The Usage of Soda-Water in Gastric Preparation for Magnetically Controlled Capsule Endoscopy
Primary Purpose
Gastric Disease, Capsule Endoscopy
Not Applicable
Study Type
Soda-water instead of pure water to observe gastric filling
Sponsored by
About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Gastric Disease focused on measuring capsule endoscopy, gastric distention, gastric transit time, clinical trial
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Over 18 years and below 75 years of age
- Plan to undergo MCCG examination in Changhai Hospital
Exclusion Criteria:
- dysphagia or symptoms of gastric outlet obstruction, suspected or known intestinal stenosis, overt gastrointestinal bleeding, fistulas and strictures;
- history of gastrointestinal surgery or suspected delayed gastric emptying;
- Implanted metallic devices such aspacemakers, defibrillators, artificial heart valves or joint prostheses;
- Allergic to high molecular materials such as simethicone and streptozyme;
- Pregnancy or mentally ill person;
- currently participating in another clinical study;
Sites / Locations
- Changhai Hospital
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm Type
No Intervention
Arm Label
Soda water
Arm Description
400ml soda water was drunk to obtain good vision before undergoing MCE examination.
900ml clear water(100 ml water of simethicone solution was not included) was drunk to obtain good vision before undergoing MCE examination.
Primary Outcome Measures
Gastric Filling of 0-5 minutes
According to the extension of gastric plica on the great curvature, the score of gastric filling is ranged from 1 to 5 as excellent (smooth and basically no plica,score 5), good (the height of gastric plica <the distance between the adjacent gastric plica: score 4), fair (the height of gastric plica nearly same to the distance between the adjacent gastric plica: score 3),average (the height of gastric plica > the distance between the adjacent gastric plica: score 2) and poor (the folds gathered, and the gastric mucosa between plica is haedly to be seen, score 1).
Secondary Outcome Measures
Fullness score
Fullness is the subjective feeling of patients assessed with visual analogue scale (VAS). VAS typically take the form of a straight line with two extreme states anchored at either end. In this study, it is a 100mm VAS with a question"How full do you feel?"anchored with "not at all full"at the left side and "as full as I have ever felt" at the right side. Patients will be asked to mark their feelings on the line. The distance (mm) between the far left and the marked point is the score of fullness. 0 represents no perception at all, 10 indicates pain and needs to be stopped immediately.
Satisfaction score of patients
All subjects were asked about tolerance of the procedure in the following areas using a questionnaire of Preprocedure Perception and Postprocedure Satisfaction, which including ease of swallowing, pain or discomfort experienced during and after the procedure, overall tolerability of the procedure, and overall convenience of the procedure (a score of 0-4,with 0 as the worst and 4 as the best respectively, ranged from 2 to 44).
Liquid for gastric refilling
Count the numbers of patients who needs extra liguid which is used for better gastric distention during the examination procedure and how much they needed.
Gastric Examination Time (GET)
the time taken for the gastric examination to the endoscopist's satisfaction.
Gastric Cleanliness Score (GCS)
Six primary anatomical landmarks of the stomach (cardia, fundus, body, angulus, antrum, and pylorus) were recorded for evaluation. A 4-point grading scale was introduced to defne the cleanliness as excellent (no adherent mucus and foam: score 4), good (mild mucus and foam but do not obscure vision: score 3), fair (considerable amount of mucus or foam present precluding a completely reliable examination: score 2) and poor (large amount of mucus or foam residue needing water to clear it: score 1). GCS was the total scores of all six landmarks, ranging from 6 (completely unprepared) to 24 (perfect). GCS of≥18 was regarded as acceptable.
Transit Time
esophageal transit time (ETT),gastric transit time (GTT) and small bowel transit time (SBTT)
Diagnostic Yield (DY)
diagnostic yield including polyp, ulcer, gastric fundus varices, submucosal tumor, and carditis. The difuse lesions such as superfcial, atrophic, and erosive gastritis were defned as negative fndings.
Completion Rate (CR)
The completion of stomach was defined as the observation of cardia, fundus, body, angulus, antrum and pylorus and the completion of small bowel examination was defined as the ileocecal valve was photographed.The completion rate in each group was defined as the percentage of patients with a complete examination out of the total number of patients examined.
Gastric Filling score of 5-10 minutes
According to the extension of gastric plica on the great curvature, the score of gastric filling is ranged from 1 to 5 as excellent (smooth and basically no plica,score 5), good (the height of gastric plica <the distance between the adjacent gastric plica: score 4), fair (the height of gastric plica nearly same to the distance between the adjacent gastric plica: score 3),average (the height of gastric plica > the distance between the adjacent gastric plica: score 2) and poor (the folds gathered, and the gastric mucosa between plica is haedly to be seen, score 1).
