Foot Reflexology to Reduce Pain and Anxiety Before Chest Tube Removal
Chest Tube Removal, Heart; Surgery, Heart, Functional Disturbance as Result, Pain
About this trial
This is an interventional supportive care trial for Chest Tube Removal focused on measuring Anxiety, Cardiac surgery, Chest tubes, Nursing, Pain, Reflexology
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Adult patients over 18 years who have CABG surgery
- Having at least two chest tube catheters
- Having chest tubes removed together
- Volunteering to participate in the research
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients with diagnosed with psychiatric illness
- Having orientation or confusion problems, complete vision or hearing loss, mental problems due to problems such as dementia, mental retardation, and language problems
- Having pacemaker, varicose veins in the ankles
- Having chronic pain
- Having femoral fracture and open wound on the sole of the foot
- Having acute infection and hyperthermia, thromboembolism, suspected deep vein thrombosis at the postoperatively
Sites / Locations
- Baskent University Ankara Hospital
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Refloxology Intervention
Standart Care
The first foot reflexology was applied to the intervention group for 30 min (20 min on the right foot, 10 min on the left foot) on the first postoperative day (24 h after the surgery). On the second postoperative day, 30 min of foot reflexology was applied to the patients who decided to chest tube removal (CTR). After the foot reflexology applied by the researcher, CTR was performed by the doctor within 10 min. Immediately after CTR, the patient's pain and anxiety level during CTR was measured. At the 15th minute after CTR, the pain and anxiety level of the patients was measured, their satisfaction with the reflexology application was measured. Then, the patients were asked to describe the pain and feelings and thoughts during CTR, 1 hr after CTR, pain level was measured, and they were asked to express their feelings and thoughts about the reflexology application.
Participants in the control group will receive standart postoperative care.