Game Plan for PrEP
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Exposure, Alcohol; Harmful Use
About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Exposure focused on measuring PrEP, Alcohol Use, HIV, STIs, LGBTQ
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Current male gender
- 18+ years old
- Fluent in English
- Heavy alcohol use in the past month (>5 drinks on a single occasion or >14 drinks in a week)
- Currently prescribed and actively taking PrEP
- Report missing > 3 PrEP doses in a row at least once in the past 3 months.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Reporting a history or risk of complicated alcohol withdrawal
- Reporting currently receiving medications or counseling for an alcohol or drug use disorder
- Injection drug use in the past year
- Positive screen for drug-related disorders
Sites / Locations
- Brown University
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Sham Comparator
Game Plan for PrEP
Lifestyle Habits Videos
Participants will be asked to use Game Plan for PrEP for however long they wish. Game Plan for PrEP is a web-based intervention that provides users with feedback about how much their risk for HIV is reduced on PrEP, their risk for bacterial STIs, and helps them make a plan to take their medication regularly and reduce their risk for STIs. Game Plan for PrEP also providers users with feedback about their alcohol use compared to others in their age group and encourages them to make a plan to reduce it.
Participants in this condition will view several videos that encourage them to adopt sleep hygiene and healthy diet behaviors. The videos were selected to last as long as the average time users engage with Game Plan for PrEP in its initial modules.