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ANRS 12392 Sanu Gundo (SANU GUNDO)

Primary Purpose

HIV Infections

Unknown status
Not Applicable
Study Type
Local community-based HIV care
Sponsored by
ANRS, Emerging Infectious Diseases
Full info

About this trial

This is an interventional health services research trial for HIV Infections focused on measuring Linkage-to-care and retention, Community-based research, Informal gold mining zones, Mali

Eligibility Criteria

18 Years - undefined (Adult, Older Adult)All SexesDoes not accept healthy volunteers

Inclusion Criteria:

  • To live and/or to work in the sites of Kofoulatiè or Diassa (Mali)
  • To be diagnosed positive to HIV by ARCAD Santé PLUS (screening and enrolment tests positive)
  • To be 18 years or older
  • To speak one of the most common languages (Bambara, French or English) and to be able of providing informed consent

In addition, to be included in the intervention group, people living with HIV in the Kofoulatiè site must accept the community-based HIV care provided by ARCAD Santé PLUS

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Women pregnant at the time of the HIV screening test by ARCAD Santé PLUS, or needing ultrasound to confirm pregnancy
  • People with discordant screening and enrolment tests
  • People inebriated or under the influence of drugs at enrolment
  • Adults not able to understand and/or to provide informed consent

Sites / Locations

  • ARCAD Santé PLUS mobile care unit for community-based HIV care and study follow-up (Kofoulatiè, intervention site)Recruiting
  • ARCAD Santé PLUS mobile care unit for recruitment of participants (Kofoulatiè, Intervention site)Recruiting
  • ARCAD Santé PLUS mobile care unit for recruitment of participants (Diassa, control site)Recruiting
  • Referral health center (CSRéf) Kolondieba, classic HIV careRecruiting

Arms of the Study

Arm 1

Arm 2

Arm Type

No Intervention


Arm Label

Classic HIV care

Community-based HIV care

Arm Description

Participants diangosed HIV positive at the time of the community-based activities conducted by ARCAD Santé PLUS. They will be referred to the referral centers (CSRéf) for the classic HIV care in the Malian public health system.

Participants diagnosed HIV positive at the time of the community-based activities by ARCAD Santé PLUS. They will receive community-based HIV care by the NGO at the gold-mining site.


Primary Outcome Measures

Lost to follow-up rate 12 months after the HIV diagnosis
It was defined on the basis of existing data: 1) lost to follow-up rate in HIV care at the national level in Mali (32% in 2019); 2) lost to follow-up rate in the HIV care of ARCAD Santé PLUS in urban areas (12% in 2019). The primary endpoint is : the lost to follow-up rate in the community-based HIV care 12 months after diagnosis is (at least) 20 percentage points lower than the lost to follow-up rate in the classic HIV care.

Secondary Outcome Measures

Extent of the HIV epidemic in the artisanal gold-mining sites
This outcome provides the prevalence of the HIV epidemic among people living/working in the artisanal gold-mining sites: number of HIV positive tests as percentage of the total number of people living/working in the sites
Comparing linkage-to-care and retention between classic and community-based HIV care
For linkage-to-care: Percentage of people living with HIV starting a treatment 1 month and 3 months after diagnosis Percentage of people living with HIV with available blood tests (CD4 count, Viral load, etc) at the beginning of ARV treatment For retention in care: % of people living with HIV present for HIV care visits at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after diagnosis
Comparing the impact of classic and community-based HIV care on virological succes, behavioral and psychosocial outcomes
CD4 count and viral load at the time of diagnosis (M0) and its evolution 6 and 12 months later (M6 and M12) Self-perception of health status, sexual behavior indicators at M1 and evolution at M12: number of partners, number of sexual intercourses, etc.

Full Information

First Posted
July 15, 2020
Last Updated
February 23, 2021
ANRS, Emerging Infectious Diseases

1. Study Identification

Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
ANRS 12392 Sanu Gundo
Official Title
Sanu Gundo (jòli sègèsègèli - furakèli - jàntoli): Survey on the Feasibility of the Community-based HIV Care, and Its Impact on Access and Retention in Care in Artisanal Gold Mining Zones in Mali
Study Type

2. Study Status

Record Verification Date
February 2021
Overall Recruitment Status
Unknown status
Study Start Date
November 29, 2020 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
March 28, 2022 (Anticipated)
Study Completion Date
December 28, 2022 (Anticipated)

3. Sponsor/Collaborators

Responsible Party, by Official Title
Name of the Sponsor
ANRS, Emerging Infectious Diseases

