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MHealth Intervention of HIV and STDs Partner Notification for MSM

Primary Purpose

HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Prevention

Unknown status
Not Applicable
Study Type
Health education, and regular HIV and STDs testing prompting service
Health status inquiry through app (partner notification)
Sponsored by
National Institute on Drug Dependence, China
Full info

About this trial

This is an interventional prevention trial for HIV/AIDS focused on measuring HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted disease (STD), men who have sex with men (MSM), partner notification, mHealth application, stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial

Eligibility Criteria

15 Years - undefined (Child, Adult, Older Adult)MaleAccepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion criteria:

  1. biologically male,
  2. had oral or anal sex with men at least once during their lifetime,
  3. 15 years of age or older,
  4. had no difficulty using a mobile phone,
  5. willing to provide their mobile phone numbers to serve as the unique identification numbers of the app's self-query and partner notification functions,
  6. willing to use the app's function modules,
  7. willing to complete the questionnaire for the research,
  8. willing to continuously receive HIV and STDs testing and consulting services provided by the CBO our research setting at,
  9. willing to complete the informed consent document.

Exclusion criteria:

1.had serious physical disabilities or mental diseases.

Sites / Locations

    Arms of the Study

    Arm 1

    Arm 2

    Arm 3

    Arm 4

    Arm Type





    Arm Label

    Group 1

    Group 2

    Group 3

    Group 4

    Arm Description

    The group is given health education, regular HIV and STDs testing prompting service in the whole study, and permission to query health status (partner notification) through app from the second observation period. HIV and STDs testing and questionnaire are given to the participants when they receive the testing service.

    The group is given health education, regular HIV and STDs testing prompting service in the whole study, and permission to query health status (partner notification) through app from the third observation period. HIV and STDs testing and questionnaire are given to the participants when they receive the testing service.

    The group is given health education, regular HIV and STDs testing prompting service in the whole study, and permission to query health status (partner notification) through app from the fourth observation period. HIV and STDs testing and questionnaire are given to the participants when they receive the testing service.

    The group is given health education, regular HIV and STDs testing prompting service in the whole study, and permission to query health status (partner notification) through app from the fifth observation period. HIV and STDs testing and questionnaire are given to the participants when they receive the testing service.


    Primary Outcome Measures

    HIV positive seroconversion rate (HIV incidence)
    The number of HIV positive seroconversions divided by the total number of person-years.
    Additional cost of the intervention
    The total cost and average cost for per participant of the integrated intervention model and each additional intervention/service based on the existing HIV prevention measures provided as before.

    Secondary Outcome Measures

    Syphilis positive seroconversion rate (Syphilis incidence)
    The number of syphilis seroconversions divided by the total number of person-years.
    Hepatitis B positive seroconversion rate (Hepatitis B incidence)
    The number of hepatitis B seroconversions divided by the total number of person-years.
    Hepatitis C positive seroconversion rate (Hepatitis C incidence)
    The number of hepatitis C seroconversions divided by the total number of person-years.
    HIV and related diseases transmission among social networks
    Based on the partner notification information, we will construct the transmission networks of HIV and other STDs (syphilis, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C) among participants, and analyze the characteristics of these networks and factors associated with transmission of these diseases.
    Testing adherence
    The proportion of participants whose every adjacent testing interval is no more than 3 months as recommended by China CDC.
    Additional cost for finding per seroconversion
    The total additional cost of the integrated intervention model based on the existing HIV prevention measures provided as before divided by the total number of the HIV and STDs seroconversions.
    Frequency of utilization for each intervention/service
    The total frequency and average frequency for per participant of utilization for each intervention/service, such as health education, partner notification, HIV and STDs testing and so on.
    Satisfaction of the interventions and services
    This indicator is measured by the follow-up questionnaires as the degree of satisfaction for participants of HIV and STDs testing service, health education, partner notification and other app's functions.
    Knowledge of HIV and related STDs
    This indicator is measured by the baseline and follow-up questionnaires, and we use the score of knowledge questions in the questionnaires to represent participants' level of knowledge.
    Attitudes of HIV and STDs testing, safe sexual behaviors and partner notification
    The attitudes are collected by these questions in the baseline and follow-up questionnaires.
    Sexual behaviors
    They are measured by questionnaires, including questions about the number of different kinds of sexual partners, frequency of anal sex, condom use, and partner notification implementation.
    Substance use behaviors
    This indicator is measured by questionnaires about participants' usage about methamphetamine, heroin, ecstasy, and some other sex-promoting drugs.
    Psychological status
    SAS (self-rating anxiety) scale and SDS (self-rating depression) scale are used to measure participants' psychological status through questionnaires. The higher scores of the two scares mean the worse outcomes.
    Referral rate of HIV and related STDs
    The proportion of new HIV and STDs infections who have received treatment.

