At baseline
Oxygen consumption
Participants wear a face mask that measures oxygen consumption while they walk to determine the metabolic load of walking.
Time Frame
At baseline
Timed up and go test
This test of agility measures the time required to stand, walk a set distance, turn around, walk back, and sit down again.
Time Frame
At baseline
Manual Muscle Test
This test measures volitional strength at each joint (e.g. knee extension). A score is given based on the amount of movement at a joint and the resistance that can be applied. Scores for each movement range from 0 to 5. 0 is no muscle activation and 5 is normal strength.
Time Frame
At baseline
Modified Ashworth scale
This test measures spasticity. The joint is passively moved through its range of motion to determine muscle tightness in response to stretch. Scores range from 0 to 5. 0 is no increase in muscle tone while 5 indicates the joint is rigid.
Time Frame
At baseline
Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment
This test measures coordination in combination with strength and spasticity. Individuals complete a series of movement and are scored based on their ability to complete each task. Scores range from 0 to 34. 0 indicates the worst possible movement and 34 indicates normal movement.
Time Frame
At baseline
Instrumented impairment measures - joint stiffness
These tests will be completed on a Biodex system. Participants will be seated with their leg attached to a force measurement device. The individual will remain relaxed while the device moves the joint through its range of motion.
Time Frame
At baseline
Instrumented impairment measures - strength
These tests will be completed on a Biodex system. Participants will be seated with their leg attached to a force measurement device. The individual will push with their leg to generate movement through a range of motion at different speeds (isokinetic test).
Time Frame
At baseline
Quantitative motion analysis - kinetics
Participants complete mobility tasks in the laboratory (walking, stair ascent and descent, and sit-to-stand transitions). Body-worn and floor mounted sensors measure kinetics (i.e. joint torques).
Time Frame
At baseline
Quantitative motion analysis - electromyograms
Participants complete mobility tasks in the laboratory (walking, stair ascent and descent, and sit-to-stand transitions). Body-worn sensors measure electromyograms (i.e. muscle activity).
Time Frame
At baseline
10m walk test
The time required to walk 10m is measured to calculate walking speed.
Time Frame
up to one year after baseline
6 minute timed walk
The distance measured in 6 minutes of walking is measured.
Time Frame
up to one year after baseline
Timed up and go test
This test of agility measures the time required to stand, walk a set distance, turn around, walk back, and sit down again.
Time Frame
up to one year after baseline
Quantitative motion analysis - kinematics
Participants complete mobility tasks in the laboratory (walking, stair ascent and descent, and sit-to-stand transitions). Body-worn and floor mounted sensors measure kinematics (i.e. motion).
Time Frame
up to one year after baseline
Oxygen consumption
Participants wear a face mask that measures oxygen consumption while they walk to determine the metabolic load of walking.
Time Frame
up to one year after baseline
Manual Muscle Test
This test measures volitional strength at each joint (e.g. knee extension). A score is given based on the amount of movement at a joint and the resistance that can be applied. Scores for each movement range from 0 to 5. 0 is no muscle activation and 5 is normal strength.
Time Frame
up to one year after baseline
Modified Ashworth scale
This test measures spasticity. The joint is passively moved through its range of motion to determine muscle tightness in response to stretch. Scores range from 0 to 5. 0 is no increase in muscle tone while 5 indicates the joint is rigid.
Time Frame
up to one year after baseline
Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment
This test measures coordination in combination with strength and spasticity. Individuals complete a series of movement and are scored based on their ability to complete each task. Scores range from 0 to 34. 0 indicates the worst possible movement and 34 indicates normal movement.
Time Frame
up to one year after baseline
Instrumented impairment measures - joint stiffness
These tests will be completed on a Biodex system. Participants will be seated with their leg attached to a force measurement device. The individual will remain relaxed while the device moves the joint through its range of motion.
Time Frame
up to one year after baseline
Instrumented impairment measures - strength
These tests will be completed on a Biodex system. Participants will be seated with their leg attached to a force measurement device. The individual will push with their leg to generate movement through a range of motion at different speeds (isokinetic test).
Time Frame
up to one year after baseline
Quantitative motion analysis - kinetics
Participants complete mobility tasks in the laboratory (walking, stair ascent and descent, and sit-to-stand transitions). Body-worn and floor mounted sensors measure kinetics (i.e. joint torques).
Time Frame
up to one year after baseline
Quantitative motion analysis - electromyograms
Participants complete mobility tasks in the laboratory (walking, stair ascent and descent, and sit-to-stand transitions). Body-worn sensors measure electromyograms (i.e. muscle activity).
Time Frame
up to one year after baseline
10. Eligibility
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
18 Years
Maximum Age & Unit of Time
75 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
More than 6 months post stroke.
Stiff-legged gait defined as a gait pattern manifesting as "dragging" or "catching" of the affected toes during swing phase of gait or use of compensatory strategies such as circumducting the affected limb, vaulting with the unaffected limb or hiking the affected hip.
Sufficient endurance and motor ability to ambulate at least 10ft continuously with standby assist.
Weakness at the hip, knee and ankle.
Poor lower extremity coordination due to weakness or tone.
Hip extension range to neutral.
Hip flexion range greater or equal to 90 degrees.
Passive range of ankle dorsiflexion to neutral with knee extended.
Sufficient upper extremity function to use a cane.
Exclusion Criteria:
Severe knee extensor tone requiring >25Nm of torque to flex the knee.
Ankle contractures of more than 0 degrees of plantar flexion and hip contractures of greater than 0 degrees of hip flexion.
Inability to grasp with both hands.
History of potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia, supra-ventricular tachycardia, and rapid ventricular response atrial fibrillation with hemodynamic instability.
Presence of a demand pacemaker.
Parkinson's Disease.
Edema of the affected limb.
Active pressure ulcers or wounds in lower extremities.
Sepsis or active infection.
Severe osteoporosis.
Uncontrolled seizures.
Presence of substance abuse.
Severely impaired cognition and communication.
Uncompensated hemineglect.
Central Contact Person:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Lisa M Lombardo, MPT
(216) 791-3800
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Nathaniel S Makowski, PhD
(216) 791-3800
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Ronald Triolo, PhD
Organizational Affiliation
Louis Stokes VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH
Official's Role
Principal Investigator
Facility Information:
Facility Name
Louis Stokes VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Lisa M Lombardo, MPT
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Nathaniel S Makowski, PhD
(216) 791-3800
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Ronald Triolo, PhD
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Rudolf Kobetic, MS
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Plan to Share IPD
IPD Sharing Plan Description
De-identified data will be provided upon written request or as part of a journal publication. No personal identifiers or participant codes will be shared.
Learn more about this trial
Stimulation Combined With Powered Motorized Orthoses for Walking After Stroke
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