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HIV Self-Testing and Comic Intervention With Refugee Adolescents and Youth

Primary Purpose

HIV/AIDS, HIV Infections, Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice

Not yet recruiting
Not Applicable
Study Type
Educational comic book
HIV Self-testing
Sponsored by
University of Toronto
Full info

About this trial

This is an interventional prevention trial for HIV/AIDS

Eligibility Criteria

16 Years - 24 Years (Child, Adult)All SexesAccepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion Criteria:

  • living in one of the selected villages in Zone 3 & 4 Annex in the Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement
  • identify as a refugee/displaced person or have refugee parents
  • aged 16-24 years

Exclusion Criteria:

  • do not identify as a refugee or do not have refugee parents
  • do not live in the selected villages in Zone 3 & 4 Annex

Sites / Locations

  • Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto

Arms of the Study

Arm 1

Arm 2

Arm 3

Arm 4

Arm Type


Active Comparator

Active Comparator

No Intervention

Arm Label

HIV self-testing + educational comic book

HIV self-testing

Educational comic book

Standard of Care

Arm Description

At the first visit participants will receive a HIVST kit and a detailed description of how to use the HIVST kits, pictorial and written guide for HIVST kits, in addition to contact information for confirmatory testing and linkage to care at local clinics. Participants will also receive an educational comic book focused on HIV testing information and decision making that was developed with qualitative data collected from an earlier study phase. PNs will meet with small groups of participants to read through and discuss the comic book together.

At the first visit participants will receive a HIVST kit and a detailed description of how to use the HIVST kits, pictorial and written guide for HIVST kits, in addition to contact information for confirmatory testing and linkage to care at local clinics.

Participants will receive an educational comic book focused on HIV testing information and decision making that was developed with qualitative data collected from an earlier study phase. PNs will meet with small groups of participants to read through and discuss the comic book together.

PNs will provide information about HIV testing, care and support services at local clinics.


Primary Outcome Measures

Changes in HIV testing frequency
To assess changes in past 3 month HIV testing frequencies, participants are asked to self-report when their last HIV test was and where their last HIV test was (if they used the HIVST, clinic, or point-of-care testing).
HIV status knowledge
At the final 3-month visit, a clinician supported by trained peer navigators will offer all participants a completely voluntary rapid point-of-care HIV test (Alere Determine HIV-½) to measure HIV status knowledge. HIV status knowledge will be assessed as correct for participants that agree to take the rapid test and correctly report their HIV status before receiving the result.

Secondary Outcome Measures

Linkage to confirmatory HIV testing
Interviewer will ask HIVST arms if they used their HIVST kit, for those who did, we will ask result. For those reporting a positive result we will ask if/where they received confirmatory testing. Participants can also submit coupons at collaborating health clinics with coupons with their study ID# for confirmatory tests that can be linked to study.
Change in HIV-related stigma
Attitudes and beliefs towards HIV will be assessed using Steward et al., (2008) HIV-related stigma scale including vicarious and felt-normative HIV stigma dimensions.
Change in HIV knowledge
HIV knowledge will be assessed using 18-item brief HIV knowledge questionnaire by Carey & Schroder, 2002.
Change in access to other sexual and reproductive health services
Interviewer will ask all participants to self-report their use of condoms (at time of last sex, % of times during sex in past 1 month), use of contraception [or partner's use for men] (current use [yes/no], type). Participants can also submit coupons at collaborating health clinics with coupons with their study ID# for SRH services that can be linked to study.
Linkage to HIV care
Participants who seroconvert in the study will be asked if they received HIV care, including ART and counseling, since receiving an HIV-positive diagnosis.
HIV self-test kit use
In order to understand the use of HIV self-test kits and to reduce social desirability bias, one month after Time 2 the participants in arm 1 and arm 2 will be asked if they have unused test kits. They will be informed this information is just to guide future trials.
Safer sex efficacy
Measured using the Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale (Shaweno et al., & Brafford et al.)
Condom use
Measured using questions asking about condom use at last sex; condom use at sex every time in last 3 months [dichotomous: yes/no]
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health stigma
Assessed with the Ugandan Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Stigma scale (Logie et al. 2019) adapted from Hall et al.'s Adolescent SRH Stigma scale
Sexual relationship power
Measured using Relationship Control Sub-Scale from the Sexual & Relationship Power Scale (Pulerwitz et al.)

