Change in SRH knowledge as assessed by measures of STI Knowledge
Change in SRH knowledge as assessed by STI Knowledge (Outcome 1) and Pregnancy and Birth Control Knowledge (Outcome 2).
STI knowledge is measured on a dichotomous (true/false [outcome varies by item]) scale adapted from measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits and Gold's (1997) CD-ROM Technology to Increase Appropriate Self-Care and Preventive Behaviors among Army and Navy Women.
Change in SRH knowledge as assessed by measures of Pregnancy and Birth Control Knowledge
Change in SRH knowledge as assessed by STI Knowledge (Outcome 1) and Pregnancy and Birth Control Knowledge (Outcome 2).
Pregnancy and Birth Control is measured on a dichotomous (true/false [outcome varies by item]) scale adapted from measures used in Frost's et al (2012) Young Adults' Contraceptive Knowledge, Norms, and Attitudes: Associations with Risk of Unintended Pregnancy and Gold's (1997) CD-ROM Technology to Increase Appropriate Self-Care and Preventive Behaviors among Army and Navy Women.
Change in perceived risk of having a negative SRH outcome as assessed by measures of Perceived Risk
Change in perceived risk of having a negative SRH outcome assessed by Perceived Risk on an 5-point ordinal scale (from "no risk" [better outcome] to "very high risk" [worse outcome]) adapted from measures used in Gold's (1997) CD-ROM Technology to Increase Appropriate Self-Care and Preventive Behaviors among Army and Navy Women.
Change in attitudes about SRH as assessed by measures of Condom Attitudes on a likert scale
Change in attitudes about SRH assessed by the composite Condom Attitudes (Outcome 4 and Outcome 5), composite Birth Control Attitudes (Outcome 6 and Outcome 7), and Norms (Outcome 8).
Condom Attitudes is a composite score of Outcome 5 and a 7-point likert scale (from "strongly disagree" [1] to "strongly agree" [7; outcome varies by item]) adapted from Crosby's et al (2008) Correct Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale (CCUSS) and Helweg-Larson and Collins' (1994) UCLA Multidimensional Condom Attitudes Scale (MCAS).
Change in attitudes about SRH as assessed by measures of Condom Attitudes on an ordinal item
Change in attitudes about SRH assessed by the composite Condom Attitudes (Outcome 4 and Outcome 5), composite Birth Control Attitudes (Outcome 6 and Outcome 7), and Norms (Outcome 8).
Condom Attitudes is a composite score of Outcome 4 and a 5-point ordinal item (from "very positive" [better outcome] to "very negative" [worse outcome]) adapted from measures used in Gold's (1997) CD-ROM Technology to Increase Appropriate Self-Care and Preventive Behaviors among Army and Navy Women.
Change in attitudes about SRH as assessed by measures of Birth Control Attitudes on a likert-type scale
Change in attitudes about SRH assessed by the composite Condom Attitudes (Outcome 4 and Outcome 5), composite Birth Control Attitudes (Outcome 6 and Outcome 7), and Norms (Outcome 8).
Birth Control Attitudes is a composite score of Outcome 7 and a 5-point likert-type scale (from "very positive" [better outcome] to "very negative" [worse outcome]) adapted from measures used in Gold's (1997) CD-ROM Technology to Increase Appropriate Self-Care and Preventive Behaviors among Army and Navy Women.
Change in attitudes about SRH as assessed by measures of Birth Control Attitudes on a likert scale
Change in attitudes about SRH assessed by the composite Condom Attitudes (Outcome 4 and Outcome 5), composite Birth Control Attitudes (Outcome 6 and Outcome 7), and Norms (Outcome 8).
Birth Control Attitudes is a composite score of Outcome 6 and a 5-point likert scale (from "strongly agree" [1; worse outcome] to "strongly disagree" [5; better outcome]) adapted from measures used in Guzza and Hayford's (2018) Adolescent Reproductive and Contraceptive Knowledge and Attitudes and Adult Contraceptive Behavior.
Change in attitudes about SRH as assessed by measures of Norms
Change in attitudes about SRH assessed by the composite Condom Attitudes (Outcome 4 and Outcome 5), composite Birth Control Attitudes (Outcome 6 and Outcome 7), and Norms (Outcome 8).
