Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging in Systemic Sclerosis (OCTISS)
Systemic Sclerosis, Early Systemic Sclerosis Without Clinical Scleroderma and Onset < 2 Years

About this trial
This is an interventional diagnostic trial for Systemic Sclerosis focused on measuring Systemic sclerosis, Scleroderma, Optical coherence tomography (OCT)
Eligibility Criteria
IInclusion criteria
- Major subject (age ≥ 18 years)
- Male or female subject
- Subject affiliated to a social health insurance scheme
- Subject having signed an informed consent
- Subject having been informed of the results of the prior medical examination
Inclusion criteria specific to each group
- Group 1 "Early SSc group": Patients with SSc according to ACR / EULAR criteria (2013) early onset <2 years and without clinical cutaneous sclerosis
- Group 2 "Established SSc group": Patients with SSc according to ACR / EULAR criteria (2013) with cutaneous sclerosis
- Group 3 "Control group": Hospitalized patients in the Rheumatology Department of the University Hospitals of Strasbourg, excluding connective tissue disease
Exclusion criteria:
- Non-inclusion criteria for patients / controls in 3 groups
- Subject having undergone a physical treatment (radiotherapy, surgical intervention ...) on the cutaneous sites studied
- Subjects who received general corticosteroid therapy in the last 3 months
- Subjects being treated with topical corticosteroids on the different cutaneous sites studied
- Impossibility to give clear information of subject (subject in emergency situation, subject with difficulties of understanding ...)
- Subject in exclusion period (determined by previous or current study),
- Subject under the protection of justice, guardianship or curatorship
- Pregnancy (on declaration of the patient)
Non-inclusion criteria specific to each group
- Group 1 "Early SSc group": Patients with SSc and having a clinical cutaneous sclerosis
- Group 2 "Established SSc group": Patients with criteria for another systemic autoimmune disease
- Group 3 "Control group":
- Subjects with scleroderma,
- Subjects with Raynaud's phenomenon
- Subjects with other sclerosing disease (morphea, Shulman,…)
- Diabetic subjects
Sites / Locations
- Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Early SSc group
Established SSc group
Control group:
Patients with SSc according to the criteria ACR / EULAR 2013, without scleroderma Normal routine clinical examinations and routine biology tests will be performed. For non-invasive imaging specific to the study, various parameters will be measured on the finger and forearm by LC-OCT, LC-OCT-Doppler, HD ultrasound as well as fluid silicone molding in a dimly lit room. The mRSS will be evaluated by an experienced clinician, blinded from imaging measurements. Patients will be reassessed at M24. The participation of each subject will be 24 months, with two visits of one hour. The clinical data corresponding to the current practice will be collected in a study specific case report form.
Patients with SSc according to criteria ACR / EULAR 2013 with scleroderma Normal routine clinical examinations and routine biology tests will be performed. For non-invasive imaging specific to the study, various parameters will be measured on the finger and forearm by LC-OCT, LC-OCT-Doppler, HD ultrasound as well as fluid silicone molding in a dimly lit room. The mRSS will be evaluated by an experienced clinician, blinded from imaging measurements. The participation of each subject will be one hour. The clinical data corresponding to the current practice will be collected in a study specific case report form.
Patient without systemic sclerosis Normal routine clinical examinations and routine biology tests will be performed. For non-invasive imaging specific to the study, various parameters will be measured on the finger and forearm by LC-OCT, LC-OCT-Doppler, HD ultrasound as well as fluid silicone molding in a dimly lit room. The participation of each subject will be one hour. The clinical data corresponding to the current practice will be collected in a study specific case report form.