Full Information

First Posted
January 27, 2022
Last Updated
May 27, 2022
University of Toronto
ViiV Healthcare

1. Study Identification

Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
HIV Self-Testing and Comic Intervention With Refugee Adolescents and Youth
Official Title
Kuwawezesha Vijana (Empowering Youth): An HIV Self-Testing and Comic Intervention With Refugee Adolescents and Youth in a Refugee Settlement in Northern Uganda
Study Type

2. Study Status

Record Verification Date
May 2022
Overall Recruitment Status
Not yet recruiting
Study Start Date
June 2022 (Anticipated)
Primary Completion Date
September 2022 (Anticipated)
Study Completion Date
October 2022 (Anticipated)

3. Sponsor/Collaborators

Responsible Party, by Official Title
Principal Investigator
Name of the Sponsor
University of Toronto
ViiV Healthcare

4. Oversight

Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Data Monitoring Committee

5. Study Description

Brief Summary
HIV is the leading cause of death for adolescents and young people (AYP) in sub-SaharanAfrica (SSA). Uganda hosts 1.4 million refugees/displaced persons and the Bidi Bidi refugee camp in Northern Uganda is the second-largest refugee settlement in the world and the largest in Africa. There are reports of high sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) among refugees during the journey from South Sudan to Uganda and in the refugee settlements, yet low rates of HIV testing and access to HIV prevention services, particularly tailored for gender, age, and the refugee settlement context. This study aims to develop, implement and evaluate an oral HIV-self testing (HIVST) intervention with displaced/refugee AYP aged16- 24 in Bidi Bidi. HIVST is acceptable and properly used with AYP in other SSA regions, yet there are knowledge gaps regarding the best way to link HIVST to HIV care. This study aims to explore how user-developed educational comic books can improve linkage to care with HIVST. This trial focuses on implementing a randomized trial with displaced/refugee AYP aged 16-24 living in Bidi Bidi (Arm1: HIVST; Arm 2: HIVST + comic book; Arm 3: comic book; Arm 4: standard of care). The study will assess changes in HIV testing practices, HIV status knowledge, and linkage to HIV prevention and care between the 4 arms.
Detailed Description
The proposed study will take place in Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement within Yumbe district in northwestern Uganda, hosting over 200,000 refugees.This research will be conducted in Zone 3 and 5 in Bidi Bidi. The proposed intervention involves a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the effectiveness of HIVST delivery approaches on HIV testing uptake among refugee youth aged 16-24 in Bidi Bidi. Participants will be cluster-randomized in one of four study arms (Arm 1: HIVST; Arm 2: HIVST + comic book; Arm 3: comic book; Arm 4: standard of care). Participants from specific villages within two Bidi Bidi zones will be randomized to an arm together. HIVST Interventions (Arm 1 and 2): At the first visit study participants are provided with a HIVST kit (Oraquick: approved and used in Uganda by the Ministry of Health) that is an oral swab test stick and tube solutions, and a written detailed step by step description of how to correctly use the HIVST kits, pictorial and written guide for HIVST kits, information on HIV and testing, referral cards with addresses and phone numbers to local clinics for confirmatory testing. The cards will also have a peer navigator (PN)'s phone numbers for participants to call or text message (SMS) if they need additional information on how to use the kits, or support to go to confirmatory tests at the clinics. Instructions for the kits are in English, Bari and Juba Arabic and reflect the context of the rural displaced adolescent and young people. The Research Coordinator and PN team will rotate being on-call to respond to any issues by text and will offer to phone or text support the participant and offer to make an appointment to see them and/or support them to attend a collaborating clinic for further support. Educational comic book (Arm 2 and 3): Participants will receive an educational comic book focused on HIV testing information and decision making that was developed with qualitative data collected from an earlier study phase. PNs will meet with small groups of participants to read through and discuss the comic book together. Standard of Care: PNs will provide information about HIV testing, care and support services at local clinics. Participant retention: Community collaborators will facilitate recruitment and retention; PNs will use multiple study reminder strategies (e.g. social media, texts) to maintain engagement, and we will utilize existing outreach and services by Uganda Refugee and Disaster Management Council (URDMC). Research Team Training: This research involves collaborations with local clinics and URDMC in Bidi Bidi. Clinic staff will provide technical assistance for HIVST and train PN and the research team in: a) using HIV rapid test kits (Alere Determine HIV-1/2); b) using OraQuick, a rapid oralHIVST used in Uganda; c) pre/post HIV test counselling; and d) linkages to confirmatory testing and HIV care. Linkage to testing and care: Participants across all study arms will meet with PN at two timepoints (t0: baseline, t1: 3 months) to complete surveys. Each participant will have a study identification (ID) number printed on 'movie coupons'; they can bring these coupons to clinics for HIV testing, confirmatory testing, linkage to HIV care, sexual and reproductive health services.The survey ID will be linked to resources accessed. Persons who test positive will be linked with local support groups and services, which have been identified and will the linkage be facilitated by local collaborators URDMC.

