A Comparison of the Long Term Effects of the Traditional and Modified Posterior Shoulder Stretching Exercise in Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Subacromial Impingement Syndrome focused on measuring Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit, Modified Cross-body Stretching
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Diagnosis of subacromial impingement syndrome
- Glenohumeral internal rotation range of motion of the affected shoulder should be less than other shoulder and bilateral shoulder internal rotation range of motion difference should be ≥15 º
- Pain with resisted arm elevation or external rotation as well as a minimum of 3 of 5 positive subacromial impingement syndrome tests, painful arc, pain or weakness with resisted external rotation, Neer, Hawkins and Jobe tests .
- Ability to complete the entire study procedure
Exclusion Criteria:
- A 50% limitation of passive shoulder range of motion in >2 planes of motion
- Pain >7/10
- A history of fracture to the shoulder girdle
- Systemic musculoskeletal disease
- History of shoulder surgery,
- Glenohumeral instability (positive apprehension, relocation or positive sulcus test) or positive findings for a full thickness rotator cuff tear (positive lag sign, positive drop arm test, or marked weakness with shoulder external rotation)
Sites / Locations
- Dokuz Eylül University Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation DepartmentRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Active Comparator
Modified static cross-body posterior shoulder stretching group
Traditional static cross-body posterior shoulder stretching group
Control Group
The participants will perform active-assistive static stretching in the modified cross-body stretching position. Additionally, they will receive standard physiotherapy program.
The participants will perform active-assistive static stretching in the traditional standing cross-body stretching position. Additionally, they will receive standard physiotherapy program.
The participants in this group will receive sham stretching and standard physiotherapy.