Lay-Delivered Behavioral Activation in Senior Centers
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Depression
Eligibility Criteria
Client Participants (anticipated enrollment: 288)
Inclusion Criteria:
Referral to study (stage 1):
- Age ≥ 60 years.
- Attends one of 18 participating Seattle, NYC, or Tampa senior centers.
- Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) score of ≥10 via routine screening.
Research assessment (stage 2):
- Clinically-assessed HAM-D>14
- Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE) ≥ 24 OR modified Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (mTICS) ≥ 19
- Off antidepressants or on a stable dose for 12 weeks.
- Capacity to provide written consent for both research assessment and the BA intervention.
Client Participants Exclusion Criteria:
- Current active suicidal ideation.
- Presence of psychiatric diagnoses other than unipolar, non-psychotic major depression or generalized anxiety disorder by SCID-V (Structure Clinical Interview for DSM-V).
- Severe or life-threatening medical illness (e.g., end stage organ failure).
- Inability to speak English.
Volunteer Participants (anticipated enrollment: 36) Inclusion Criteria
- Age ≥ 60 years.
- Attends one of the participating Seattle, NYC, or Tampa-area senior centers.
Volunteer Participants Exclusion Criteria
- Current major depressive disorder, alcohol or substance abuse, or manic, hypomanic, or psychotic symptoms (SCID-V);
- Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE) ≥ 24 OR modified Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (mTICS) ≥ 19;
- Inability to speak and read English.
Clinician Participants (anticipated enrollment: 36) Inclusion Criteria
- Master's degree in social work, counseling, marriage/family, or other clinical mental health degree
- English Speaking
- Capacity to provide consent for all study procedures
- Willing to audio record study sessions for supervision and evaluation
Clinician Participants Exclusion Criteria
- Non-English speaking
- Does not hold a Master's degree in social work, counseling, marriage/family, or other clinical mental health degree
- Unable to provide consent
- Unwilling to audio record study sessions for supervision and evaluation
Sites / Locations
- Brandon Senior CenterRecruiting
- JL Young Apartments (Senior Housing)Recruiting
- Oaks at Riverview Senior CenterRecruiting
- Progress Village Senior CenterRecruiting
- Edie Windsor SAGE Center
- Goddard Riverside Community Center and NORCRecruiting
- Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center
- SAGE Center Brooklyn at Stonewall HouseRecruiting
- Greenwood Senior Center
- West Seattle Senior CenterRecruiting
- Southeast Seattle Senior Center
- GenPride Senior CenterRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Volunteer-delivered Behavioral Activation - "Do More, Feel Better"
Master's Level Clinician-delivered Behavioral Activation
"Do More, Feel Better" (DMFB) is a streamlined, simplified version of Behavioral Activation (BA) delivered by lay volunteers to depressed senior center clients.
Traditional Behavioral Activation (BA) delivered by master's level mental health clinicians