Antiretroviral Improvement Among Medicaid Enrollees (AIMS)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
About this trial
This is an interventional supportive care trial for Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion criteria for patients:
- Current enrollment in Virginia Medicaid;
- Continuous Virginia Medicaid enrollment for the preceding 12 or more months;
- Current age 19-63 years;
- Identified as living with HIV according to an HIV case identification algorithm;
- Non-dual eligible for Medicare;
- Prior ART prescription claim, with claims for the most recent ART prescription refill(s) >30-90 days late OR no history of ART prescription.
Exclusion criteria for patients:
- Record of non-Medicaid health insurance or other health care service payer in past 12 months;
- New prescription claim(s) in past >30-90 days for within-class ART drug(s) not previously prescribed (indicating an ART prescription was discontinued due to ART toxicity (within-class switch));
- Service claim(s) for resistance testing and other ART prescription claim(s) in past >30-90 days for ART drug(s) not previously prescribed (indicating the previous ART prescription was discontinued due to ART resistance);
- Service address of the enrollee's most frequent HIV provider for a healthcare facility currently offering PositiveLinks;
- No record in the Virginia HIV surveillance data;
- Non-English speaking.
Inclusion criteria for providers:
• Identified primary HIV provider for eligible patient participant meeting all selection criteria and with no record of prior ART prescription
Exclusion criteria for providers:
• None
Sites / Locations
- Virginia Commonwealth University
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
No Intervention
Usual care
AIMS program - patient
AIMS program - provider
Providers will be cluster-randomized by provider characteristics (HIV patient volume) and patient characteristics (distribution of providers' patients by age, gender, race/ethnicity, and urbanicity). Participants who are patients of providers assigned to the usual care arm will receive standard state-level care for missing or late ART prescription refill(s) for Virginia Medicaid enrollees living with HIV.
Providers will be cluster-randomized by provider characteristics (HIV patient volume) and patient characteristics (distribution of providers' patients by age, gender, race/ethnicity, and urbanicity). Participants who are patients of providers assigned to the AIMS program arm will receive patient-level support.
Providers will be cluster-randomized by provider characteristics (HIV patient volume) and patient characteristics (distribution of providers' patients by age, gender, race/ethnicity, and urbanicity). Participants assigned to the AIMS program arm will receive provider-level support.