Full Information
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
The Usage of Soda-Water in Gastric Preparation for Magnetically Controlled Capsule Endoscopy
Official Title
The Usage of Soda-Water in Gastric Preparation for Magnetically Controlled Capsule Endoscopy: A Prospective,Single Center,Randomized Controlled Study
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
July 2023
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
December 3, 2020 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
May 20, 2021 (Actual)
Study Completion Date
June 15, 2021 (Actual)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Principal Investigator
Name of the Sponsor
Changhai Hospital
4. Oversight
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Data Monitoring Committee
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
Magnetically controlled capsule endoscopy (MCE) is a noninvasive technique (90.4% sensitivity, 94.7% specificity and 93.4% accuracy) without requiring sedation or air insufflation, which makes it welcomed by most of participants. However, due to the large size of the stomach, clear views are obtained with the stomach distended. Participants were asked to drink 1000ml water for gastric preparation in a short time according to the standard procesure. It is hard for some participants especially the old and can cause discomfort. If the capsule stays in the stomach for a long time (>4 hours), it will affect the completion rate of small intestine examination and be inconvient to both of the endoscopist and patient.
It is a promising way to fill the stomach with carbonated drinks in some diagnosis and treatment methods. A study using carbonated drinks for gastric filling in the procedure of multi slice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) showed higher diagnostic rate for gastric cancer (85%VS80%). Rapid filling and absorption, greater comfort feeling and little pressure changes lead to higher acceptance of participants.
So, researchers have a novel idea using soda water to take place of pure water in the gastric preparation. The combination of gas and liquid in gastric filling greatly reduces the amount of fluid that participants need to drink, which makes the shorter preparation time and less feeling of fullness. In a pilot study before, investigators found the usage of soda water obtained similar gastric distention score and shorter gastric transit time (GTT) than standard preparation method.
This prospective, single blind, randomized controlleds trial aimed to prove the safety and efficiency of soda water in the process of gastric preparation and explore the impact on the follow-up small bowel examination.
Detailed Description
This is a prospective, single blind, randomized controlled clinical study approved by the Endoscopy Center of Changhai Hospital in Shanghai from July, 2020 to September,2020. Approval to carry out this study was granted by the Ethics Committee, Changhai Hospital, Naval Medical University.
According to the results of our pilot study, 252 participants(with 20% withdrawal rate) aged 18-75 will accept standard gastric preparation or gastric preparation with soda water randomly (ratio 1:1).All patient will provid written informed consent for this study before undergoing baseline MCE.
Investigators evaluated the feasibility of a novel gastric preparation methods regimens on gastric distention,gastric cleansing, feeling of fullness, diagnostic yield, satisfaction questionnaire, gastric transit time, small bowel transit time and completion rate. The safety were evaluated at two week after procedure for the occurance of adverse events. Investigators also plan to explore whether soda water can affect the subsequent examination of the small intestine, and the difficulty in intervention under special circumstances.
All participants underwent a bowel preparation that consisted of a low-residue diet for 24 hours, fluid intake, and ingestion of 2L polyethylene glycol-based electrolyte solution 12 hours before the examination. On the examination day, participants arrived at hospital in the morning after an over night fast (>8hours). Then they would be randomly assigned to controll group or soda group.
Control group:40 minutes before capsule ingestion, all participants swallowed 100ml clear water containing 50mg simethicone. During the period, participants were asked to have a proper walk to wash out bubbles. An additional 900ml clear water was drunk to obtain good vision before undergoing MCE examination.
Soda water group:Control group:40 minutes before capsule ingestion, all participants swallowed 100ml clear water containing 50mg simethicone. During the period, participants were asked to have a proper walk to wash out bubbles. An additional 400ml soda water was drunk to obtain good vision before undergoing MCE examination.
Then, the patient enter the examination room to finish the examination.
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Gastric Disease, Capsule Endoscopy
capsule endoscopy, gastric distention, gastric transit time, clinical trial
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Not Applicable
Interventional Study Model
Parallel Assignment
252 (Actual)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
Soda water
Arm Type
Arm Description
400ml soda water was drunk to obtain good vision before undergoing MCE examination.
Arm Title
Arm Type
No Intervention
Arm Description
900ml clear water(100 ml water of simethicone solution was not included) was drunk to obtain good vision before undergoing MCE examination.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Soda-water instead of pure water to observe gastric filling
Intervention Description
All patients underwent a bowel preparation that consisted of a low-residue diet for 24 hours, fluid intake, and ingestion of 2L polyethylene glycol-based electrolyte solution 12 hours before the examination. On the examination day, patients arrived at hospital in the morning after an over night fast (>8hours). Then they would be randomly assigned to controll group or soda group. 40 minutes before capsule ingestion, all patients swallowed 100ml clear water containing 50mg simethicone. During the period, patients were asked to have a proper walk to wash out bubbles. An additional 900ml pure water or 400ml soda-water was drunk to obtain good vision before undergoing MCE examination.