Change in attitudes about SRH assessed by Norms on a 5-point likert scale (from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree" [no better/worse outcome]) adapted from measures used in Gold's (1997) CD-ROM Technology to Increase Appropriate Self-Care and Preventive Behaviors among Army and Navy Women.
Change in self-efficacy about SRH as assessed by measures of Condom/Birth Control Use
Change in self-efficacy about SRH assessed by Condom/Birth Control Use (Outcome 9) and Partner Communication/Negotiation (Outcome 10).
Change in self-efficacy about SRH assessed by Condom/Birth Control Use on 5-point likert-type scales (from "not at all confident" [1; worse outcome] to "extremely confident" [5; better outcome]) adapted from Crosby's et al (2008) Correct Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale (CCUSS) and Marin's et al (1997) Condom Self-Efficacy.
Change in self-efficacy about SRH as assessed by measures of Partner Communication/Negotiation
Change in self-efficacy about SRH assessed by Condom/Birth Control Use (Outcome 9) and Partner Communication/Negotiation (Outcome 10).
Change in self-efficacy about SRH assessed by Partner Communication/Negotiation on a 4-point likert-type scale (from "very difficult" [1; worse outcome] to "very easy" [4; better outcome]) adapted from Noar's et al (2002) Condom Influence Strategy Questionnaire and Quinn-Nilas' et al (2016) Sexual Communication Self-Efficacy Scale.
Change in self-reported sexual behavior as assessed by measures of Sexual Behavior on ordinal items
Change in sexual behavior assessed by composite Sexual Behavior score (Outcomes 11-16).
Sexual Behavior is a composite score of Outcomes 12-16 and ordinal (from "never" [worse outcome] to "all the time" [better outcome]) items adapted from measures used in Booth-Kewley's et al (2001) One-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of the Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Intervention Program in a Marine Corps sample.
Change in self-reported sexual behavior as assessed by measures of Sexual Behavior on yes/no/dont-know items
Change in sexual behavior assessed by composite Sexual Behavior score (Outcomes 11-16).
Sexual Behavior is a composite score of Outcomes 11 and 13-16, and yes/no/dont-know (nominal; outcome varies by item) items adapted from measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits, Hwang's et al (2007) Sexual Behaviors After Universal Screening of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Healthy Young Women, and Booth-Kewley's et al (2001) One-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of the Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Intervention Program in a Marine Corps sample.
Change in self-reported sexual behavior as assessed by measures of Sexual Behavior on no/yes,previously/yes,currently items
Change in sexual behavior assessed by composite Sexual Behavior score (Outcomes 11-16).
Sexual Behavior is a composite score of Outcomes 11-12 and 14-16 and no/yes,previously/yes,currently (nominal; no better/worse outcome) items adapted from measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits, Hwang's et al (2007) Sexual Behaviors After Universal Screening of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Healthy Young Women, and Booth-Kewley's et al (2001) One-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of the Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Intervention Program in a Marine Corps sample.
Change in self-reported sexual behavior as assessed by measures of Sexual Behavior on dichotomous items
Change in sexual behavior assessed by composite Sexual Behavior score (Outcomes 11-16).
Sexual Behavior is a composite score of Outcomes 11-13 and 15-16 and dichotomous (yes/no [outcome varies by item]) items adapted from measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits, Hwang's et al (2007) Sexual Behaviors After Universal Screening of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Healthy Young Women, and Booth-Kewley's et al (2001) One-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of the Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Intervention Program in a Marine Corps sample.
Change in self-reported sexual behavior as assessed by measures of Sexual Behavior on open response (number input) items
Change in sexual behavior assessed by composite Sexual Behavior score (Outcomes 11-16).
Sexual Behavior is a composite score of Outcomes 11-14 and 16 and open response (number input) items adapted from measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits, Hwang's et al (2007) Sexual Behaviors After Universal Screening of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Healthy Young Women, and Booth-Kewley's et al (2001) One-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of the Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Intervention Program in a Marine Corps sample.