6. Conditions and Keywords

Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
HIV/AIDS, HIV Infections, Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice

7. Study Design

Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Not Applicable
Interventional Study Model
Parallel Assignment
Model Description
This cluster-randomized controlled trial (RCT) will evaluate the effectiveness of HIVST delivery approaches on HIV testing uptake among refugee youth in the Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement. Participants from two villages within each of the two zones (i.e., four geographically different areas) will be randomized together to one of 4 study arms: Arm 1-HIVST, Arm 2- HIVST+ educational comic book, Arm 3-educational comic book, and Arm 4 - standard of care(control). Data collectors will administer tablet-based surveys (baseline and at 3 months).
None (Open Label)
120 (Anticipated)

8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions

Arm Title
HIV self-testing + educational comic book
Arm Type
Arm Description
At the first visit participants will receive a HIVST kit and a detailed description of how to use the HIVST kits, pictorial and written guide for HIVST kits, in addition to contact information for confirmatory testing and linkage to care at local clinics. Participants will also receive an educational comic book focused on HIV testing information and decision making that was developed with qualitative data collected from an earlier study phase. PNs will meet with small groups of participants to read through and discuss the comic book together.
Arm Title
HIV self-testing
Arm Type
Active Comparator
Arm Description
At the first visit participants will receive a HIVST kit and a detailed description of how to use the HIVST kits, pictorial and written guide for HIVST kits, in addition to contact information for confirmatory testing and linkage to care at local clinics.
Arm Title
Educational comic book
Arm Type
Active Comparator
Arm Description
Participants will receive an educational comic book focused on HIV testing information and decision making that was developed with qualitative data collected from an earlier study phase. PNs will meet with small groups of participants to read through and discuss the comic book together.
Arm Title
Standard of Care
Arm Type
No Intervention
Arm Description
PNs will provide information about HIV testing, care and support services at local clinics.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Educational comic book
Intervention Description
An educational comic book was developed with qualitative data collected from an earlier study phase involving focus groups with youth from Bidi Bidi. The comic book is focused on HIV testing information and decision making as it follows the story of youth in Bidi Bidi who are seeking out HIV testing. Each youth in the appropriate arm with receive a copy of the comic book and together with 5-10 other youth will meet with a PN to read through and discuss the comic book. The comic will also include blank pages so that the youth can participate in the dialogue of the comic book. The comic will be available in English, Bari and Juba Arabic.
Intervention Type
Diagnostic Test
Intervention Name(s)
HIV Self-testing
Intervention Description
Participants will receive HIVST kits so that they can perform their HIV testing.
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Changes in HIV testing frequency
To assess changes in past 3 month HIV testing frequencies, participants are asked to self-report when their last HIV test was and where their last HIV test was (if they used the HIVST, clinic, or point-of-care testing).
Time Frame
Time 1 (month 0), Time 2 (month 3)
HIV status knowledge
At the final 3-month visit, a clinician supported by trained peer navigators will offer all participants a completely voluntary rapid point-of-care HIV test (Alere Determine HIV-½) to measure HIV status knowledge. HIV status knowledge will be assessed as correct for participants that agree to take the rapid test and correctly report their HIV status before receiving the result.
Time Frame
Time 2 (month 3)
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
Linkage to confirmatory HIV testing
Interviewer will ask HIVST arms if they used their HIVST kit, for those who did, we will ask result. For those reporting a positive result we will ask if/where they received confirmatory testing. Participants can also submit coupons at collaborating health clinics with coupons with their study ID# for confirmatory tests that can be linked to study.
Time Frame
Time 2 (month 3)
Change in HIV-related stigma
Attitudes and beliefs towards HIV will be assessed using Steward et al., (2008) HIV-related stigma scale including vicarious and felt-normative HIV stigma dimensions.
Time Frame
Time 1 (month 0), Time 2 (month 3)
Change in HIV knowledge
HIV knowledge will be assessed using 18-item brief HIV knowledge questionnaire by Carey & Schroder, 2002.
Time Frame
Time 1 (month 0), Time 2 (month 3)
Change in access to other sexual and reproductive health services
Interviewer will ask all participants to self-report their use of condoms (at time of last sex, % of times during sex in past 1 month), use of contraception [or partner's use for men] (current use [yes/no], type). Participants can also submit coupons at collaborating health clinics with coupons with their study ID# for SRH services that can be linked to study.
Time Frame
Time 1 (month 0), Time 2 (month 3)
Linkage to HIV care
Participants who seroconvert in the study will be asked if they received HIV care, including ART and counseling, since receiving an HIV-positive diagnosis.
Time Frame
Time 2 (month 3)
HIV self-test kit use
In order to understand the use of HIV self-test kits and to reduce social desirability bias, one month after Time 2 the participants in arm 1 and arm 2 will be asked if they have unused test kits. They will be informed this information is just to guide future trials.
Time Frame
One month after Time 2
Safer sex efficacy
Measured using the Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale (Shaweno et al., & Brafford et al.)
Time Frame
Time 1 (month 0), Time 2 (month 3)
Condom use
Measured using questions asking about condom use at last sex; condom use at sex every time in last 3 months [dichotomous: yes/no]
Time Frame
Time 1 (month 0), Time 2 (month 3)
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health stigma
Assessed with the Ugandan Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Stigma scale (Logie et al. 2019) adapted from Hall et al.'s Adolescent SRH Stigma scale
Time Frame
Time 1 (month 0), Time 2 (month 3)
Sexual relationship power
Measured using Relationship Control Sub-Scale from the Sexual & Relationship Power Scale (Pulerwitz et al.)
Time Frame
Time 1 (month 0), Time 2 (month 3)

