Validity and Reliability of the PROprioception Measurement Tool (PROMT) (PROMT)
Child Development, Upper Motor Neurone Lesion, Cerebral Palsy

About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Child Development
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- neuromotor impairments due to UMN lesions (diagnoses can be, for example, cerebral palsy (CP), acquired brain injuries, myelomeningocele, hydrocephalus)
- ability to sit with or without back support for 30 minutes
- ability to stand with or without support
- ability to do some steps
- informed consent.
Exclusion Criteria:
- severe visual impairment
- surgery within the last six months with involvement of the lower limbs
- botulinum toxin injection in the lower limbs within the previous three months
- unable to communicate pain or discomfort (verbally or nonverbally)
- noncompliance
- not able to follow simple short instructions
Sites / Locations
- Swiss Children's RehabRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Children with upper motor neuron lesions
Children without UMN lesions (developing typically)
With the Proprioception Measurement Tool (PROMT) following modalities are assessed: joint movement sense, joint position sense, and active position sense. The child has to wear on each leg two Shimmer Sensors on the lower limb and the foot. The child sits on a table or bench, and the feet are free-hanging. A table is positioned in front of the child to place the smartphone or convertible notebook at a distance where the child can press the digital button. The table with an additional U-table platform prevents the child's view towards the legs. The duration of these three tests is 20 minutes. The comparator assessments on each level of the ICF-CY are conducted, and a feasibility questionnaire (detailed described under chapter outcome measures)
With the Proprioception Measurement Tool (PROMT) following modalities are assessed: joint movement sense, joint position sense, and active position sense. The child has to wear on each leg two Shimmer Sensors on the lower limb and the foot. The child sits on a table or bench, and the feet are free-hanging. A table is positioned in front of the child to place the smartphone or convertible notebook at a distance where the child can press the digital button. The table with an additional U-table platform prevents the child's view towards the legs. The duration of these three tests is 20 minutes. A feasibility questionnaire (detailed described under chapter outcome measures)