Changes in Clinical Efficacy of Prebiotic/Probiotic Dietary Modulation in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Personal and Social Functioning Scale (categorized PSP) outcome: discrete. Scoring interval (range 10 points: 0-100) in relation to the degree of dysfunction of the areas: self-care, personal and social relationships, socially functional activities (work/study), disturbing and aggressive behaviour. To establish the final decimal point of this interval, 10 functional aspects must be scored (YES: 1 point, NO: 0 points). Finally, the higher the score, the better the patient's functional level.
Changes in Clinical Efficacy of Prebiotic/Probiotic Dietary Modulation in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Scale for Positive and Negative Schizophrenia Syndrome (categorized PANSS): discrete. It provides four dimensional scores: Positive syndrome, Negative syndrome, Compound scale, General psychopathology.
The score on the positive (PANSS-P) is obtained by adding up the scores of each item. The scores will therefore range from 7 to 49 for the positive scale..
There are no cut-off points for the direct scores obtained, but these are transformed by means of a conversion table into percentiles. Futhermore, PANSS also provides categorical information, indicating whether the schizophrenic disorder is positive, negative or mixed.
Changes in Clinical Efficacy of Prebiotic/Probiotic Dietary Modulation in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Scale for Positive and Negative Schizophrenia Syndrome (categorized PANSS): discrete. It provides four dimensional scores: Positive syndrome, Negative syndrome, Compound scale, General psychopathology.
The score on the negative (PANSS-N) is obtained by adding up the scores of each item. The scores will therefore range from 7 to 49 for the negative scale..
There are no cut-off points for the direct scores obtained, but these are transformed by means of a conversion table into percentiles. Futhermore, PANSS also provides categorical information, indicating whether the schizophrenic disorder is positive, negative or mixed.
Changes in Clinical Efficacy of Prebiotic/Probiotic Dietary Modulation in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Scale for Positive and Negative Schizophrenia Syndrome (categorized PANSS): discrete. It provides four dimensional scores: Positive syndrome, Negative syndrome, Compound scale, General psychopathology.
The score on the general psychopathology (PANSS-PG) scale is obtained by adding up the scores of each item. The scores will therefore rangd from 16 to 112 for the general psychopathology.
There are no cut-off points for the direct scores obtained, but these are transformed by means of a conversion table into percentiles. Futhermore, PANSS also provides categorical information, indicating whether the schizophrenic disorder is positive, negative or mixed.
Changes in Clinical Efficacy of Prebiotic/Probiotic Dietary Modulation in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Scale for Positive and Negative Schizophrenia Syndrome (categorized PANSS): discrete. It provides four dimensional scores: Positive syndrome, Negative syndrome, Compound scale, General psychopathology.
The score on the composite scale (PANNS-C) is obtained by subtracting the score on the negative scale from the score on the positive scale. This scale can have positive or negative valence, ranging from -42 to + 42.
There are no cut-off points for the direct scores obtained, but these are transformed by means of a conversion table into percentiles. Futhermore, PANSS also provides categorical information, indicating whether the schizophrenic disorder is positive, negative or mixed.
Changes in Adherence to the Proposed Dietary Pattern in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Food Consumption Frequency Questionnaire (CFCA) result: continuous. For the proper analysis of this document, it is necessary to transform the answers obtained from the Food Consumption Frequency Questionnaire -FCA- into the number of times each item was consumed per week and into the number of times it was consumed per day. The g/day was then calculated by multiplying the frequencies of consumption of each item by the weight of the usual consumption ration of each item (Weight of Ration of Items table -PRI-). Finally, the energy and nutritional value was calculated by applying the Adapted Food Composition table (AFC): first the consumption in the population of all the foods included in each item was added; then, the proportion of this total provided by each of these foods was calculated
Improvement on Cardiometabolic Profile
- Weight (kg, continuous).
Improvement on Cardiometabolic Profile
- Height (cm, continuous), circumference (cm, continuous).
Improvement on Cardiometabolic Profile
- BMI: Weight and height will be combined to report BMI in kg/m^2 (continous).
