Effect of Compression Stockings on the Number of Apneas/Hypopneas Per Hour of Sleep in Patients With Syndrome Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea as Compared to no Treatment
Sleep Apnea Syndromes

About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Sleep Apnea Syndromes focused on measuring Obstructive sleep apnea, Fluid, Sedentary living, Compression stockings
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
patient with moderate to severe sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome confirmed by polysomnography dating less than 3 months with an index of apneas/hypopneas ≥ 15 apneas-hypopneas/h
- having been previously treated with nasal ventilation by continuous positive airway pressure and mandibular orthosis and having stopped treatment for at least 10 days, regardless of the duration of use of these two treatments
or never treated for their sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome satisfying the following 3 criteria
- having 1 or 2 of the following signs daytime sleepiness, severe and daily snoring, feelings of suffocation or suffocation during sleep, daytime fatigue, nocturia, morning headaches.
- absence of serious cardiovascular or respiratory comorbidity
- absence of severe daytime sleepiness and/or accidental risk that could lead to direct or indirect bodily harm
- stable weight (5% variation of the weight at the time of the polysomnography done within 3 months)
- patient without varicose veins, without trophic disorder that could suggest moderate to severe superficial or deep venous insufficiency (dermatitis, hypodermatitis, active or healed ulcer)
- sedentary patient (patient seated more than 8 h/d
Exclusion Criteria:
- daily wearing of medical compression
- patient with a contraindication to wearing a compression garment
- patient unable to apply compression (preliminary test)
- taking diuretics or venotonics
- obesity (body mass index > 30 kg/m2)
- patient with leg dermatosis
- patient with leg or thigh muscle trauma less than three months old
- patient with sciatica, cruralgia or acute low back pain
- pregnant or post-pregnancy women less than 6 months old or of childbearing age without an effective method of contraception
- heart, liver or kidney failure
- lymphedema of the lower limbs
- cancer not considered to be in remission
- history of abdominal radiotherapy
Sites / Locations
- Service des Pathologies du Sommeil Bâtiment EOLE GH Pitié-SalpêtrièreRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Compression stockings - No Compression
No Compression - Compression stockings
The patient will wear specific compression stockings in the first phase, and no compression in the second phase of the study
The patient won't wear anything in the first phase, and specific compression stockings in the second phase of the study