Sensorimotor Control During Postural Transitions in CP
Cerebral Palsy

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Cerebral Palsy focused on measuring Balance Control, Stochastic Resonance, Postural Transitions
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria for individuals with CP:
- Age 8-24
- Diagnosis of CP
- GMFCS level I-II
- Ability to stand up from a chair and start walking.
- Migration index of proximal hip (MIGR) < 40% femoral head covering in acetabulum
- At least 0° passive dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM)
- Sufficient visuoperceptual, cognitive and communication skills
- Seizure-free or well-controlled seizures
- No other neurological or musculoskeletal disorders (e.g. dystonia, severe scoliosis, hip instability
- Ability to communicate pain or discomfort
- Ability to assent/consent or obtain parent/guardian consent
Exclusion Criteria for individuals with CP:
- Scoliosis with primary curve > 40%
- Spinal fusions extending into pelvis
- Lower Extremity joint instability or dislocation
- Severe tactile hypersensitivity
- Lower extremity botulinum injections in the past 6 months
- Implanted medical device or metal contraindicative of the application of SR
- Pregnancy (self-reported)
- Severe lower extremity spasticity (Modified Ashworth Scale score of 4 or greater)
- History of pulmonary disease limiting exercise tolerance (Asthma Control Test screen)
- History of cardiac disease (American Heart Association screen)
- Severely limited range of joint motion/ irreversible muscle contractures
- Lower extremity surgery or significant injury within last 1 yr.
Inclusionary criteria for typically developing volunteers:
- Aged 8-24 years old
- Ability to stand up from a chair and start walking without an assistive device or orthoses
- Able to communicate discomfort during testing and can follow multi-step directions
- Has not been diagnosed with any neurological or balance disorders
- Seizure-free
Exclusionary criteria for typically developing volunteers:
- Diagnosis of CP
- Significant scoliosis with primary curve > 40°
- Lower extremity surgery or fractures in the year prior testing
- Joint instability or dislocation in the lower extremities
- Severe tactile hypersensitivity
- A history of selective dorsal root rhizotomy
- Botulinum toxin injections in the lower extremities within the past 6 months
- Marked visual or hearing deficits
- Any embedded metal that may be contraindicated with application of SR
- Severe spasticity of the lower extremity muscles (eg. a score of 4 on the Modified Ashworth)
- Pregnancy (self-reported)
- Severely limited joint range of motion/ irreversible muscle contractures that would not be candidates for soft-tissue surgery
- Learning disabilities
- History of neurological disorders
- Balance and/or postural impairment
Sites / Locations
- University of DelawareRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Stochastic Resonance stimulation
No Stochastic Resonance stimulation
During this condition, participants will perform postural transitions like sit to stand, gait initiation, sit to walk and Timed Up and Go test while receiving stochastic resonance stimulation on legs and hip.
During this condition, participants will perform postural transitions like sit to stand, gait initiation, sit to walk and Timed Up and Go test without receiving any electrical stimulation.