Optimizing Timing of Follow-up Colonoscopy
Colo-rectal Cancer, Colon Polyp, Colonic Polyp

About this trial
This is an interventional health services research trial for Colo-rectal Cancer
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
For physician participants, there are no age limits/parameters. All physicians performing colonoscopy on adult patients in Winnipeg will be eligible to participate (other than those involved in pilot testing and study investigators). Participating physicians will be informed that the introduced intervention will be an information tool to help improve care for individuals undergoing colonoscopy, and will be asked to consent to review of their patient records. Participating physicians will be informed that no individual-level information will be disclosed at any time and all analysis will be on anonymized data.
For patient participants:
- Patients must be older than 50 years and up to 75 years old for inclusion in the study data.
- Adequate bowel preparation defined by Boston Bowel Preparation Scale Score of ≥ 2 in each of segments of the colon (Boston bowel prep scale score recording is mandatory in the Winnipeg city-wide endoscopy reporting system);
- Colonoscopy completed to the cecum/ileocolonic anastomosis;
- Colonoscopy performed between 1 to 4 months before randomization of endoscopy physician (to determine baseline adherence) or between 3 to 7 months after randomization (to determine effect of the intervention).
Exclusion Criteria:
Physicians will be excluded if they are away for more than six weeks continuously in the six months after randomization. In this situation, an alternate physician will be recruited and randomized. Thus there is no anticipated loss of follow-up.
Patients will be excluded if any of the following criteria are met:
- History of inherited CRC predisposition (Lynch Syndrome, Familial adenomatous polyposis, others);
- Inflammatory bowel disease;
- Partially excised polyp or endoscopy physician recommending early colonoscopy to document complete excision;
- Endoscopy physician documenting a rationale for not repeating colonoscopy in future such as co-morbid conditions.
Sites / Locations
- Health Sciences Center
- Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Access to colonoscopy web app
Approximately half of the consenting individual endoscopy physicians in the city (gastroenterologists and surgeons) will be randomized (stratified by physician specialty) to the intervention group where they are provided access to an application which indicates recommended timing of follow-up colonoscopy given values for various entered factors. In the intervention group, the application can be downloaded to smart phones for portability which will allow access in an endoscopy suite or in clinic or used as a reference at other times. It can also be accessed online (all endoscopy rooms in Winnipeg have computers with internet access for the endoscopy physicians' use). Access to the application will be password-protected, thereby avoiding exposure of the non-intervention group to the application. The clusters of patients will be defined by the endoscopy physician providing the colonoscopy.
Approximately half of the consenting individual endoscopy physicians in the city (gastroenterologists and surgeons) will be randomized (stratified by physician specialty) to the group where they are not provided access to the application (control group).