Usability Testing for the Reward-based Technology to Improve OUD Treatment (OARSCM)
Opioid-use Disorder, Contingency Management, Medication for Opioid-use Disorder
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Opioid-use Disorder focused on measuring Substance Use Disorder, Opioid Use Disorder, Contingency Management, Medication for opioid use disorder, Medication-assisted treatment
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- ≥18 years old
- Presenting for acute care at UMass University and Memorial hospitals, including EDs, inpatient medical units, or inpatient behavioral health units for opioid addiction related health complaints, including opioid overdose, opioid related medical consequences, opioid intoxication or withdrawal syndromes, and/or seeking help for OUD
- Presence of a current DSM-V opioid use disorder (OUD), mild to severe
- Medically appropriate for outpatient Suboxone treatment, as judged by the treating clinician and behavioral health consultant or toxicologist working with the patient clinically
Exclusion Criteria:
- Persistent altered mental status (not alert, not oriented, psychotic).
- Not interested or willing to participate in Suboxone treatment
- Best referral site is NOT one of the study's partner clinics in the central MA region, which will be outpatient MAT clinics and primary care within the UMass system and the three other primary facilities outside of the UMass system.
- Unwilling to use the OARSCM app (if assigned)
- Does not have access to their own smartphone with at least iOS 7.1 or Android 4.2, the minimal technology required to run the app, or not willing to access clinic-dedicated computer to access the program
- Currently in state custody or pending legal action that might lead to imprisonment
- Cannot paraphrase the study requirements
- Does not read or speak English
- Does not reside in the central MA region
- Already enrolled in the trial
Sites / Locations
- UMass Chan Medical School
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
After successful completion of usability testing (Patients: n=12, Providers: n=4), a proof-of-concept field test was completed. OARSCM patients (n = 11) received TAU procedures during enrollment (SBIRT for opioid use disorder and a warm handoff to outpatient MOUD treatment). TAU outpatient MOUD treatment consists of urine toxicology (Utox) screening, group/individual therapy, and MOUD prescription. Treatment visits are typically weekly in weeks 1-4 and taper over time. Patients earned chances for prizes, for targeted behaviors, which escalated for each targeted behavior in a row, with reset criteria. For scheduling a MOUD treatment intake, patients will earn 2 chances for prizes. Chances for prizes will increase by 2 chances with each targeted behavior in a row up to a max of 10 draws/targeted behavior. There are 18 targeted behaviors during the 4-week field test (schedule intake, complete intake, 4 opioid-negative Utox/week plus bonuses for cocaine-negative Utox, and 4 therapy/week).