Short RT Versus RCT,Followed by Chemo.and Organ Preservation for Interm and High-risk Rectal Cancer Patients
Rectal Cancer Stage III

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Rectal Cancer Stage III
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- diagnosis of rectal adenocarcinoma localised 0 - 12 cm from the anocutaneous line as measured by rigid rectoscopy (i.e. lower and middle third of the rectum)
- Staging requirements: High-resolution, thin-sliced (i.e. 3mm) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvis is the mandatory local staging procedure.
- MRI-defined inclusion criteria: presence of at least one of the following high-risk conditions:
- any cT3 if the distal extent of the tumor is < 6 cm from the anocutaneous line, or
- cT3c/d in the middle third of the rectum (≥ 6-12 cm) with MRI evidence of extramural tumor spread into the mesorectal fat of more than 5 mm (>cT3b), or
- cT3 with clear cN+ based on strict MRI-criteria
- cT4 tumors, or
- Tany middle/low third of rectum with clear MRI criteria for N+
- mrCRM+ (< 1mm), or
- Extramural venous invasion (EMVI+)
- Trans-rectal endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is additionally used when MRI is not definitive to exclude early cT1/T2 disease in the lower third of the rectum or early cT3a/b tumors in the middle third of the rectum.
- Spiral-CT of the abdomen and chest to exclude distant metastases.
- Aged at least 18 years. No upper age limit.
- WHO/ECOG Performance Status 0-1
- Adequate haematological, hepatic, renal and metabolic function parameters:
- Leukocytes ≥ 3.000/mm^3, ANC ≥ 1.500/mm^3, platelets ≥ 100.000/mm^3, Hb > 9 g/dl
- Serum creatinine ≤ 1.5 x upper limit of normal
- Bilirubin ≤ 2.0 mg/dl, SGOT-SGPT, and AP ≤ 3 x upper limit of normal • Informed consent of the patient
Exclusion Criteria:
- Lower border of the tumor localised more than 12 cm from the anocutaneous line as measured by rigid rectoscopy
- Distant metastases (to be excluded by CT scan of the thorax and abdomen)
- Prior antineoplastic therapy for rectal cancer
- Prior radiotherapy of the pelvic region
- Major surgery within the last 4 weeks prior to inclusion
- Subject pregnant or breast feeding, or planning to become pregnant within 6 months after the end of treatment.
- Subject (male or female) is not willing to use highly effective methods of Contraception during treatment and for 6 months after the end of treatment.
- On-treatment participation in a clinical study in the period 30 days prior to inclusion
- Previous or current drug abuse
- Other concomitant antineoplastic therapy
- Serious concurrent diseases, including neurologic or psychiatric disorders (incl. dementia and uncontrolled seizures), active, uncontrolled infections, active, disseminated coagulation disorder
- Clinically significant cardiovascular disease in (incl. myocardial infarction, unstable angina, symptomatic congestive heart failure, serious uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmia) < 6 months before enrolment
- Prior or concurrent malignancy < 3 years prior to enrolment in study (Exception: non-melanoma Skin cancer or cervical carcinoma FIGO stage 0-1), if the patient is continuously disease-free
- Known allergic reactions on study medication
- Known dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency
- Psychological, familial, sociological or geographical condition potentially hampering compliance with the study protocol and follow-up schedule (these conditions should be discussed with the patient before registration in the trial).