    Full Information

    First Posted
    April 10, 2020
    Last Updated
    May 25, 2020
    National Institute on Drug Dependence, China
    Man Wellness Center, Beijing, China

    1. Study Identification

    Unique Protocol Identification Number
    Brief Title
    MHealth Intervention of HIV and STDs Partner Notification for MSM
    Official Title
    The Effect of Providing mHealth Intervention of Partner Notification to Protect MSM From HIV and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Infection: a Pragmatic Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
    Study Type

    2. Study Status

    Record Verification Date
    May 2020
    Overall Recruitment Status
    Unknown status
    Study Start Date
    July 1, 2020 (Anticipated)
    Primary Completion Date
    December 31, 2022 (Anticipated)
    Study Completion Date
    June 30, 2023 (Anticipated)

    3. Sponsor/Collaborators

    Responsible Party, by Official Title
    Principal Investigator
    Name of the Sponsor
    National Institute on Drug Dependence, China
    Man Wellness Center, Beijing, China

    4. Oversight

    Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
    Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
    Data Monitoring Committee

    5. Study Description

    Brief Summary
    Men who have sex with men (MSM) have become a focus of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD) control in China. Most of MSM who seek causal partners through online dating platforms do not know their sexual partners' real HIV and STDs infection status, which leads to more high risk status, especially for sexual behaviors. Effective Internet-based partner notification is urgently warranted to increase their risk awareness and prevent HIV and STDs transmission. This study developed an app which can help MSM to query recent HIV and other STDs statuses each other from the testing platform in order that they can find a relatively safety sexual partners and reduce risk of HIV infection.
    Detailed Description
    Because most of the recent "Partner Notification" methods are a kind of afterwards remedial measures and will fail to find some of the infected MSM, researchers propose a preventive measures before they meet together. For MSM who are seeking potential sexual partners through Internet, researchers will encourage them to query health status before they decide to meet each other in order to promote their healthy self-responsibility consciousnes including avoiding HIV and other STDs infection, which will form a real ,digital MSM cohort. Researchers designed a pragmatic stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of an intervention paradigm that provides HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C status partner notification based on the existing HIV and STDs control methods through an mHealth application (app), to reduce HIV and STDs incidences among MSM in China. More than 6000 MSM of 16 districts in Beijing, China will be grouped into four arms, each arm will cover four indepednent districts of Beijing randomly. The four arms will be randomized to sequentially initiate partner notification intervention through the app at 6-month intervals. All participants will be provided informed consent in the app after a full explanation of the protocol design. Researchers expect that the HIV incidence will be significantly lower and the secondary outcomes will also be better after partner notification intervention. The feasible and affordable public health management paradigm will have implications for HIV and STDs prevention and control among MSM and other key populations.

    6. Conditions and Keywords

    Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
    HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Prevention
    HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted disease (STD), men who have sex with men (MSM), partner notification, mHealth application, stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial

    7. Study Design

    Primary Purpose
    Study Phase
    Not Applicable
    Interventional Study Model
    Crossover Assignment
    Model Description
    This study is not a conventional crossover design,we use a pragmatic stepped-wedge cluster-randomised design.The study lasts for 2.5 years, which is divided to five continuous observation periods (every six months).The sixteen districts are assigned to four arms randomly.Four arms began recruiting participants at the same time,and at the first observation period,all groups were given health education and regular HIV and STDs testing prompting service,the two services above are given continuously for five observation periods.At the second observation period,the first group is given permission to query health status (partner notification) through app,but the other three groups do not.At every observation period after that (the third to fifth observation period),the three groups will be given permission to query health status one by one.Once a group is given the permission,it is retained until the end of study.
    Outcomes Assessor
    Masking Description
    Because partner notification is a kind of behavioral intervention, participants know what intervention they receive. However, we take efforts to reduce the bias caused by the non-blind design. At the beginning of the research, participants, care providers, and researchers who participate in participants management will not know the randomized scheme. The partner notification will be opened to participants sequentially by the predetermined computer program, and does not need care providers and researchers to implement the intervention manually. The care providers and researchers do not know the implementation of partner notification unless the participants tell them whether they can use the function on their own initiative. Even the care providers know that, the operation and results of the HIV and STDs testing will not be affected. At last, the outcomes assessors do not know the randomized scheme in data analysis.
    6172 (Anticipated)

