Time will be measured to nearest minute for all intervention related activities including initial screening, engagement phone calls, use of CATCH-IT, TEAMS group activities, including travel time to and from TEAMS groups. Time will be measured from adolescent, family, practice, community center, healthcare organization, health system perspective. For time that cannot be directly measured by study staff, the investigators will sample direct observation or questionnaires to capture time required for health system related activities such as screening and engagement.
Cultural acceptability adolescent and family
Cultural acceptability for each stakeholder using appropriate, validated instruments. Adolescent and family: Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease Questionnaire (USE, 30 items, self-report, 7-point Likert scale, 30-210 score range, higher score indicates more acceptable). An example statement is: "I would recommend this to a friend."
Costs will be measured for all stakeholders. For practice, community center, healthcare organizations, health systems, cost will be measured to nearest dollar by converting time measures into employment related costs based on mean wages an benefits for staff at that occupational level. Adolescent and family costs will be measured by converting time into mean hourly wages and benefits for adolescent and family members involved in the project (based on mean wage for age and occupation).
Depressive and mental disorder episodes
Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents (MINI Kid, self-report). This is a structured psychiatric interview administered by a trained staff member which uses stem questions and follow-ups to determine the presence of symptoms and date of onset. The staff member then determines if and when the symptoms developed an episode is present. Measure is either episode present or not and date of onset.
Stress symptoms
Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D, 20 items, self-report, measured in frequency, 0,"not at all" to 3, "nearly every day in last week, 0-60 score range, higher score indicates more depressed)
Resiliency will be measured across multiple domains. To assess resiliency in terms of coping skills, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC, 10 items, self-report, 4 levels of response, 0-40 score range, higher score indicates better coping skills)
Social Adjustment Scale Self-Report (SAS-SR, 23-items, self-report, 5-point Likert scale, 23-115 score range, higher score indicates higher levels of social adjustment) administered to adolescents only.
Relationships (Life Events)
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) Life Events Scale (19-items, self-report) administered to adolescents only.
Socio-cultural Relevance
The Socio-Cultural Relevance Scale (10-item and 14-item versions, self-report, 5-point Likert scale, 10-40 or 14-56 score ranges, higher score indicates greater socio-cultural relevance) will assess perceived change and satisfaction with the intervention, component of cultural acceptability to adolescent)
Organizational Readiness to Change Assessment
Organizational Readiness to Change Assessment (ORCA, 18 questions, 4 items per question, self-report, 5-point Likert scale, 18-90 score range, higher score indicates higher organizational readiness, component of cultural acceptability to practice, community center, healthcare organizations, health systems)
Intervention Sustainability
Program Sustainability Assessment Tool (PSAT, 8 questions, self-report 5 items per question, 7-point Likert scale, 8-56 score range, higher score indicates higher capacity for program sustainability, component of cultural acceptability to practice, community center, healthcare organizations, health systems)
Acceptability of Intervention
Acceptability of Intervention Measure (AIM, 1 question with 4 items, self-report, 5-point Likert scale, 1-5 score range, higher score indicates greater acceptability of intervention, to be completed by all staff and leadership, repeatedly, component of cultural acceptability to practice, community center, healthcare organizations, health systems)
Feasibility of Intervention
Feasibility of Intervention Measure (FIM, 1 question with 4 items, self-report, 5-point Likert scale, 1-5 score range, higher score indicates greater feasibility of intervention, to be completed by all staff and leadership, repeatedly, component of cultural acceptability to practice, community center, healthcare organizations, health systems)
Intervention Appropriateness
Intervention Appropriateness Measure (IAM, 1 question with 4 items, self-report, 5-point Likert scale, 1-5 score range, higher score indicates greater appropriateness of intervention, to be completed by all staff and leadership, repeatedly, component of cultural acceptability to practice, community center, healthcare organizations, health systems)
Depressive Symptoms
Patient Health Questionnaire-Adolescent (PHQ-A, 9 items plus 4 follow-up items, self-report, 3-point Likert scale, 0-27 score range, higher score indicates more depression symptoms/severity)
Externalizing Behavior Symptoms
Disruptive Behavior Disorders Rating Scale-Adolescent (DBD-A, 41-items, self-report, 4-point Likert scale, 0-123 score range, higher score indicates greater externalizing symptoms)
Anxiety Symptoms
Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED, 41-items, self-report, 3-point Likert scale, 0-82 score range, higher score indicates greater anxiety symptoms)
Substance Abuse Symptoms
Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Friends, Trouble substance use assessment (CRAFFT, 6 items, self-report, 2-point scale, 0-6 score range, higher score indicates greater substance abuse symptoms)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms
Child Post Traumatic Symptoms Disorder Scale (24-items, self-report, 4-point Likert scale, 0-72 score range, higher score indicates greater PTSD symptom levels)
Tendency towards rumination will be assessed by the Children's Response Style Scale (CRSS, 10-items, self-report, 5-point Likert scale, 0-50 score range, higher score indicates greater rumination (more repeated negative thinking, less resilient, component of resiliency)
Dysfunctional Attitudes
The Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS, 9-item, self-report, 7-point Likert scale, 9-63 score range, higher score indicates more dysfunctional attitude, less resiliency, component of resiliency)
Child Report of Parental Behavior Inventory (CRPBI, 30-item, self-report, 3-point Likert scale, 0-60 score range, higher scores indicate more positive parent child relationship).
Blood Pressure
Measured in millimeters of mercury
Body Mass Index
Calculated by measuring height (centimeters) and weight (kilogram) to calculate kg/meters squared (BMI, Body Mass Index)
Measured in kilograms by standard medical office scale, fully clothed participant
Measure by standard medical office practice measure, without shoes, in centimeters
Recruiting model and comparative effectiveness outcomes
With the addition of a second cohort to be recruited through a public health media campaign, we will compare results between groups in each arm, and between the two recruitment models. We will compare implementation and clinical outcomes in the same trial arm, but also across the two recruiting methods.