A Study of Brief Behavioral Activation for the Treatment of Depression in Older Adult Cancer Survivors
Primary Purpose
Phase 2
United States
Study Type
Behavioral Activation
Supportive Psychotherapy
Sponsored by
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Survivorship focused on measuring Older Adult Cancer Survivors, history of cancer, 22-248, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- As per self-report or medical record, ≥65 years old
- As per self-report or medical record, has a history of cancer and is a patient in the MSK Survivorship Clinics
- Fluent in English, as per self-reported fluency of "well" or "very well"*
- As per self-report, able to communicate over video-conference and/or phone for sessions
- Elevated score on the PHQ-9: ≥8 and ≤19 (N/A for Training Case participants)
- Received a Blessed Orientation-Memory-Concentration Scale (BOMC) score of ≤ 11 (N/A for Training Case participants)
Exclusion Criteria:
- As per PI determination, requires a higher level of care for current passive or active suicidal ideation than current protocol is able to provide. If a participant receives a score of > 0 on item 9 of the PHQ-9, they will be referred to study PI for further evaluation. They will be excluded from participation in this study if the PI determines they would be appropriate for a higher level of care than BA may be able to provide.
- As per self-report or as documented in the medical record, current untreated (e.g., no medication, no therapy) major psychotic disorder (schizotypal personality disorder, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder). Patients diagnosed with a major psychiatric disorder will be reviewed by the study PI to determine eligibility prior to consent.
- As per self-report or medical record, currently taking antidepressant medication for < 3 month
- As per medical record, patient has impaired decision-making capacity
Sites / Locations
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (All Protocol Activities)Recruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm Type
Arm Label
Older Adult Cancer Survivors (OACS) - Behavioral Activation (BA)
Older Adult Cancer Survivors (OACS) - Supportive Psychotherapy (SP)
Arm Description
Older adult cancer survivors (OACS) will receive a Behavioral Activation intervention
Older adult cancer survivors (OACS) will receive a Supportive Psychotherapy intervention
Primary Outcome Measures
Difference of Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) scores between study groups
Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9): The PHQ-9 consists of nine items, each of which corresponds to one of the nine symptoms required for a diagnosis of a major depressive disorder (MDD) as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Respondents are asked to rate how often they have been bothered by each of the nine symptoms over the preceding two weeks. Respondents rate each item on a four-point scale (0=not at all, 1=several days, 2=more than half the days, 3=nearly every day). Its reliability and validity have been established in diverse general and medical populations. Total scores range from 0-27; In outpatient cancer settings, psychometric research suggests that a score of ≥8 indicates clinically significant depressive symptoms and should be used as a clinical cut-off .
Secondary Outcome Measures
Full Information
First Posted
October 6, 2022
Last Updated
July 25, 2023
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
A Study of Brief Behavioral Activation for the Treatment of Depression in Older Adult Cancer Survivors
Official Title
Brief Behavioral Activation for the Treatment of Depression in Older Adult Cancer Survivors
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
July 2023
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
October 6, 2022 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
October 6, 2024 (Anticipated)
Study Completion Date
October 6, 2024 (Anticipated)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Name of the Sponsor
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
4. Oversight
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
The purpose of this study is to find out if a psychotherapy method called behavioral activation (BA) can be successfully delivered by telephone or videoconference (remotely) and can effectively treat depression in Older Adult Cancer Survivors (OACS)
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Older Adult Cancer Survivors, history of cancer, 22-248, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Phase 2
Interventional Study Model
Parallel Assignment
InvestigatorOutcomes Assessor
66 (Anticipated)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
Older Adult Cancer Survivors (OACS) - Behavioral Activation (BA)
Arm Type
Arm Description
Older adult cancer survivors (OACS) will receive a Behavioral Activation intervention
Arm Title
Older Adult Cancer Survivors (OACS) - Supportive Psychotherapy (SP)
Arm Type
Arm Description
Older adult cancer survivors (OACS) will receive a Supportive Psychotherapy intervention
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Behavioral Activation
Other Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
Sessions for both arms (BP & SP) will be administered remotely via video-conference and/or telephone (per patient preference) at the following timeline:
Full participants (not training cases): Ten sessions (30-50 minutes each) will be delivered approximately weekly over a 10-week period (+10 weeks).