10. Eligibility

Minimum Age & Unit of Time
16 Years
Maximum Age & Unit of Time
24 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: living in one of the selected villages in Zone 3 & 4 Annex in the Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement identify as a refugee/displaced person or have refugee parents aged 16-24 years Exclusion Criteria: do not identify as a refugee or do not have refugee parents do not live in the selected villages in Zone 3 & 4 Annex
Central Contact Person:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Carmen Logie, PhD
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Miranda Loutet, MSc
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Carmen Logie, PhD
Organizational Affiliation
University of Toronto
Official's Role
Principal Investigator
Facility Information:
Facility Name
Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
ZIP/Postal Code

12. IPD Sharing Statement

PubMed Identifier
Steward WT, Herek GM, Ramakrishna J, Bharat S, Chandy S, Wrubel J, Ekstrand ML. HIV-related stigma: adapting a theoretical framework for use in India. Soc Sci Med. 2008 Oct;67(8):1225-35. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.05.032. Epub 2008 Jul 1.
Results Reference
PubMed Identifier
Carey MP, Schroder KE. Development and psychometric evaluation of the brief HIV Knowledge Questionnaire. AIDS Educ Prev. 2002 Apr;14(2):172-82. doi: 10.1521/aeap.
Results Reference
PubMed Identifier
Weiner BJ, Lewis CC, Stanick C, Powell BJ, Dorsey CN, Clary AS, Boynton MH, Halko H. Psychometric assessment of three newly developed implementation outcome measures. Implement Sci. 2017 Aug 29;12(1):108. doi: 10.1186/s13012-017-0635-3.
Results Reference
PubMed Identifier
Shaweno D, Tekletsadik E. Validation of the condom use self-efficacy scale in Ethiopia. BMC Int Health Hum Rights. 2013 Apr 23;13:22. doi: 10.1186/1472-698X-13-22.
Results Reference
PubMed Identifier
Brafford LJ, Beck KH. Development and validation of a condom self-efficacy scale for college students. J Am Coll Health. 1991 Mar;39(5):219-25. doi: 10.1080/07448481.1991.9936238.
Results Reference
Pulerwitz J, Gortmaker SL, Dejong W. Measuring Sexual Relationship Power in HIV/STD Research. Sex Roles. 2000;42:637-60.
Results Reference
PubMed Identifier
Hall KS, Manu A, Morhe E, Harris LH, Loll D, Ela E, Kolenic G, Dozier JL, Challa S, Zochowski MK, Boakye A, Adanu R, Dalton VK. Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Stigma: Results From Young Women in Ghana. J Sex Res. 2018 Jan;55(1):60-72. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2017.1292493. Epub 2017 Mar 7.
Results Reference
PubMed Identifier
Logie CH, Okumu M, Mwima SP, Kyambadde P, Hakiza R, Kibathi IP, Kironde E, Musinguzi J, Kipenda CU. Exploring associations between adolescent sexual and reproductive health stigma and HIV testing awareness and uptake among urban refugee and displaced youth in Kampala, Uganda. Sex Reprod Health Matters. 2019 Dec;27(3):86-106. doi: 10.1080/26410397.2019.1695380.
Results Reference

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HIV Self-Testing and Comic Intervention With Refugee Adolescents and Youth

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