Monopolar Dielectric Diathermy by Radiofrequency and Therapeutic Exercise in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain.
Chronic Pain

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Chronic Pain focused on measuring non-specific chronic low back pain, Supervised therapeutic exercise, monopolar dielectric diathermy, randomised single-blind clinical trial
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Low back pain ≥ 3 months.
- Age between 30 and 67 years old.
- Score ≥ 4 points on the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire.
- Not being receiving physical therapy.
Exclusion Criteria:
(1) patients with sensory and/or coagulation disorders; (2) a history of spinal surgery; (3) heart complications; (4) concurrent severe central or peripheral nervous system disease; (5) epilepsy; (6) needle phobia; (7) serious pathologies that can be the main cause of chronic LBP (for example, presence of lumbar stenosis, spondylolisthesis, tumours, etc.); (8) or patients contraindicated for radiofrequency (diathermy).
Sites / Locations
- Adelaida María Castro-Sánchez
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
monopolar dielectric diathermy and supervised therapeutic exercise
Supervised therapeutic exercise
The Experimental Group formed by 30 subjects will undergo an application of monopolar electrical diathermy by radiofrequency emission (MDR) using the Physicalm® device developed by the electro-medicine company Biotronic Advance Develops SL, on the lumbar musculature by means of rotary movements and translation, adapting to the muscle fibers of the lumbar area. A pulsed emission of 840 KHz and 30v will be made dynamically during a treatment time of 20 minutes. Once the application of (MDR) is finished, an exercise program supervised by a physiotherapist will be carried out. The exercise program will consist mainly of three types: stability and lumbo-pelvic motor control, strengthening and stretching of the lumbar muscles (Annex XIV), with a duration of 20 minutes. 2 weekly sessions will be held for 4 weeks, distributed as follows: Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday, a total of 8 treatment sessions.
The Control Group formed by 30 subjects will be administered a training program consisting of three types of exercises, taking into account: stability and lumbopelvic motor control, strengthening and stretching of the lumbar muscles, exactly the same as the Experimental Group. With a duration of 20 minutes. 2 weekly sessions will be held for 4 weeks, distributed as follows: Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday with a total of 8 treatment sessions.