Training case participants: Ten sessions (30-50 minutes each) will be delivered over an approximately 5-week period (+10 weeks).
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Supportive Psychotherapy
Other Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
Sessions for both arms (BP & SP) will be administered remotely via video-conference and/or telephone (per patient preference) at the following timeline:
Full participants (not training cases): Ten sessions (30-50 minutes each) will be delivered approximately weekly over a 10-week period (+10 weeks).
Training case participants: Ten sessions (30-50 minutes each) will be delivered over an approximately 5-week period (+10 weeks).
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Difference of Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) scores between study groups
Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9): The PHQ-9 consists of nine items, each of which corresponds to one of the nine symptoms required for a diagnosis of a major depressive disorder (MDD) as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Respondents are asked to rate how often they have been bothered by each of the nine symptoms over the preceding two weeks. Respondents rate each item on a four-point scale (0=not at all, 1=several days, 2=more than half the days, 3=nearly every day). Its reliability and validity have been established in diverse general and medical populations. Total scores range from 0-27; In outpatient cancer settings, psychometric research suggests that a score of ≥8 indicates clinically significant depressive symptoms and should be used as a clinical cut-off .
Time Frame
2 months post intervention
10. Eligibility
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
65 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
As per self-report or medical record, ≥65 years old
As per self-report or medical record, has a history of cancer
As per medical record and/or clinician confirmation:
a patient in MSK Survivorship Clinics AND/OR
no evidence of disease (NED) AND/OR
6 months or more post-treatment (patients on maintenance hormonal therapies are eligible)
Fluent in English, as per self-reported fluency of "well" or "very well"*
As per self-report, able to communicate over video-conference and/or phone for sessions
Elevated score on the PHQ-9: ≥5 and ≤19 (N/A for Training Case participants)
Received a Blessed Orientation-Memory-Concentration Scale (BOMC) score of ≤ 11 (N/A for Training Case participants)
Exclusion Criteria:
As per PI determination, requires a higher level of care for current passive or active suicidal ideation than current protocol is able to provide. If a participant receives a score of > 0 on item 9 of the PHQ-9, they will be referred to study PI for further evaluation. They will be excluded from participation in this study if the PI determines they would be appropriate for a higher level of care than BA may be able to provide.
As per self-report or as documented in the medical record, current untreated (e.g., no medication, no therapy) major psychotic disorder (schizotypal personality disorder, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder). Patients diagnosed with a major psychiatric disorder will be reviewed by the study PI to determine eligibility prior to consent.
As per self-report or medical record, currently taking antidepressant medication for < 3 month
As per medical record, patient has impaired decision-making capacity
Central Contact Person:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Rebecca Saracino, PhD
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Christian Nelson, PhD
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Rebecca Saracino, PhD
Organizational Affiliation
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Official's Role
Principal Investigator
Facility Information:
Facility Name
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (All Protocol Activities)
New York
New York
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Rebecca Saracino, PhD
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Plan to Share IPD
IPD Sharing Plan Description
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center supports the international committee of medical journal editors (ICMJE) and the ethical obligation of responsible sharing of data from clinical trials. The protocol summary, a statistical summary, and informed consent form will be made available on clinicaltrials.gov when required as a condition of Federal awards, other agreements supporting the research and/or as otherwise required. Requests for deidentified individual participant data can be made beginning 12 months after publication and for up to 36 months post publication. Deidentified individual participant data reported in the manuscript will be shared under the terms of a Data Use Agreement and may only be used for approved proposals. Requests may be made to: crdatashare@mskcc.org.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Learn more about this trial
A Study of Brief Behavioral Activation for the Treatment of Depression in Older Adult Cancer Survivors
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