    8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions

    Arm Title
    Group 1
    Arm Type
    Arm Description
    The group is given health education, regular HIV and STDs testing prompting service in the whole study, and permission to query health status (partner notification) through app from the second observation period. HIV and STDs testing and questionnaire are given to the participants when they receive the testing service.
    Arm Title
    Group 2
    Arm Type
    Arm Description
    The group is given health education, regular HIV and STDs testing prompting service in the whole study, and permission to query health status (partner notification) through app from the third observation period. HIV and STDs testing and questionnaire are given to the participants when they receive the testing service.
    Arm Title
    Group 3
    Arm Type
    Arm Description
    The group is given health education, regular HIV and STDs testing prompting service in the whole study, and permission to query health status (partner notification) through app from the fourth observation period. HIV and STDs testing and questionnaire are given to the participants when they receive the testing service.
    Arm Title
    Group 4
    Arm Type
    Arm Description
    The group is given health education, regular HIV and STDs testing prompting service in the whole study, and permission to query health status (partner notification) through app from the fifth observation period. HIV and STDs testing and questionnaire are given to the participants when they receive the testing service.
    Intervention Type
    Intervention Name(s)
    Health education, and regular HIV and STDs testing prompting service
    Intervention Description
    Health education through app for once a week, and regular HIV and STDs testing prompting service (every month through app) are given to the participants at the beginning of the study and last for the whole five observation periods.
    Intervention Type
    Intervention Name(s)
    Health status inquiry through app (partner notification)
    Intervention Description
    The permission to query health status through app (partner notification) is given to participants (participants can query their potential sexual partner's status of HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C respectively through app) at the specific observation period,and the permission is retained until the end of study.
    Primary Outcome Measure Information:
    HIV positive seroconversion rate (HIV incidence)
    The number of HIV positive seroconversions divided by the total number of person-years.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    Additional cost of the intervention
    The total cost and average cost for per participant of the integrated intervention model and each additional intervention/service based on the existing HIV prevention measures provided as before.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
    Syphilis positive seroconversion rate (Syphilis incidence)
    The number of syphilis seroconversions divided by the total number of person-years.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    Hepatitis B positive seroconversion rate (Hepatitis B incidence)
    The number of hepatitis B seroconversions divided by the total number of person-years.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    Hepatitis C positive seroconversion rate (Hepatitis C incidence)
    The number of hepatitis C seroconversions divided by the total number of person-years.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    HIV and related diseases transmission among social networks
    Based on the partner notification information, we will construct the transmission networks of HIV and other STDs (syphilis, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C) among participants, and analyze the characteristics of these networks and factors associated with transmission of these diseases.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of 1 year
    Testing adherence
    The proportion of participants whose every adjacent testing interval is no more than 3 months as recommended by China CDC.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of 1 year
    Additional cost for finding per seroconversion
    The total additional cost of the integrated intervention model based on the existing HIV prevention measures provided as before divided by the total number of the HIV and STDs seroconversions.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    Frequency of utilization for each intervention/service
    The total frequency and average frequency for per participant of utilization for each intervention/service, such as health education, partner notification, HIV and STDs testing and so on.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    Satisfaction of the interventions and services
    This indicator is measured by the follow-up questionnaires as the degree of satisfaction for participants of HIV and STDs testing service, health education, partner notification and other app's functions.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    Knowledge of HIV and related STDs
    This indicator is measured by the baseline and follow-up questionnaires, and we use the score of knowledge questions in the questionnaires to represent participants' level of knowledge.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    Attitudes of HIV and STDs testing, safe sexual behaviors and partner notification
    The attitudes are collected by these questions in the baseline and follow-up questionnaires.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    Sexual behaviors
    They are measured by questionnaires, including questions about the number of different kinds of sexual partners, frequency of anal sex, condom use, and partner notification implementation.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    Substance use behaviors
    This indicator is measured by questionnaires about participants' usage about methamphetamine, heroin, ecstasy, and some other sex-promoting drugs.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    Psychological status
    SAS (self-rating anxiety) scale and SDS (self-rating depression) scale are used to measure participants' psychological status through questionnaires. The higher scores of the two scares mean the worse outcomes.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months
    Referral rate of HIV and related STDs
    The proportion of new HIV and STDs infections who have received treatment.
    Time Frame
    through study completion, an average of six months

