Trial Evaluating the Tailored Versus the Systematic Use of Defunctioning Stoma After Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer (GRECCAR17) (GRECCAR17)
Rectal Cancer, Ileostomy; Functional Disturbance

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Rectal Cancer focused on measuring Rectal Cancer, Defunctioning stoma, Quality of life, Pelvic sepsis, Functional outcomes
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age 18-80 years;
- Rectal adenocarcinoma (histologically proven)
- No metastasis or medical history of colorectal metastasis (M0)
- Patients with rectal cancer < 12 cm from the anal verge (determined by rectal examination or MRI)
- Patients operated on by mini-invasive TME (laparoscopic, robotic or TaTME);
- With or without neo adjuvant treatment
- Realize a stapling anastomosis < 7 cm from the anal verge (determined by rectal examination or MRI)
- Patients with expected defunctioning ileostomy
- Appropriate hematologic function: hemoglobin ≥ 10.5 g/dL, leukocytes > 4000/mm3, blood platelets > 100,000/mm3);
- Appropriate renal function (serum creatinine < 15 mg/dL);
- Appropriate hepatic function: ASAT/ALAT < 100 IU/L;
- Effective contraception of childbearing age : Male patients and premenopausal women should agree to use two medically validated contraceptive methods (one for the patient et one for the partner) during the study
- Patient affiliated or beneficiary to a health security system;
- Patient and doctor have signed informed consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients with rectal cancer requiring TME surgery with handsewn anastomosis;
- Patients operated on by open approach;
- Previous pelvic irradiation for reasons other than rectal cancer
- Concomitant cancer or medical history of cancer within 5 years other than cancers treated in situ (cervical carcinoma or basocellular carcinoma or spinocellular carcinoma)
- Patients with expected defunctioning colostomy;
- Patients with perforated rectal cancer or preoperative pelvic sepsis;
- Patients with inflammatory bowel disease and/or bowel obstruction,
- Patients operated on in emergency;
- Patients with poor nutrition (Albumin < 34 g/L, pre-Alb < 0.14 g/L)
- Patients with extended-TME or pelvic exenteration (prostate);
- Patients with history of heart or vascular ischemia;
- Severe heart disease or congestive heart disease;
- Patients with immunodeficiency and/or under corticotherapy;
- Severe lung disease or respiratory failure;
- Severe kidney disease;
- Previous disease or disability expected to influence the assessment of postoperative QOL;
- Pregnancy or breast feeding;
- Persons deprived of liberty or under guardianship (curatorship or tutorship) or incapable of giving consent;
- Any psychological, familial, sociological or geographical condition potentially hampering compliance with the study protocol or follow-up scheduled.
Sites / Locations
- CHU Amiens-Picardie - Service de Chirurgie DigestiveRecruiting
- CHRU de Besançon - Service de Chirurgie Générale, Digestive et Cancérologique - Unité de Transplantation Hépatique
- CHU de Bordeaux - Service de Chirurgie Digestive et Endocrinienne - Unité ColorectaleRecruiting
- Clinique Tivoli Ducos - Service de Chirurgie DigestiveRecruiting
- CHU de Clermont-Ferrand - Service de Chirurgie Digestive et Hépato-biliaire
- APHP - Hôpital Beaujon - Service de Chirurgie Digestive
- CHU Grenoble Alpes - Service de Chirurgie DigestiveRecruiting
- APHP - Hôpital Bicêtre - Service de Chirurgie Générale et DigestiveRecruiting
- Centre Oscar Lambret - Service de Chirurgie Digestive
- CHU de Lille - Service de Chirurgie Générale et DigestiveRecruiting
- Centre Lyonnais de Chirurgie Digestive
- APHM - Hôpital La Timone - Service de Chirurgie Digestive et GénéraleRecruiting
- APHM - Hôpital Nord - Service de Chirurgie DigestiveRecruiting
- Hôpital Européen de Marseille - Service de Chirurgie DigestiveRecruiting
- Institut Paoli Calmette - Service de Chirurgie DigestiveRecruiting
- Institut du Cancer de Montpellier - Service de Chirurgie Digestive
- APHP - HEGP- Service de Chirurgie DigestiveRecruiting
- APHP - Hôpital Saint Antoine - Service de Chirurgie DigestiveRecruiting
- APHP - Hôpital Saint-Louis - Service de Chirurgie Viscérale, Cancérologique et Endocrinienne
- GH Diaconesses Croix Saint-Simon - Service de Chirurgie Digestive
- Groupe Hospitalier Paris St. Joseph - Service de Chirurgie Digestive et Obésité
- Hospices Civils de Lyon - Sevice de Chirurgie DigestiveRecruiting
- CHU de Rennes - Service de Chirurgie Hépatobiliaire et Digestive
- CHU de Rouen - Service de Chirugie DigestiveRecruiting
- CHRU de Strasbourg - Service de Chirurgie Générale etRecruiting
- CHU de Toulouse - Service de Chirurgie Digestive
- CHRU de Tours - Service de Chirurgie Digestive Oncologique et Colorectale
- CHRU de Nancy - Service de Chirugie Digestive, Hépatobiliaire, endocrinienne et CancérologiqueRecruiting
- Institut Gustave Roussy - Service de Chirurgie Viscérale OncologiqueRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Arm A: Tailored use of defunctioning stoma after TME
Arm B: Systematic use of defunctioning stoma
The tailored use of defunctioning stoma includes two steps: Firstly, the decision to use or not a defunctioning stoma will be based on the personalized risk of anastomotic leakage (according to AFOR score). This score is ranked from 0 to 6, and includes gender, Body Mass Index, smoking, diabetes, tumor size and preoperative radiotherapy. Patients with AFORS equal to 0 or 1 (risk of anastomotic leakage less than 10%) will not have defunctioning stoma; Patients with AFORS equal to or between 2 and 6 (risk of anastomotic leakage more than 20%) will have a defunctioning stoma. Secondly, in patients with a defunctioning stoma, an early closure will be performed day 8-12 after TME if: No fever postoperatively (≤ 38°C), CRP at day 2 lower than 115mg/L (+/- 10 mg/L), decreasing at day 4, CT-scan with colonic contrast retrograde enema showing no anastomotic leakage.
Systematic use of defunctioning stoma for 3 months after TME according to French national guidelines