CAncer, NUtrition and Taste 2 (CANUT-2)
Breast Cancer, Gynecologic Cancer, Bronchial Cancer
About this trial
This is an interventional health services research trial for Breast Cancer focused on measuring cancer, nutrition, food perceptions alterations
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Major patient with one of the following 3 types of cancer:
- Stage 4 lung cancer (TNM 7 or 8). The indication for immunotherapy in addition to first line chemotherapy will not be a criterion for non-inclusion patients
- histologically or cytologically proven localized breast cancer cytologically proven
- Gynecological cancer (ovarian cancer or uterine cancer) stage III-IV without functional digestive signs related to the tumor disease
- Patient with a body mass index (BMI) between 18 Kg/m² and 35 Kg/m².
- Patient for whom the indication for treatment with a first line of intravenous chemotherapy (+/- targeted therapy) has been accepted by multidisciplinary meeting.
- Patient naive to previous chemotherapy.
- Life expectancy > 3 months.
- Patient with written informed consent
- Patient affiliated to a French social security system.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patient under 18 years
- Patient who had another malignancy within the last 3 years years, with the exception of carcinoma in situ of the cervix or cervical carcinoma in situ or adequately treated squamous cell carcinoma of the skin adequately treated, or basal cell skin cancer.This cancer must be adequately controlled.
- Patients with symptomatic brain and/or meningeal metastases.
- Patients with symptomatic mucositis.
- Patients suffering or having suffered from an ear, nose and throat disease or oeso-gastro intestinal pathology interfering with the food intake.
- Patients suffering from digestive disorders such as nausea prior to any cancer treatment.
- Indication of concomitant radiotherapy or immunotherapy treatment alone.
- Patients with a known food allergy or intolerance
- Patient with diagnosed partial or total ageusia.
- Patient with diagnosed partial or total anosmia.
- Patient having used artificial feeding in the 2 months prior to inclusion.
- Patient who has lost more than 10% of baseline weight in the 2 months prior to inclusion.
- Patient unable to be regularly followed for any reason (geographical, family, social, psychological,...).
- Patient deprived of liberty or placed under guardianship or legal protection.
- Pregnant or breastfeeding woman
Sites / Locations
- Hôpital Louis Pradel, Service gynécologie
- Hôpital Louis Pradel, Service pneumologie
- Infirmerie Protestante
- Hôpital de la Croix Rousse, service pneumologie
- Centre Léon Bérard, service gynécologie
- Centre Léon Bérard, service pneumologie
- Centre hospitalo-universitaire de Lyon Sud, service Oncologie médicale
- Centre hospitalo-universitaire de Lyon Sud, service pneumologie
- CHU St Etienne,
- CH de Valence
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
patients receiving CANUT support (guide + dietary interviews)
patients not receiving canut support (guide + dietary interviews)
Patients included in this arm will have following interventions : CANUT support : patients will receive the CANUT guide (food guide) to help them deal with eating disorders encountered during their chemotherapy treatment ; the CANUT support includes calls from a dietician between chemotherapy cycles for support and advice. anthropometric measures Prehension strength measurement food quality of life questionnaire (Qualité de Vie Alimentaire QVA) Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (QLQ C30) Scratch & Snif Test Taste Strip Test Nutrition interview 24 H feed back questionnaire condiment questionnaire tobacco questionnaire
Patients included in this arm will have following interventions : anthropometric measures Prehension strength measurement food quality of life questionnaire (Qualité de Vie Alimentaire QVA) Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (QLQ C30) Scratch & Snif Test Taste Strip Test Nutrition interview 24 H feed back questionnaire condiment questionnaire tobacco questionnaire