    10. Eligibility

    Minimum Age & Unit of Time
    15 Years
    Accepts Healthy Volunteers
    Accepts Healthy Volunteers
    Eligibility Criteria
    Inclusion criteria: biologically male, had oral or anal sex with men at least once during their lifetime, 15 years of age or older, had no difficulty using a mobile phone, willing to provide their mobile phone numbers to serve as the unique identification numbers of the app's self-query and partner notification functions, willing to use the app's function modules, willing to complete the questionnaire for the research, willing to continuously receive HIV and STDs testing and consulting services provided by the CBO our research setting at, willing to complete the informed consent document. Exclusion criteria: 1.had serious physical disabilities or mental diseases.
    Central Contact Person:
    First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
    Zhongwei Jia, Prof. PhD
    First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
    Xiangyu Yan, PhD
    Overall Study Officials:
    First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
    Zhongwei Jia, Prof. PhD
    Organizational Affiliation
    National Institute on Drug Dependence, Peking University,China
    Official's Role
    Principal Investigator

    12. IPD Sharing Statement

    Plan to Share IPD
    IPD Sharing Plan Description
    Study Protocol,part of study report and data will be published in journals; Researchers can contact the principal investigator(PI:ZhongweiJia) for IPD through email two years after the end of the trial.
    IPD Sharing Time Frame
    Two years after the end of the trial
    IPD Sharing Access Criteria
    Data applicants should send email to PI. Real personal basic information (name, unit, title, etc.), detailed description of required data (required variables,etc.), and research plan should be included in the email. Our team will discuss the research proposal and reply as soon as possible
    PubMed Identifier
    Brown LB, Miller WC, Kamanga G, Nyirenda N, Mmodzi P, Pettifor A, Dominik RC, Kaufman JS, Mapanje C, Martinson F, Cohen MS, Hoffman IF. HIV partner notification is effective and feasible in sub-Saharan Africa: opportunities for HIV treatment and prevention. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2011 Apr 15;56(5):437-42. doi: 10.1097/qai.0b013e318202bf7d.
    Results Reference
    PubMed Identifier
    Tsega A, Udeagu CC, Begier EM. A comparison of partner notification effectiveness in African-, Caribbean-, and United States-born HIV-infected Blacks in New York City. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2012 Jul;26(7):406-10. doi: 10.1089/apc.2011.0313. Epub 2012 Jun 4.
    Results Reference
    PubMed Identifier
    Rosenberg NE, Mtande TK, Saidi F, Stanley C, Jere E, Paile L, Kumwenda K, Mofolo I, Ng'ambi W, Miller WC, Hoffman I, Hosseinipour M. Recruiting male partners for couple HIV testing and counselling in Malawi's option B+ programme: an unblinded randomised controlled trial. Lancet HIV. 2015 Nov;2(11):e483-91. doi: 10.1016/S2352-3018(15)00182-4. Epub 2015 Oct 22.
    Results Reference
    PubMed Identifier
    Yan X, Lu Z, Zhang B, Li Y, Tang W, Zhang L, Jia Z. Protecting Men Who Have Sex With Men From HIV Infection With an mHealth App for Partner Notification: Observational Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2020 Feb 19;8(2):e14457. doi: 10.2196/14457.
    Results Reference
    PubMed Identifier
    Yan X, Li Y, Su H, Xing Y, Zhang B, Lu Z, Jia Z. Protect MSM from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases by providing mobile health services of partner notification: protocol for a pragmatic stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 2020 Jul 14;20(1):1107. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09162-x.
    Results Reference
    NCAIDS, NCSTD, China CDC. Guidelines on HIV/AIDS Prevention Interventions for Men Who Have Sex With Men. 2016.

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    MHealth Intervention of HIV and STDs Partner Notification for MSM

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