Antenatal Chlamydia Trachomatis and Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Testing to Prevent Adverse Neonatal Consequences
Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection, Neonatal Infection, Preterm Birth
About this trial
This is an interventional screening trial for Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection focused on measuring chlamydia trachomatis, neisseria gonorrhoeae
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age ≥ 15 years,
- Currently pregnant,
- Attending first ANC visit,
- 27 weeks gestation or less
- Not currently experiencing CT/NG-related symptoms (determined by validated screening tool),
- Not treated for CT/NG in the past 30 days,
- Willingness to provide self-collected specimens for CT/NG testing (for the STI-testing group, this will take place at their first ANC visit, at another visit in their third trimester, and at postnatal care. For the standard of care group, samples will only be collected at postnatal care),
- Willingness to return for a test of cure if CT/NG test is positive during antenatal care,
- Will reside in Gaborone through the time of delivery and 1st postnatal visit,
- Willingness to have neonates tested for CT/NG at their first postnatal visit,
- Mentally competent to understand the informed consent.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Not mentally competent to understand study procedures or give informed consent,
- Individuals < 15 years,
- Men,
- Women who are not pregnant,
- Pregnant women not attending their first antenatal visit,
- Pregnant women at >27 weeks gestation
- Pregnant women with current STI-related symptoms (will receive standard of care),
- Treated for an STI in the past 30 days.
Sites / Locations
- University of Southern California
- DHMT Clinics
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Testing and treatment
Standard of care
Participants will receive CT and NG testing and treatment (if necessary) at their first antenatal care visit and a visit during their third trimester. Women will also receive support for partner notification. All women will receive postnatal testing and treatment. Those who test positive at the postnatal visit will be offered infant testing.
Participants will receive the standard of care for STI management, which is treatment based on signs and symptoms. Women will also receive support for partner notification. All women will receive postnatal testing and treatment. Those who test positive at the postnatal visit will be offered infant testing.