Improvement on Cardiometabolic Profile
- Systolic blood pressure (mmHg, continuous), diastolic blood pressure (mmHg, continuous).
Improvement on Cardiometabolic Profile
- Heart rate (ppm, discrete).
Improvement on Cardiometabolic Profile
- Biochemical profile: glucose (mg/dL, discrete), cholesterol (mg/dL, discrete), triglycerides (mg/dL, discrete), C-HDL (mg/dL, discrete), C-LDL (mg/dL, discrete), total cholesterol/C-HDL (mg/dL, discrete).
Improvement on Cardiometabolic Profile
- Biochemical profile: LDH (IU/L, discrete).
Changes in Blood Test Variables in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Haematological profile: Red blood cells (x10e6/mm3, continuous).
Changes in Blood Test Variables in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Haematological profile: Haemoglobin (g/dL, continuous), C.H.C.M. (g/dL, discrete).
Changes in Blood Test Variables in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Haematological profile: Haematocrit (%, continuous), R.D.W (%, continuous)..
Changes in Blood Test Variables in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Haematological profile: M.C.V. (fL, discrete), M.P.V. (fL, discrete).
Changes in Blood Test Variables in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Haematological profile: H.C.M. (pg ,discrete).
Changes in Blood Test Variables in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Haematological profile: Leukocytes (x10e3/mm3, discrete).
Changes in Blood Test Variables in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Haematological profile: Neutrophils (x10e3/m, continuous), lymphocytes (x10e3/m, continuous), monocytes (x10e3/m, continuous), eosinophils (x10e3/m, continuous), basophils (x10e3/m, continuous), platelets (x10e3/mm3, discrete).
Changes in Other Biochemical Parameters
- Biochemical profile:
ALT/GPT (IU/L, discrete), G-GT (IU/L, discrete), FAL (IU/L, discrete) a-HBs (UI/L, continuous), LUES (UI/L, nominal/discrete), a-HAV-M (UI/L, nominal/discrete), a-HCV (UI/L, nominal/discrete), HBsAg (UI/L, nominal/discrete), a-HBC-IgG (UI/L, nominal/discrete).
Changes in Other Biochemical Parameters
- Biochemical profile: Na+/K+ (mEq/L, discrete/continuous, respectively), Cl- (mEq/L, continuous), Ca2+ (mEq/L, continuous).
Changes in Other Biochemical Parameters
- Biochemical profile: Urate (mg/dL, continuous), creatinine (mg/dL, continuous).
Changes in Other Biochemical Parameters
- Biochemical profile: HbA1c (%, continuous).
Changes in Other Biochemical Parameters
- Biochemical profile: HbA1c IFCC (mmol/mol, continuous).
Changes in Other Biochemical Parameters
- Biochemical profile: Fructosamine (mcmol/L, discrete).
Changes in Other Biochemical Parameters
- Biochemical profile: Fe2+ (mcg/dL, discrete), FRT (mcg/dL, discrete), folate (mcg/dL, continuous).
Changes in Other Biochemical Parameters
- Biochemical profile:Vit.B12 (ng/mL, discrete), vit.D total (D2+D3) 25-OH (ng/mL, discrete).
Changes in Other Biochemical Parameters
- Biochemical profile: Glomerular filtrate estimation (mL/min/1,73 m^2, discrete).
Changes in Other Biochemical Parameters
- Biochemical profile: TSH (mU/L, continuous).
Changes in Other Biochemical Parameters
- Biochemical profile: PRL (ng/dL, continuous).
Changes in Other Biochemical Parameters
- Biochemical profile:
Na+/K+ (mEq/L, discrete/continuous, respectively), Cl- (mEq/L, continuous), Ca2+ (mEq/L, continuous),
Changes in Stool Culture in 6 Months of Intervention
-- Stool Culture: General bacteriology - Usual mixed flora/disbiosis: Salmonella spp (nominal), Shigella spp (nominal), Yersinia spp (nominal), Hafnia alvei (nominal), Aermonas spp (nominal), Campylobacter spp (nominal) -.