4. Oversight

Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Data Monitoring Committee

5. Study Description

Brief Summary
Sanu Gundo ANRS 12392 is a non-randomized and non-comparative intervention trial in Mali. The main objective of the project is to study the feasibility of the community-based HIV care in the context of the artisanal gold mining zones and to evaluate its contribution to the linkage-to-care of PLWHIV with the health system and their retention in care, as well as its effect on their health status.
Detailed Description
Convergence of key-populations in the informal gold mining zones suggests the important exposure to HIV contamination of people living in these zones. The pilot project Sanu Gundo showed a prevalence of 8% in the site of Kokoyo, much higher than the 1.1% national prevalence. The large rates of HIV patients lost to followup underline the difficulties experienced by the health system. Introducing a community-based HIV care offer in proximity to people in the informal gold mining zones could contribute to the improvement not only of access to HIV prevention and testing, but also to the access and retention in care. Sanu Gundo ANRS 12392 is a non-randomized and non-comparative intervention trial. Community-based activities conducted by ARCAD Santé PLUS (during 5 months) including HIV testing will contribute to the construction of both a control and intervention groups. These groups will be formed by people tested positive to HIV during the community-based activities conducted by ARCAD Santé PLUS in two artisanal gold mining sites. The control group will include 129 participants positive to HIV in Diassa (Sikasso region), and the intervention group will include 136 participants positive to HIV in Kofoulatiè (Koulikoro region). The intervention consists local community-based activities for HIV care provided by ARCAD Santé PLUS for people living in Kofoulatiè (intervention group), whereas people living in Diassa (control group) will be referred to the Referral Health Centers (CSRéf) as recommended by the national guidelines. The total number of 265 participants diagnosed positive to HIV enrolled in the study corresponds (at least) to the HIV prevalence of 3% observed during the first two months of participants enrolment (November 2020 to January 2021). Accounting for survey attrition, refusal of the community-based HIV care and non-inclusion criteria, it is expected that 172 participants (86 per group) will be followed-up during the whole duration of the study. This corresponds to the number of participants required to verify the primary endpoint of the study: a better retention rate in healthcare 12 months after of HIV diagnosis for people receiving community-based care by ARCAD Santé PLUS. A quantitative survey will be conducted with the administration of questionnaires at different point-times during the follow-up for HIV care: M1 (first contact with the healthcare system and linkage-to-care), M3 (linkage-to-care and initiation of ARV treatment), M6, M9 and M12 (medical follow-up and retention in care). Blood samples will be collected using Dried Blood Spot testing (DBS) at enrolment, M6 and M12. Furthermore, data will be collected about the characteristics of the healthcare centers around the artisanal gold mining sites (i.e. healthcare supply) and the costs of community-based HIV care. The results will overcome the lack of epidemiological data about HIV in the informal gold mining zones, about the way in which PLWH are linked-to-care, and about the extent of the PLWH loss to follow-up. The results will also allow both testing the feasibility of the implementation of proximity community-based services for HIV care in the informal gold mining zones, and evaluating their contribution to retention of PLWH in care. The success of this project could allow extending the proposed strategy to other informal gold mining zones in Mali.

6. Conditions and Keywords

Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
HIV Infections
Linkage-to-care and retention, Community-based research, Informal gold mining zones, Mali

7. Study Design

Primary Purpose
Health Services Research
Study Phase
Not Applicable
Interventional Study Model
Parallel Assignment
Model Description
ARCAD Santé PLUS NGO will offer community-based activities of HIV prevention and screening during 5 months. 8833 people will be tested for HIV in the two artisanal gold-mining sites. Thus, 265 HIV-positive individuals will be enrolled: Control group: 129 (Diassa), 30% of attrition and 5% of discordant HIV screening and confirmatory tests; Intervention group: 136 (Kofoulatiè), 30% of attrition; 5% of people accepting the study but refusing the community-based HIV care; and 5% of discordant HIV screening and enrolment tests. This is the minimum number required to verify the primary endpoint of the study. The intervention consists in the provision of community-based healthcare services for HIV provided by ARCAD Santé PLUS's members in the Kofoulatiè site. People in the Diassa site (control group) will be referred to the public healthcare centers for classic HIV care. A quantitative survey with follow-up at M1, M3, M6, M9 and M12 after HIV diagnosis.
Masking Description
Participants in the control group (HIV positive people at the artisanal gold-mining site in Diassa) will not be aware of the existence of the community-based HIV care services provided by ARCAD Santé PLUS at the Kofoulatiè artisanal gold-mining site. The distance between these sites is around 400km. However they share similar characteristics in terms of geographical localisation, size and healthcare supply.
265 (Anticipated)

