Induction Chemotherapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer (MEND-IT)
Rectal Cancer

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Rectal Cancer focused on measuring Locally advanced rectal cancer, Induction chemotherapy, Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Chemoradiotherapy
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- 18 years or older
- WHO performance score 0-1.
- Histopathologically confirmed rectal cancer.
- Lower border of the tumour located below the sigmoidal take-off as established on MRI of the pelvis.
Confirmed high-risk locally advanced rectal cancer, meeting one of the following imaging based criteria:
- Tumour invasion of mesorectal fascia (MRF+)
- The presence of grade 4 extramural venous invasion (mrEMVI)
- The presence of tumour deposits (TD)
- The presence of Extramesorectal lymph nodes with a short-axis size > 7mm (LNN)
- Resectable disease as determined on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or deemed resectable disease after neoadjuvant treatment.
Expected gross incomplete resection with overt tumour remaining in the patient after resection, tumour invasion in the neuroforamina, encasement of the ischiadic nerve and invasion of the cortex from S3 and upwards are considered not resectable • Written informed consent.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Evidence of metastatic disease at the moment of inclusion or within six months prior to inclusion except for patients with enlarged iliac or inguinal lymph nodes and aspecific lung noduli.
- Homozygous DPD (Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase) deficiency.
Any chemotherapy within the past 6 months.
o Any contraindication for the planned systemic therapy (e.g. severe allergy, pregnancy, kidney dysfunction and thrombocytopenia), as determined by the medical oncologist.
- Radiotherapy in the pelvic area within the past 6 months.
- Any contraindication for the planned chemoradiotherapy (e.g. severe allergy to the chemotherapy agent or no possibility to receive radiotherapy), as determined by the medical oncologist and/or radiation oncologist.
- Any contraindication to undergo surgery, as determined by the surgeon and/or anaesthesiologist.
- Concurrent malignancies that interfere with the planned study treatment or the prognosis of the resected tumour.
Sites / Locations
- Catharina Hospital Eindhoven
- Netherlands Cancer Institute
- Maastricht University Medical Centre
- Radboud University Medical Centre
- Erasmus MC Cancer institute
- University Medical Centre
- Isala hospital
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Single-arm study
All patients will receive induction chemotherapy consisting of 4-6 cycles of FOLFOXIRI. Restaging will be performed after 4 cycles with a pelvic MRI and a thoraco-abdominal CT-scan. In case of stable or responsive disease, the remaining 2 cycles of FOLFOXIRI will be provided. In case of progressive, but still resectable disease, chemoradiation will be provided immediately, without the remaining 2 cycles of FOLFOXIRI. Restaging will be performed after chemoradiation. In case of resectable disease, surgery is performed.