A Study of Insulin Efsitora Alfa (LY3209590) as a Weekly Basal Insulin Compared to Insulin Glargine in Adult Participants With Type 2 Diabetes on Multiple Daily Injections (QWINT-4)
Type 2 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes Treated With Insulin

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Type 2 Diabetes
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Have a diagnosis of T2D according to the world health organization (WHO) criteria, currently treated with basal insulin and at least 2 injections of prandial insulin per day.
- Are receiving ≥10 units of total basal insulin per day at screening.
- Are receiving ≤2 units/kilogram/day of total daily insulin at screening
- Have an HbA1c value of 7.0% to 10%, inclusive, as determined by the central laboratory at screening
Have been treated with a stable regimen of one of the following basal insulins used according to local product label with or without noninsulin diabetes therapy for at least 90 days prior to screening
- once daily U-100 or U-200 insulin degludec
- once daily U-100 or U-300 insulin glargine
- once or twice daily U-100 insulin detemir or
- once or twice daily human insulin Neutral Protamine Hagedorn
Have been treated with at least twice daily dosing of one of the following insulins used according to local product label for at least 90 days prior to screening. One dose of prandial insulin must occur prior to the evening meal.
- Insulin lispro-aabc
- Insulin lispro (U-100 and U-200)s, IN], U-100 or U200)
- Insulin aspart (U-100)
- Insulin glulisine (U-100), or
- Regular insulin (U-100)
Acceptable noninsulin diabetes therapies may include 0 to up to 3 of the following with a stable dose for at least 90 days prior to screening
- dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors
- sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors
- biguanides (for example, metformin), or
- glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists Note: All noninsulin diabetes therapies must be used in accordance with the corresponding local product label at the time of screening, and participants should be willing to continue stable dosing throughout the study
- Have a body mass index ≤45 kilogram/square meter (kg/m²)
Exclusion Criteria:
- Have a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus or latent autoimmune diabetes, or specific type of diabetes other than T2D (for example, monogenic diabetes, diseases of the exocrine pancreas, drug-induced or chemical-induced diabetes).
Are currently receiving any of the following insulin therapies anytime in the past 90 days:
- insulin mixtures
- insulin human, inhalation powder, or
- continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy, or
- regular insulin U-500
- Have a history of greater than 1 episode of ketoacidosis or hyperosmolar state/coma requiring hospitalization in the 6 months prior to screening
- Have had any episodes of severe hypoglycemia, defined as requiring assistance due to neurologically disabling hypoglycemia, within the 6 months prior to screening
- Have hypoglycemia unawareness in the opinion of the investigator
- Anticipate making changes in personal CGM or flash glucose monitoring (FGM) use (for example, initiation, stopping, or changing device) during the study.
- Have had New York Heart Association Class IV heart failure or any of the following cardiovascular conditions in the past 3 months prior to screening: acute myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident (stroke), or coronary bypass surgery.
- Have undergone gastric bypass (bariatric) surgery, restrictive bariatric surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy within 1 year prior to screening
Sites / Locations
- Aventiv Research
- CMR of Greater New Haven, LLC
- Tampa Bay Medical Research
- Panax Clinical Research
- Encore Medical Research - Weston
- Elite Clinical Trials
- Rocky Mountain Clinical Research
- MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital
- NECCR PrimaCare Research
- Arcturus Healthcare , PLC, Troy Internal Medicine Research Division
- Palm Research Center Tenaya
- Palm Research Center Sunset
- Research Foundation of SUNY - University of Buffalo
- Remington Davis Clinical Research
- Aventiv Research
- Heritage Valley Multispecialty Group, Inc
- Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
- Texas Diabetes & Endocrinology, P.A.
- Texas Diabetes & Endocrinology, P.A.
- North Texas Endocrine Center
- Research Institute of Dallas
- Consano Clinical Research, LLC
- Chrysalis Clinical Research
- Rainier Clinical Research Center
- Centro de Investigaciones Metabólicas (CINME)
- Go Centro Medico San Nicolás
- Consultorio de Investigación Clínica EMO SRL
- Instituto Centenario
- Centro Medico Dra. Laura Maffei- Investigacion Clinica Aplicada
- Instituto Médico Río Cuarto
- Centro de Salud e Investigaciones Médicas
- Instituto de Investigaciones Clinicas Rosario-Sanatorio Delta
- Instituto Médico Catamarca IMEC
- Centro de Investigaciones Médicas Tucuman
- Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas Córdoba
- Centro de Investigaciones Clinicas del Litoral
- ClinPhenomics GmbH & Co KG
- InnoDiab Forschung Gmbh
- Institut für Diabetesforschung GmbH Münster
- Schwerpunktpraxis für Diabetes und Ernährungsmedizin Dr. med. Winfried Keuthage
- RED-Institut GmbH
- Diabetespraxis Mergentheim
- Diabeteszentrum Hamburg West
- Life Care Hospital and Research Centre
- Topiwala National Medical College & B. Y. L. Nair Charitable Hospital
- BSES MG Hospital
- Madras Diabetes Research Foundation
- Osmania General Hospital
- Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER)
- Osepdale Civile Fr 5
- "Fatebenefratelli Isola Tiberina - Gemelli Isola"
- Ospedale san Giovanni di Dio-Diabetologia
- INRCA Ancona
- IRCCS - AOU di Bologna
- Azienda Ospedaliera Spedali Civili di Brescia
- Azienda Ospedaliera Mater Domini
- Azienda di Rilievo Nazionale e Alta Specializzazione Civico Di Cristina Benfratelli
- Unidad de Investigación Clínica y Atención Médica HEPA
- Hospital Universitario "Dr. Jose Eleuterio Gonzalez"
- Unidad Médica para la Salud Integral
- Centro de Estudios de Investigacion Metabolicos y Cardiovasculares, S.C.
- Investigacion En Salud Y Metabolismo Sc
- Centro de Endocrinologia Alcantara Gonzalez
- Manati Center for Clinical Research
- CHUAC-Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña
- Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Ferrol (CHUF)- Hospital Naval
- Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria
- Hospital Universitari Son Espases
- Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid
- Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
- Hospital Universitario Quironsalud Madrid
- Vithas Hospital Sevilla
- Hospital Universitario de La Ribera
- Hospital General Universitario de Valencia
- Hospital Universitario San Cecilio
- Clínica nuevas Tecnologías en Diabetes y Endocrinología (NTDE)
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Insulin Efsitora Alfa + Insulin Lispro
Insulin Glargine + Insulin Lispro
Participants will be given insulin efsitora alfa by subcutaneous (SC) injection along with insulin lispro
Participants will be given insulin glargine by SC injection along with insulin lispro