8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions

Arm Title
Classic HIV care
Arm Type
No Intervention
Arm Description
Participants diangosed HIV positive at the time of the community-based activities conducted by ARCAD Santé PLUS. They will be referred to the referral centers (CSRéf) for the classic HIV care in the Malian public health system.
Arm Title
Community-based HIV care
Arm Type
Arm Description
Participants diagnosed HIV positive at the time of the community-based activities by ARCAD Santé PLUS. They will receive community-based HIV care by the NGO at the gold-mining site.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Local community-based HIV care
Intervention Description
Compared to the classic HIV care, community-based HIV care includes: Individual interviews with a psychosocial agent; Support groups conducted by psychosocial agents; Culinary workshops gathering PLWHIV and healthcare professionals; Home visits by a community worker; Emergency relief based on a funding for patients with urgent needs As in the classic HIV care, ARCAD Santé PLUS provides consultations with doctors, prescriptions and delivery of antiretroviral (ARV) treatment every 3 months, biological analyses for enrolment, and follow-up every 6 months. In addition, psychosocial agents from ARCAD Santé PLUS propose workshops on education and support for adherence to treatment.
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Lost to follow-up rate 12 months after the HIV diagnosis
It was defined on the basis of existing data: 1) lost to follow-up rate in HIV care at the national level in Mali (32% in 2019); 2) lost to follow-up rate in the HIV care of ARCAD Santé PLUS in urban areas (12% in 2019). The primary endpoint is : the lost to follow-up rate in the community-based HIV care 12 months after diagnosis is (at least) 20 percentage points lower than the lost to follow-up rate in the classic HIV care.
Time Frame
12 months after HIV diagnosis (M12)
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
Extent of the HIV epidemic in the artisanal gold-mining sites
This outcome provides the prevalence of the HIV epidemic among people living/working in the artisanal gold-mining sites: number of HIV positive tests as percentage of the total number of people living/working in the sites
Time Frame
At enrolment (M0)
Comparing linkage-to-care and retention between classic and community-based HIV care
For linkage-to-care: Percentage of people living with HIV starting a treatment 1 month and 3 months after diagnosis Percentage of people living with HIV with available blood tests (CD4 count, Viral load, etc) at the beginning of ARV treatment For retention in care: % of people living with HIV present for HIV care visits at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after diagnosis
Time Frame
1 month after HIV diagnosis (M1) and 12 months after HIV diagnosis (M12)
Comparing the impact of classic and community-based HIV care on virological succes, behavioral and psychosocial outcomes
CD4 count and viral load at the time of diagnosis (M0) and its evolution 6 and 12 months later (M6 and M12) Self-perception of health status, sexual behavior indicators at M1 and evolution at M12: number of partners, number of sexual intercourses, etc.
Time Frame
From enrolment (M0) to 12 months after HIV diagnosis (M12)
Other Pre-specified Outcome Measures:
Material and human resources available for healthcare supply around gold-mining zones
Description of the healthcare supply geographical distribution around the artisanal gold-mining zones included in the study; Description of the available human and material resources in the healthcare centers around the artisanal gold-mining zones included in the study
Time Frame
From enrolment (M0) to 12 months after HIV diagnosis (M12)
Working conditions of healthcare professionals involved in the classic HIV care
Description of the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of healthcare professionals in HIV care centers around the artisanal gold-mining zones included in the study; Number of working hours, number of medical visits, earnings, perceived health status, etc.
Time Frame
From enrolment (M0) to 12 months after HIV diagnosis (M12)

10. Eligibility

Minimum Age & Unit of Time
18 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: To live and/or to work in the sites of Kofoulatiè or Diassa (Mali) To be diagnosed positive to HIV by ARCAD Santé PLUS (screening and enrolment tests positive) To be 18 years or older To speak one of the most common languages (Bambara, French or English) and to be able of providing informed consent In addition, to be included in the intervention group, people living with HIV in the Kofoulatiè site must accept the community-based HIV care provided by ARCAD Santé PLUS Exclusion Criteria: Women pregnant at the time of the HIV screening test by ARCAD Santé PLUS, or needing ultrasound to confirm pregnancy People with discordant screening and enrolment tests People inebriated or under the influence of drugs at enrolment Adults not able to understand and/or to provide informed consent
Central Contact Person:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Luis Sagaon Teyssier, PhD
+223 94 00 45 63
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Aliou Kamissoko, MD
+223 93 00 94 53
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Luis Sagaon Teyssier, PhD
Organizational Affiliation
UMR1252 SESSTIM (INSERM, IRD, Aix Marseille Université)
Official's Role
Principal Investigator
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Bintou Dembélé Keïta, MD
Organizational Affiliation
Official's Role
Principal Investigator
Facility Information:
Facility Name
ARCAD Santé PLUS mobile care unit for community-based HIV care and study follow-up (Kofoulatiè, intervention site)
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Zoumana Diarra, MD
+223 79 26 51 89
Facility Name
ARCAD Santé PLUS mobile care unit for recruitment of participants (Kofoulatiè, Intervention site)
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Zoumana Diarra, MD
+223 79 26 51 89
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Zoumana Diarra, MD
Facility Name
ARCAD Santé PLUS mobile care unit for recruitment of participants (Diassa, control site)
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
To be recruited To be recruited, MD
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Fodié Diallo, MD
Facility Name
Referral health center (CSRéf) Kolondieba, classic HIV care
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Mamoutou Diarra, MD
+223 76 33 58 56

12. IPD Sharing Statement

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ANRS 12392 Sanu Gundo

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