Effect of Sour Cherry Anthocyanins on Healthy Human Saliva
Dental Caries

About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Dental Caries
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- persons over than 18 years of age,
- written informed consent,
- healthy dentition
Exclusion Criteria:
- smoking,
- infectious disease treated with antibiotic in the last two months,
- xerostomia,
- acute oral lesion,
- allergy (lactose),
- systemic or mental condition which remorate the participation.
Sites / Locations
- University of Debrecen
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Age groups
Groups by toothbrush change
Experimental period
Participants grouped by their age (Age group I: patients aged between 18-30, age group II: patients aged between 31-45).
Half of the group change the toothbrush after scaling and the other half not.
Control: Control period without sour cherry chewing gum usage, with saliva sampling on fixed appointments (between 12:00 and 14:00, 0th, 4th and 7th day of the week) of the week. At the beginning oral and basic periodontal examinations performed. Plaque and calculus index at every sampling occasions. Prevention: After a full mouth scaling sour cherry chewing gum usage, for a week. Saliva sampling on the same days. Plaque and calculus index at every sampling occasions. Therapeutic: Sour cherry chewing gum usage, for one more week. Saliva sampling on the same days. Plaque and calculus index at every sampling occasions. Control (without sour cherry chewing gum usage), prevention and therapeutic periods takes 3 weeks together.