Evaluating the Feasibility of Acapella® Choice as a Dysphonia Treatment
Muscle Tension Dysphonia, Vocal Fold Palsy, Vocal Cord Paralysis

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Muscle Tension Dysphonia focused on measuring semi-occluded vocal tract exercise, positive expiratory pressure, tube phonation, Acapella, voice therapy
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Able to understand written English without the need for an interpreter,
- No diagnosed communication impairment
Endoscopically confirmed primary ENT diagnosis of either:
- muscle tension dysphonia (with no laryngeal abnormality),
- Vocal fold palsy
- Presbylaryngis.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Previous SLT input
Any of the following possible contraindications for PEP therapy:
- Inability to tolerate increased work of breathing,
- ICP (intracranial pressure) > 20mm Hg,
- Recent facial/oral/skull surgery or trauma,
- Oesophageal surgery,
- Untreated pneumothorax,
- Known or suspected tympanic membrane rupture/other middle ear pathology,
- Haemodynamic instability,
- Acute sinusitis,
- Epistaxis,
- Active haemoptysis,
- Nausea
Sites / Locations
- Royal National ENT Hospital, UCLH Hospitals NHS Trust
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Muscle Tension Group
Vocal Fold Palsy Group
Presbylaryngis Group
10 participants with a diagnosis of muscle tension dysphonia will carry out two experimental interventions, with a 30 minute vocal rest period in between interventions: Three minutes of semi-occluded vocal tract exercise with both Acapella Choice Three minutes of tube-in-water semi-occluded vocal tract exercise. Aerodynamic, acoustic and electroglottographic baselines will be taken before each intervention and repeated immediately post-intervention as outcomes. Participants will also provide a self-assessment of voice quality, perceived ease of voice production and perceived strength of voice before and after each intervention. Participants will additionally answer qualitative questions following each intervention regarding their perceptions of the task: ease performing, pleasantness, effort, practicality and likelihood of carrying out the task on a daily basis as a form of therapy.
10 participants with a diagnosis of (unilateral) vocal fold palsy will carry out two experimental interventions, with a 30 minute vocal rest period in between interventions: Three minutes of semi-occluded vocal tract exercise with both Acapella Choice Three minutes of tube-in-water semi-occluded vocal tract exercise. Aerodynamic, acoustic and electroglottographic baselines will be taken before each intervention and repeated immediately post-intervention as outcomes. Participants will also provide a self-assessment of voice quality, perceived ease of voice production and perceived strength of voice before and after each intervention. Participants will additionally answer qualitative questions following each intervention regarding their perceptions of the task: ease performing, pleasantness, effort, practicality and likelihood of carrying out the task on a daily basis as a form of therapy.
10 participants with a diagnosis of presbylaryngis will carry out two experimental interventions, with a 30 minute vocal rest period in between interventions: Three minutes of semi-occluded vocal tract exercise with both Acapella Choice Three minutes of tube-in-water semi-occluded vocal tract exercise. Aerodynamic, acoustic and electroglottographic baselines will be taken before each intervention and repeated immediately post-intervention as outcomes. Participants will also provide a self-assessment of voice quality, perceived ease of voice production and perceived strength of voice before and after each intervention. Participants will additionally answer qualitative questions following each intervention regarding their perceptions of the task: ease performing, pleasantness, effort, practicality and likelihood of carrying out the task on a daily basis as a form of therapy.