Fiber Food Introduction in Pediatric Short Bowel Syndrome
Short Gut Syndrome

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Short Gut Syndrome
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Actively follows at CHOP outpatient clinics
- SBS arm specific: History of SBS diagnosis. History of short bowel syndrome based on surgical/imaging records. Has ileocecal resection (No ICV) and small bowel is in continuity with some portion of colon
- Control arm specific: No history of intestinal pathologies
- No or negligible amount (few bites of fiber-containing foods okay) of fiber in tube feeds or by mouth at baseline
- Less than 20% calories from oral food not containing fiber while the other 80% may be by enteral and/or parenteral feedings
- At least 20% calories from fiber-free formula taken orally or via tube
- Antibiotic use is allowed, however, should be on a stable regimen of antibiotics starting from 2 weeks prior to intervention until end of study or end of week 3 whichever is sooner
- Previous history of fiber introduction failure is acceptable as long as clinically stable at the time of recruitment
- Fiber supplementation is appropriate per primary physician
Exclusion Criteria:
- SBS Arm specific: No diagnosis of SBS. No history of ICV resection.
- Control Arm specific: has baseline intestinal diseases
- Small bowel and colon not in continuity (Ex: presence of ileostomy or jejunostomy)
- >5% changes in percentage of calories from PO, EN and/or PN during the intervention
- Addition/discontinuation/significant alteration to antibiotics regimen during study period
- Primary physician does not think fiber supplementation is appropriate clinically
Sites / Locations
- Children's Hospital of PhiladelphiaRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Short Bowel Syndrome Arm
Control Arm -
Patients with SBS will be initiated on green bean purees added to enteral formula recipes, based on kilocalories of enteral formula over 3 weeks. During week 1 subjects will prepare and add 50 mL green bean puree per 1000kcal of enteral feed (5%) to their formula mixture, increasing to 100ml (10%) and 150ml (15%) during weeks 2 and 3, respectively.
Patients without SBS will be initiated on green bean purees added to enteral formula recipes, based on kilocalories of enteral formula over 3 weeks. During week 1 subjects will prepare and add 50 mL green bean puree per 1000kcal of enteral feed (5%) to their formula mixture, increasing to 100ml (10%) and 150ml (15%) during weeks 2 and 3, respectively.