Improving STEM Outcomes for Young Children With Language Learning Disabilities Via Telehealth
Language Development Disorders

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Language Development Disorders focused on measuring Language Therapy, Randomized Controlled Trial, Specific Language Impairment, Developmental Language Disorder
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age between 4 and 7 years
- Not yet begun first grade
- Monolingual speaker of English
- Has SLI confirmed by a standard score of below 85 on the Diagnostic Evaluation of Language Variation-Norm Referenced DELV-NR (Seymour, Roeper, De Villiers, & De Villiers, 2005)
- Differential Abilities Scale-II (Elliott, 2007) t score greater than or equal to 35
- Can produce simple sentences
- Performs with less than 40% accuracy on expressive probes of complement clauses prior to study onset
Exclusion Criteria:
- Other diagnosed developmental disorders (e.g., autism, Down syndrome) via parent report
Sites / Locations
- University of Delaware
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
No Intervention
Science + Grammar Intervention
Science + Vocabulary Intervention
Control: In all conditions, the examiners will teach science using the Full Option Science System Next Generation Edition (FOSS, 2015, curriculum that involves 1) Prediction, 2) Experiment, 3) a visual Journal/Reflection, and 4) a pre-recorded reading centered around a given theme such as sound. A research speech-language pathologist will provide two 30-minute interactive science lessons per week for six weeks to children with language learning challenges recruited nationwide. Children will participate in groups of three. Families will log on five additional times during each week to view the science book reading. In the control condition, children will receive these science lessons but no language intervention. Therefore, this intervention constitutes a nonintervention.
Grammar: In the science + grammar condition, focused stimulation plus explicit instruction will be employed. Focused stimulation an intervention commonly used to target expressive language, will be used to treat complement clauses during the FOSS activities.. The active ingredients are models (30) and recasts (5 per child) of the target structure (e.g., "You measured how long the ramp is"). Recasts occur when an examiner responds to a child's naturally occurring utterance by expanding or extending the child's utterance to include a target grammatical structure. Focused stimulation will be supplemented with explicit instruction using choral production and visual supports (3x per lesson) and a definition of the meaning of the structure (1 per lesson).
Vocabulary: This arm will provide Robust Vocabulary Instruction, an explicit approach that emphasizes multiple and rich encounters in authentic contexts to promote depth of semantic knowledge of 12 words that pertain to scientific practices applicable to the FOSS lessons. The words are: compare, diagram, evidence, explanation, hypothesis, materials, model, multiple, pattern, problem, scientist, search. Two words will be targets in each session. The examiners will ensure that for each target word per session there will be at least one definition model and 3 other models directed to the triad of participants and at least 2 elicitations per child. The recorded books also include 6 additional exposures to the words, for a cumulative exposure of 12.