A Peer Navigator Model to Improve Quit Attempts and Smoking Cessation Rates Among HIV-positive Smokers (P-NAV)
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for HIV focused on measuring HIV, HIV Virus, smoking, smoking cessation, peer navigator, social support, self efficacy, quit smoking, smoking treatment, quitting smoking
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- diagnosed with HIV
- at least 18 years of age
- smoke at least 5 cigarettes per day for longer than one year
- have an exhaled carbon monoxide (CO) level greater than 5 at baseline
Exclusion Criteria:
- currently using pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation
- an unstable medical or psychiatric condition (defined as a medical or psychiatric hospitalization in the 30 days prior to enrollment)
- experiencing psychotic symptoms
- past-month suicidal ideation or past-year suicide attempt
- pregnant or nursing
- Blood pressure reading greater than 160/100
- Heart Rate less than 45 or greater than 115
- family/household member already enrolled
Sites / Locations
- Miriam Immunology Center
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
peer navigation social support for smoking cessation
Standard Condition
36 HIV-positive smokers will have a 30-minute session with the study nurse to discuss smoking cessation. They will also discuss the importance of social support for quitting and the role of a Peer Navigator. Those participants who set a quit date will choose medication/s in collaboration with the nurse and/or physician. The Peer Navigator will be introduced and will reinforce adherence to medication. The Peer Navigator will ensure that the patient picks up the medication, and will help to manage side effects via physician/nurse consultation. The Peer Navigator will provide social support for quitting via weekly phone calls for 12 weeks.
36 HIV-positive smokers will receive standard care. Participants will meet for a 30-minute session with a study nurse. They will receive counseling based on the 5A's. The nurse will ask about current smoking habits, advise the participant to quit, assess readiness to quit, and assist by providing resources (community programs, Quit line phone number). The nurse will calculate Lung Age which will serve as a motivation tool to encourage smokers to quit. Those willing to set a quit date will be instructed to call their physician for cessation medication and will provided with the National Cancer Institute self-help pamphlet. Those participants not willing to set a quit date will be instructed to contact their physician when they are ready.