Change in self-reported sexual behavior as assessed by measures of Sexual Behavior on nominal items
Change in sexual behavior assessed by composite Sexual Behavior score (Outcomes 11-16).
Sexual Behavior is a composite score of Outcomes 11-15 and nominal items (main/casual other [no better/worse outcome]) adapted from measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits, Hwang's et al (2007) Sexual Behaviors After Universal Screening of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Healthy Young Women, and Booth-Kewley's et al (2001) One-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of the Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Intervention Program in a Marine Corps sample.
Change in self-reported sexual behavior as assessed by measures of Sexual Behavioral Intentions on ordinal items
Change in sexual behavior assessed by composite Sexual Behavioral Intentions (Outcomes 17-21).
Sexual Behavior Intentions is a composite score of Outcomes 18-21 and 5-point ordinal (from "never" [worse outcome] to "all of the time" [better outcome]) items adapted from measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits, Hwang's et al (2007) Sexual Behaviors After Universal Screening of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Healthy Young Women, and Booth-Kewley's et al (2001) One-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of the Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Intervention Program in a Marine Corps sample.
Change in self-reported sexual behavior as assessed by measures of Sexual Behavioral Intentions on yes/no/dont-know items
Change in sexual behavior assessed by composite Sexual Behavioral Intentions (Outcomes 17-21).
Sexual Behavior Intentions is a composite score of Outcomes 17 and 19-21 and nominal (yes/no/dont-know [outcome varies by item]) items adapted from measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits, Hwang's et al (2007) Sexual Behaviors After Universal Screening of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Healthy Young Women, and Booth-Kewley's et al (2001) One-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of the Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Intervention Program in a Marine Corps sample.
Change in self-reported sexual behavior as assessed by measures of Sexual Behavioral Intentions on dichotomous items
Change in sexual behavior assessed by composite Sexual Behavioral Intentions (Outcomes 17-21).
Sexual Behavior Intentions is a composite score of Outcomes 17-18 and 20-21 and dichotomous (yes/no [outcome varies by item]) items adapted from measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits, Hwang's et al (2007) Sexual Behaviors After Universal Screening of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Healthy Young Women, and Booth-Kewley's et al (2001) One-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of the Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Intervention Program in a Marine Corps sample.
Change in self-reported sexual behavior as assessed by measures of Sexual Behavioral Intentions on open response (number input) items
Change in sexual behavior assessed by composite Sexual Behavioral Intentions (Outcomes 17-21).
Sexual Behavior Intentions is a composite score of Outcomes 17-19 and 21 and open response (number input) items adapted from measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits, Hwang's et al (2007) Sexual Behaviors After Universal Screening of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Healthy Young Women, and Booth-Kewley's et al (2001) One-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of the Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Intervention Program in a Marine Corps sample.
Change in self-reported sexual behavior as assessed by measures of Sexual Behavioral Intentions
Change in sexual behavior assessed by composite Sexual Behavioral Intentions (Outcomes 17-21).
Sexual Behavior Intentions is a composite score of Outcomes 17-20 and a 7-point likert-type (from "definitely" [better outcome] to "not likely at all" [worse outcome]) scale adapted from measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits, Hwang's et al (2007) Sexual Behaviors After Universal Screening of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Healthy Young Women, and Booth-Kewley's et al (2001) One-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of the Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Intervention Program in a Marine Corps sample.
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare experiences as assessed by measures of Health Care on ordinal items (from "very helpful" to "not helpful at all")
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare experiences assessed by composite Health Care (Outcomes 22-27).
Health Care is a composite score of Outcomes 23-27 and on 5-point ordinal or likert-type (from "very helpful" [better outcome] to "not helpful at all" [worse outcome]) items adapted from measures used in Gold's (1997) CD-ROM Technology to Increase Appropriate Self-Care and Preventive Behaviors among Army and Navy Women.
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare experiences as assessed by measures of Health Care on ordinal items (from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree")
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare experiences assessed by composite Health Care (Outcomes 22-27).
Health Care is a composite score of Outcomes 22 and 24-27 and on 5-point ordinal or likert-type (from "strongly agree" [better outcome] to "strongly disagree" [worse outcome]) items adapted from measures used in Gold's (1997) CD-ROM Technology to Increase Appropriate Self-Care and Preventive Behaviors among Army and Navy Women.
