Evaluating the Management of Chronic Pelvic Girdle Pain (EMaPP)
Pelvic Girdle Pain
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Pelvic Girdle Pain
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Women aged greater than or equal to 18
- Able and willing to provide informed consent
- Self reported Persistent pelvic girdle pain (PGP) (≥3 months post partum)
- Self reported severe PGP (causing walking or stair climbing to be bothersome)
- Diagnosed with PGP in line with European guidelines
- PGP must have started or been aggravated during pregnancy, as determined by self report
Exclusion Criteria:
- known allergy to lycra
- age < 18
- currently pregnant
- PGP for > 2 years post partum
- Self reported history of pathologies causative of lumbo pelvic pain(e.g. Infection, trauma, cancer)
- Participating in concurrent interventional research which may over-burden the patient or confound data collection
- There are no special arrangements made for participants who are unable to adequately understand verbal and/or written English. There is no intention to exclude patients, therefore, if they have regular access to a friend or family member who is able to translate for them they would be able to participate
- Participants who lack capacity to provide informed consent
Sites / Locations
- University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, Derriford Hospital
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Control group
Intervention group
will receive standardised advice on management of pelvic girdle pain, through a discussion centred around 'Guidance for Mothers-to-be and New Mothers: Pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle Pain' booklet (https://pogp.csp.org.uk/system/files/pogp-pgppat_3.pdf). This publicly available, specialist physiotherapy approved, standardised leaflet, provides information reflective of current best practice. The participant can use this as an ongoing resource. The physiotherapist will teach participants a standardised programme of exercises, typical of those provided within usual physiotherapy practice. Written explanation/illustrations of these exercises will be provided and the women asked to undertake these at home, three times/week.
In addition to the control groups intervention of exercise and advice, women in the intervention group will be fitted with the customised pelvic support shorts (DM Orthotics Ltd, https://www.dmorthotics.com). Prior to the first physiotherapy session, those women allocated to the intervention group will have recieved the support shorts in the post together with standardised written information on wear time/washing. At the first physiotherapy session (one hour), the woman will be asked to try them on so that the physiotherapist can review the fit and comfort of the shorts. The physiotherapist will reinforce the written advice about wear time and care of the shorts, and answer any queries / brainstorm any issues. At session two (30 minutes), ~10 days later, the physiotherapist will review the fit and wearing of the shorts, problem solve any issues that have arisen, and review exercises to ensure they are being performed correctly.