Dichoptic Treatment vs. Patching for Moderate Anisometropic Amblyopia
Amblyopia, Anisometropia

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Amblyopia
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients with anisometropic amblyopia who had proper optical correction using spectacles or contact lenses for the past 6 weeks. Anisometropic amblyopia will be defined as difference > 0.3 logMAR lines in best-corrected visual acuity with difference in the spherical equivalent of both eyes > 1 D, in the absence of other causes for amblyopia such as organic causes, or manifest strabismus < 5 PD by simultaneous prism and cover test. Patients will be included in the study only if they had no treatment for amblyopia for the past month other than spectacles and/or contact lenses.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients with development delay
- Prior ocular surgery
- Co-existing ocular disease
- Patients with allergy to patch material
- History of problems with prior use of virtual reality systems
Sites / Locations
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Dichoptic arm
Dichoptic visual training will be performed with the patient wearing his spectacles using the computer game included in Vivid Vision (Vivid Vision, San Francisco, USA) which will be run in the Oculus Rift OC CV1 virtual reality head mounted display (Oculus VR, Menlo Park, California, USA). Each subject will have 20 treatment sessions, divided into 1 hour-sessions performed twice a week for 10 weeks. Each session will be 60 minutes. Adherence to the treatment regimen will be assessed by the number of hours spent in training at the end of 5th week.
Patients in the control group will be instructed to continue wearing spectacles if required. Patients will be prescribed two continuous hours of daily patching with at least one hour of near activities during patching. Adhesive skin patches will be provided by the study. The parent/patient will be instructed to spend at least one of the hours of patching time each day performing eye-hand coordination activities at near. Adherence to the treatment protocol will be assessed by having the parent call / send a message to an investigator at the start and end of the occlusion sessions completed each day, thus making the most as accurate as possible assessment of the patient's adherence to the prescribed treatment