Sites / Locations
- Clincal Center EsslingenRecruiting
- University Clinic FreiburgRecruiting
- University Clinic MannheimRecruiting
- Clinic Ostlab, Staufenclinic Schwaeb.Gmuend, MutlangenRecruiting
- Pi.Tri-Studien GmbH, OffenburgRecruiting
- Medius Clincal Center Ostfildern-RuitRecruiting
- Clinic StuttgartRecruiting
- University Clinic for Radioncology TübingenRecruiting
- University Clinic UlmRecruiting
- Clincal Center "St. Marien" AmbergRecruiting
- Clinic Bayreuth GmbHRecruiting
- Clinical Center CoburgRecruiting
- University Clinic ErlangenRecruiting
- Klinikverbund AllgäuRecruiting
- Technical University Clinic MunichRecruiting
- Technical University MunichRecruiting
- Clincal Center "Bogenhausen" MunichRecruiting
- Hospital "Barmherzige Brüder" RegensburgRecruiting
- University Clinic RegensburgRecruiting
- Clinic Nordoberpfalz AG, Clinic WeidenRecruiting
- University Clinic WürzburgRecruiting
- Clincal Center Helios Bad SaarrowRecruiting
- Clincal Center DarmstadtRecruiting
- Clinic North West gGmbH FrankfurtRecruiting
- Clinic FuldaRecruiting
- DRK Clincal Centers North Hessen Kassel
- University Clinic MarburgRecruiting
- Sana Clinical Center OffenbachRecruiting
- Lahn-Dill Clinics WetzlarRecruiting
- MVZ Oncological Cooperation HarzRecruiting
- University Clinic GöttingenRecruiting
- Hematological-Oncological Practice Dr. Oleg Rubanov, HamelnRecruiting
- Medical Project HannoverRecruiting
- "St. Bernward" Clincal Center HildesheimRecruiting
- Oncology in Medicinum HildesheimRecruiting
- Oncology UnterEms, LeerRecruiting
- Pius Hospital, OldenburgRecruiting
- University Clinic OldenburgRecruiting
- Clinic WolfsburgRecruiting
- University Clinic RostockRecruiting
- St. Josef Hospital of the catholic clinic BochumRecruiting
- Brother clinic St. Josef, PaderbornRecruiting
- Evangelical Clinic WeselRecruiting
- Franziskus Hospital Bielefeld
- Hospital BochumRecruiting
- Clinic Lippe GmbH (Lemgo/Detmold)Recruiting
- University Clinic EssenRecruiting
- Clinical Center "Essen Mitte"Recruiting
- Clinic Maria Hilf GmbHRecruiting
- St. Vincenz Hospital PaderbornRecruiting
- Prosper Hospital RecklinghausenRecruiting
- Mathias-Spital, RheineRecruiting
- University Clinic MainzRecruiting
- Clinical Center "Mutterhaus" TrierRecruiting
- CaritasClinic SaarbrückenRecruiting
- University Clinic Magdeburg
- Clincal Center ChemnitzRecruiting
- Radiotherapy Practice Dr. A. Schreiber, DresdenRecruiting
- Oncology Practice DresdenRecruiting
- University Clinic LeipzigRecruiting
- Clinic Sankt Georg gGmbH, LeipzigRecruiting
- University Clinic Kiel
- Vivantes Clincial Center in FriedrichshainRecruiting
- Clincal Center Helios Berlin BuchRecruiting
- Ev. Waldkrankenhaus, Spandau,Recruiting
- Helios Klinikum Berlin Emil von Behring
- Klinikum Bielefeld
- Onkologische SchwerpunktpraxisRecruiting
- Department of RadiooncologyRecruiting
- Praxis für Hämatologie und Onkologie
- Universitätsklinikum HalleRecruiting
- Alexianer Krefeld GmbH / Maria Hilf Krankenhaus
- Uniklinik Schleswig Holstein
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer KlinikRecruiting
- Med. Statistik Saarbrücken GgR
- Schwarzwald-Baar-KlinikenRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Control arm
Experimental arm
In the control arm patients receive 5x5 Gy followed by 9 cycles of consolidation chemotherapy mFOLFOX6 or alternatively 6 cycles of CAPOX, followed by re-staging at week 22-24 as established as new preferred neoadjuvant regimen by the RAPIDO trial.
The experimental arm starts with Fluoropyrimidin/Oxaliplatin-based CRT (1.8 Gy to 45 Gy to the primary tumor and pelvic lymph nodes; followed by sequential boost of 9 Gy to the gross tumor volume) followed by consolidation chemotherapy with 6 cycles mFOLFOX6 or alternatively 4 cycles CAPOX, followed by re-staging at week 22-24. In both arms, for patients achieving a clinical complete response (cCR), as strictly assessed by clinical investigation, endoscopy and MRI, a W&W option with close follow-up is scheduled. In case of non-complete response, immediate TME surgery is performed.