Free From Pain Study
Musculoskeletal Pain, Quality of Life, Fear of Falling
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Musculoskeletal Pain
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Be at least 60 years of age.
- Have generalised neck, low back and/or musculoskeletal pain.
- Clinical patient not requiring surgical intervention or patient not keen on surgical intervention
Exclusion Criteria:
- Lacking the physical ability or cardiovascular fitness required to participate in an exercise programme. This criterion will be explained on the participant information sheet by stating: "If you are unable to walk up a flight of stairs without getting breathless, please do not apply for participation in this study".
- Self-identified lack of mental ability to participate in the exercise programme.
Sites / Locations
- Liverpool University Hospitals Nhs Foundation Trust
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Free From Pain Exercise Book
Usual Care (physiotherapy)
Participants in Group 1 will be asked to engage in the 3 sets of exercises within the exercise book for the following 12 weeks. They will be advised to engage in the exercises at least five times a week. The ideal plan would be as follows: Monday - Otago exercises. Tuesday - Neck and Back exercises. Wednesday - Otago exercises. Thursday - Reading the weekly reading material. Friday - Neck and Back exercises. Saturday - Otago exercises. Sunday - Rest day. Furthermore, it will be recommended that participants in Group 1 read one motivation/reason chapter and one metaphor each week for 12 weeks, to ensure that they absorb the information fully and do not overbear themselves with information. Participants in Group 1 will also be asked to fill in the exercise diary, found at the back of the exercise book, each time they exercise as part of the "Free From Pain" programme.
Those in Group 2 (control group) will not be provided with the "Free From Pain Exercise Book", and will instead be referred to physiotherapy as part of standard / usual care. They will be asked to report when their physiotherapy commenced.