Trans Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation (taVNS) and Robotic Training for Paralyzed Arm After Stroke (VaNSaRTS)
Stroke, Hemiparesis

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Stroke focused on measuring taVNS, Trans Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation, Robotic Training, Upper Limb Motor Recovery
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- In receipt of full vaccination status and no recent upper respiratory symptoms and no loss of taste or olfaction.
- Individuals between 18 and 85 years of age
- First single focal unilateral supratentorial ischemic stroke with diagnosis verified by brain imaging (MRI or CT scans) that occurred at least 6 months prior
- Cognitive function sufficient to understand the experiments and follow instructions (per interview with Speech Pathologist or PI)
- Fugl-Meyer assessment 12 to 44 out of 66 (neither hemiplegic nor fully recovered motor function in the muscles of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist).
Exclusion Criteria:
- Recent fever or upper respiratory symptoms.
- Botox treatment within 3 months of enrollment
- Fixed contraction deformity in the affected limb
- Complete and total flaccid paralysis of all shoulder and elbow motor performance
- Prior injury to the vagus nerve
- Severe dysphagia
- Introduction of any new rehabilitation interventions during study
- Individuals with scar tissue, broken skin, or irremovable metal piercings that may interfere with the stimulation or the stimulation device
- Highly conductive metal in any part of the body, including metal injury to the eye; this will be reviewed on a case by case basis for PI to make a determination
- Pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant or breastfeeding during the study period
- Significant arrhythmias, including but not limited to, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, sick sinus syndrome, and A-V blocks (enrollment to be determined by PI review)
- Presence of an electrically, magnetically or mechanically activated implant (including cardiac pacemaker), an intracerebral vascular clip, or any other electrically sensitive support system; Loop recorders will be reviewed on a case by case basis by PI and the treating Cardiologist to make a determination
Sites / Locations
- Feinstein Institutes at Northwell HealthRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Sham Comparator
No Intervention
Affected Limb
Unaffected limb
Patients will wear the taVNS device on the left ear for the duration of the subsequent phase of the robotic training. During this phase the patient will engage the robotic device with the affected limb and complete the protocol and the stimulation or sham stimulation will occur with every extensor movement. Within subject. Sham controlled. Double blind, the patient will not know whether they are receiving taVNS, all patients feel a ramp up current but only the active group will receive timed stimulation bursts during the robotic protocol that engages the affected limb. '
Patients will engage the robot first with their unaffected limb. This practice will ensure understanding and serve to activate the hemisphere ipsilateral to the impaired limb. Patients are likely to perform this activity quickly, there will not be any taVNS during this part of the procedure.