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Gastric Filling of 0-5 minutes
According to the extension of gastric plica on the great curvature, the score of gastric filling is ranged from 1 to 5 as excellent (smooth and basically no plica,score 5), good (the height of gastric plica <the distance between the adjacent gastric plica: score 4), fair (the height of gastric plica nearly same to the distance between the adjacent gastric plica: score 3),average (the height of gastric plica > the distance between the adjacent gastric plica: score 2) and poor (the folds gathered, and the gastric mucosa between plica is haedly to be seen, score 1).
Time Frame
0-5 minutes after the capsule opened
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
Fullness score
Fullness is the subjective feeling of patients assessed with visual analogue scale (VAS). VAS typically take the form of a straight line with two extreme states anchored at either end. In this study, it is a 100mm VAS with a question"How full do you feel?"anchored with "not at all full"at the left side and "as full as I have ever felt" at the right side. Patients will be asked to mark their feelings on the line. The distance (mm) between the far left and the marked point is the score of fullness. 0 represents no perception at all, 10 indicates pain and needs to be stopped immediately.
Time Frame
Before examination
Satisfaction score of patients
All subjects were asked about tolerance of the procedure in the following areas using a questionnaire of Preprocedure Perception and Postprocedure Satisfaction, which including ease of swallowing, pain or discomfort experienced during and after the procedure, overall tolerability of the procedure, and overall convenience of the procedure (a score of 0-4,with 0 as the worst and 4 as the best respectively, ranged from 2 to 44).
Time Frame
After the procedure immediately
Liquid for gastric refilling
Count the numbers of patients who needs extra liguid which is used for better gastric distention during the examination procedure and how much they needed.
Time Frame
During the procedure
Gastric Examination Time (GET)
the time taken for the gastric examination to the endoscopist's satisfaction.
Time Frame
After the procedure(within 5 days)
Gastric Cleanliness Score (GCS)
Six primary anatomical landmarks of the stomach (cardia, fundus, body, angulus, antrum, and pylorus) were recorded for evaluation. A 4-point grading scale was introduced to defne the cleanliness as excellent (no adherent mucus and foam: score 4), good (mild mucus and foam but do not obscure vision: score 3), fair (considerable amount of mucus or foam present precluding a completely reliable examination: score 2) and poor (large amount of mucus or foam residue needing water to clear it: score 1). GCS was the total scores of all six landmarks, ranging from 6 (completely unprepared) to 24 (perfect). GCS of≥18 was regarded as acceptable.
Time Frame
After the procedure(within 5 days)
Transit Time
esophageal transit time (ETT),gastric transit time (GTT) and small bowel transit time (SBTT)
Time Frame
After the procedure(within 5 days)
Diagnostic Yield (DY)
diagnostic yield including polyp, ulcer, gastric fundus varices, submucosal tumor, and carditis. The difuse lesions such as superfcial, atrophic, and erosive gastritis were defned as negative fndings.
Time Frame
After the procedure(within 5 days)
Completion Rate (CR)
The completion of stomach was defined as the observation of cardia, fundus, body, angulus, antrum and pylorus and the completion of small bowel examination was defined as the ileocecal valve was photographed.The completion rate in each group was defined as the percentage of patients with a complete examination out of the total number of patients examined.
Time Frame
After the procedure(within 5 days)
Gastric Filling score of 5-10 minutes
According to the extension of gastric plica on the great curvature, the score of gastric filling is ranged from 1 to 5 as excellent (smooth and basically no plica,score 5), good (the height of gastric plica <the distance between the adjacent gastric plica: score 4), fair (the height of gastric plica nearly same to the distance between the adjacent gastric plica: score 3),average (the height of gastric plica > the distance between the adjacent gastric plica: score 2) and poor (the folds gathered, and the gastric mucosa between plica is haedly to be seen, score 1).
Time Frame
5-10 minutes after the capsule opened
Other Pre-specified Outcome Measures:
Adverse events occurence rate
The safety were evaluated at two week after procedure for any adverse events such as infection, pain, nausea, vomiting and capsule impaction or retention.
Time Frame
After 2-week follow-up period.
10. Eligibility
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
18 Years
Maximum Age & Unit of Time
75 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Over 18 years and below 75 years of age
Plan to undergo MCCG examination in Changhai Hospital
Exclusion Criteria:
dysphagia or symptoms of gastric outlet obstruction, suspected or known intestinal stenosis, overt gastrointestinal bleeding, fistulas and strictures;
history of gastrointestinal surgery or suspected delayed gastric emptying;
Implanted metallic devices such aspacemakers, defibrillators, artificial heart valves or joint prostheses;
Allergic to high molecular materials such as simethicone and streptozyme;
Pregnancy or mentally ill person;
currently participating in another clinical study;
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Liao Zhuan, MD
Organizational Affiliation
Department of Gastroenterology, Changhai Hospital, the Naval Medical University
Official's Role
Study Chair
Facility Information:
Facility Name
Changhai Hospital
ZIP/Postal Code
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Plan to Share IPD
PubMed Identifier
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Results Reference
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The Usage of Soda-Water in Gastric Preparation for Magnetically Controlled Capsule Endoscopy
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