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare experiences as assessed by measures of Health Care on ordinal items (from "to much" to "some to little")
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare experiences assessed by composite Health Care (Outcomes 22-27).
Health Care is a composite score of Outcomes 22-23 and 25-27 and on 5-point ordinal or likert-type (from "too much" to "some too little" [no better/worse outcome]) items adapted from measures used in Gold's (1997) CD-ROM Technology to Increase Appropriate Self-Care and Preventive Behaviors among Army and Navy Women.
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare experiences as assessed by measures of Health Care on yes/no/dont-know nominal items
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare experiences assessed by composite Health Care (Outcomes 22-27).
Health Care is a composite score of Outcomes 22-24 and 26-27 and yes/no/dont-know (no better/worse outcome) items adapted from measures used in Gold's (1997) CD-ROM Technology to Increase Appropriate Self-Care and Preventive Behaviors among Army and Navy Women.
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare experiences as assessed by measures of Health Care on no/yes,recent/yes,not-recent nominal items
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare experiences assessed by composite Health Care (Outcomes 22-27).
Health Care is a composite score of Outcomes 22-25 and 27 and no/yes,recent/yes,not-recent (no better/worse outcome) nominal items adapted from measures used in Gold's (1997) CD-ROM Technology to Increase Appropriate Self-Care and Preventive Behaviors among Army and Navy Women.
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare experiences as assessed by measures of Health Care on a cumulative scale
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare experiences assessed by composite Health Care (Outcomes 22-27).
Health Care is a composite score of Outcomes 22 and 24-26 and a cumulative (outcome varies by item) scales adapted from measures used in Gold's (1997) CD-ROM Technology to Increase Appropriate Self-Care and Preventive Behaviors among Army and Navy Women.
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare provider interactions as assessed by measures of Patient-Provider Communication
Quality and satisfaction of healthcare provider interactions as assessed by Patient-Provider Communication on a 5-point likert-type scale (from "I do not agree" [worse outcome] to "I fully agree" [better outcome]) adapted from Bieber's et al (2010) Questionnaire on the Quality of Physician-Patient Interaction (QQPPI)
Change in self-reported mental health as assessed by Depression (PHQ-2)
Change in mental health assessed by Depression on the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) (from "not at all" [better outcome] to "nearly every day" [worse outcome])
Change in self-reported mental health as assessed by Anxiety (HAI)
Change in mental health assessed by the Anxiety on the Health Anxiety Inventory (HAI)
Intervention acceptability as assessed by measures on Acceptability
Acceptability of the intervention assessed by composite measures on Acceptability (Outcomes 31-33).
Acceptability is a composite score of Outcome 32-33 and a 5-point ordinal or likert-type scale (from "do not agree at all" [worse outcome] to "agree completely" [better outcome]) adapted from Stoyanov's et al (2015) Mobile App Rating Scale and measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits and Kelley's et al (2005) An Evaluation of a Sexual Assault Prevention and Advocacy Program for US Navy Personnel.
Intervention acceptability as assessed by measures on Acceptability as open-ended items
Acceptability of the intervention assessed by composite measures on Acceptability (Outcomes 31-33).
Acceptability is a composite score of Outcome 31 and 33 and open-ended items adapted from Stoyanov's et al (2015) Mobile App Rating Scale and measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits and Kelley's et al (2005) An Evaluation of a Sexual Assault Prevention and Advocacy Program for US Navy Personnel.
Intervention acceptability as assessed by measures on Acceptability on a rating scale
Acceptability of the intervention assessed by composite measures on Acceptability (Outcomes 31-33).
Acceptability is a composite score of Outcome 31-32 and a rating scale (from 1 ["not at all likely"; worse outcome] to 10 ["extremely likely"; better outcome]) adapted from Stoyanov's et al (2015) Mobile App Rating Scale and measures used in Acari's et al (2004) Feasibility and Short-Term Impact of Linked Education and Urine Screening Interventions for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Male Army Recruits and Kelley's et al (2005) An Evaluation of a Sexual Assault Prevention and Advocacy Program for US Navy Personnel.