A Randomized Trial to Evaluate Sequential vs Simultaneous Patching (ATS22)

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Amblyopia focused on measuring patching, glasses, spectacles, simultaneous, sequential
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age 3 to <13 years at the time of randomization
Amblyopia associated with anisometropia, strabismus, or both
o Criteria for strabismic amblyopia: At least one of the following must be met:
- Presence of a heterotropia on examination at distance or near fixation (with or without optical correction)
Documented history of strabismus which is no longer present (which in the judgment of the investigator could have caused amblyopia)
Criteria for anisometropia: At least one of the following criteria must be met:
- 1.00 D difference between eyes in spherical equivalent (SE)
- 1.50 D difference in astigmatism between corresponding meridians in the two eyes
- Criteria for combined-mechanism amblyopia: Both of the following criteria must be met:
Criteria for strabismus are met (see above)
- 1.00 D difference between eyes in spherical equivalent OR ≥1.50 D difference in astigmatism between corresponding meridians in the two eyes
- No previous treatment for amblyopia, including no more than 24 hours of spectacle wear.
Investigator planning to initiate spectacle correction of refractive error meeting the following criteria based on a cycloplegic refraction that has been performed within 30 days:
- Full correction of anisometropia
- Full correction of astigmatism with the same axis found by the cycloplegic refraction
- Full correction of any myopia
- Hyperopia must not be under corrected by more than 1.50 D, and reduction in plus sphere must be symmetric in the two eyes.
At enrollment, single VA measured in each eye assessed in trial frames with the spectacle correction the investigator plans to prescribe, using the investigator's routine method as follows:
- VA in the amblyopic eye 20/40 to 20/200 inclusive.
Age-normal VA in the fellow eye:40,41
- 3 years: 0.4 logMAR (20/50) or better
- 4 years: 0.3 logMAR (20/40) or better
- 5-6 years: 0.2 logMAR (20/32) or better
- 7-12 years: 0.12 logMAR (78 letters) or better
- Interocular difference ≥ 3 logMAR lines (0.3 logMAR) or ≥ 15 letters o When participants return for the Spectacle Baseline / Randomization Visit with their new spectacles, they will need to meet the same criteria as above using the ATS-HOTV or E-ETDRS protocol after wearing the new spectacles for at least 10 minutes (based upon the mean of a test and retest of VA in those new spectacles).
- Investigator is willing to prescribe spectacle wear followed sequentially by patching or simultaneous spectacles and patching treatment per protocol.
- Parent understands the protocol and is willing to accept randomization.
- Parent has phone (or access to phone) and is willing to be contacted by Jaeb Center staff or other study staff.
- Relocation outside of area of an active PEDIG site for this study within the next 56 weeks is not anticipated.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Myopia greater than -6.00 D spherical equivalent in either eye.
- Previous intraocular or refractive surgery.
- Planned strabismus surgery in the next 56 weeks.
- Any previous treatment for amblyopia (patching, atropine, Bangerter filter, vision therapy, or binocular treatment).
- Previous spectacle or contact lens wear for more than 24 hours.
- Parent and participant willing to forego option of contact lens wear for the duration of the study.
- Ocular co-morbidity that may reduce VA determined by an ocular examination performed within the past 7 months (Note: nystagmus per se does not exclude the participant if the above VA criteria are met).
- Severe developmental delay that would interfere with treatment or evaluation (in the opinion of the investigator). Participants with mild speech delay or reading and/or learning disabilities or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are not excluded.
- Known allergy to adhesive patches.
- Known allergy to silicone.
Sites / Locations
- University of Alabama at BirminghamRecruiting
- Midwestern University Eye InstituteRecruiting
- University of ArizonaRecruiting
- Marshall B. Ketchum UniversityRecruiting
- Loma Linda University Health Care, Dept. of OphthalmologyRecruiting
- Stanford UniversityRecruiting
- Western University College of OptometryRecruiting
- Eye Physicians & Surgeons, PCRecruiting
- Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry, The Eye InstituteRecruiting
- Nemours Children's ClinicRecruiting
- St Luke's HospitalRecruiting
- Ticho Eye AssociatesRecruiting
- Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of ChicagoRecruiting
- Midwestern U Chicago College of OptometryRecruiting
- Progressive Eye CareRecruiting
- Indiana School of OptometryRecruiting
- Indiana University School of OptometryRecruiting
- Wolfe Eye ClinicRecruiting
- Wilmer Eye InstituteRecruiting
- Boston Medical CenterRecruiting
- Boston Children's Hospital WalthamRecruiting
- Helen DeVos Children's Hospital Pediatric OphthalmologyRecruiting
- Mayo ClinicRecruiting
- PineCone Vision CenterRecruiting
- Children's Mercy Hospitals and ClinicsRecruiting
- St. Louis Children's Hospital Eye CenterRecruiting
- U of MO St. Louis College of OptometryRecruiting
- University of Nebraska Medical CenterRecruiting
- Ross Eye Institute, University of Buffalo, Med School Dept OphthalmologyRecruiting
- State University of New York, College of OptometryRecruiting
- University of North CarolinaRecruiting
- Duke University Eye CenterRecruiting
- Cincinnati Children's HospitalRecruiting
- Ohio State University College of OptometryRecruiting
- Dean A. McGee Eye InstituteRecruiting
- River View Family EyecareRecruiting
- Pediatric Ophthalmology of ErieRecruiting
- Conestoga EyeRecruiting
- Wills Eye HospitalRecruiting
- Salus University/Pennsylvania College of OptometryRecruiting
- Southern College of OptometryRecruiting
- Vanderbilt University Medical Center - Vanderbilt Eye InstituteRecruiting
- Pediatric Eye Specialists, LLPRecruiting
- Baylor College of MedicineRecruiting
- Texas Tech University Health Science CenterRecruiting
- San Antonio Eye CenterRecruiting
- University of Incarnate Word Rosenberg School of OptometryRecruiting
- Rocky Mountain Eye Care AssociatesRecruiting
- Virginia Pediatric Eye CenterRecruiting
- Seattle Children's Hospital, University of WashingtonRecruiting
- Spokane Eye Clinical ResearchRecruiting
- Snowy Range Vision CenterRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Sequential treatment
Simultaneous treatment
full-time spectacle correction first, with subsequent patching for 2 hours per day/7 days per week only if needed (no improvement (stable/worsening) and residual)
full-time spectacle correction and part-time patching for 2 hours per day/7 days per week