Examining Different Components of Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for People With Chiari Malformation
Chronic Pain, Chiari Malformation

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Chronic Pain focused on measuring chronic pain, acceptance and commitment therapy, sleep dysfunction, online intervention
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Eligible participants will be between the ages of 18-65, have been diagnosed by a doctor with Chiari Malformation, and report a pain intensity of at least a 3 on a scale from 1-10. If they are taking psychotropic medication participants must be stable on their medication for the past 3 months, and they must have access to the internet. Participants must also be willing to commit approximately an hour a week for 8 weeks to engage in the intervention and homework.
Exclusion Criteria:
Participants will be excluded if they do not speak English, have a sensory impairment (blindness), are less than 18 years old, are without Internet, are not diagnosed with Chiari Malformation, have not experienced persistent pain over the past 3 months, rate their average pain as at least a 3 on a scale from 1-10, have not been stable on psychotropic medication for the past 3 months, are currently receiving ACT or CBT, have active suicidal ideations, and/or have severe psychiatric disorders including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Those unstable on medication, having active suicidal ideations, and severe psychiatric disorders will be excluded because they need a higher level of care than will be provided in an online intervention. We are also excluding those currently in ACT or CBT treatment because we would not be able to differentiate the impact of the online intervention vs. the impact of their alternative treatment. Participants in the prior ACT pilot study will also be excluded.
Sites / Locations
- Kent state University
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
No Intervention
Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Intervention + Phone Coaching
Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Intervention without phone coaching
Waitlist Control
This online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention is delivered over 8 weeks, in 8 15-minute modules. Additionally, each participant will receive a weekly call for the duration of the intervention (i.e., 9 phone calls: one introduction phone call, 8 module related phone calls) from a Master's-level clinical student who will serve as the participants "phone coach." The intervention includes 8 modules: Away Moves, Letting Go of Control, Noticing Hooks, Stepping Back, Your Values, How You Want to Act, Goal Setting, and Making Commitments). Each module ends with a practice assignment which participants are asked to engage in over the next week. During the phone coaching calls, the clinical student will be able to help troubleshoot any technical difficulties being experienced, as well as clarify any questions about the material being taught in the intervention.
This online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention is delivered over 8 weeks, in 8 15-minute modules. Additionally, each participant will receive a weekly call for the duration of the intervention (i.e., 9 phone calls: one introduction phone call, 8 module related phone calls) from a Master's-level clinical student who will serve as the participants "phone coach." The intervention includes 8 modules: Away Moves, Letting Go of Control, Noticing Hooks, Stepping Back, Your Values, How You Want to Act, Goal Setting, and Making Commitments). Each module ends with a practice assignment which participants are asked to engage in over the next week.
Participants in this arm of the study will complete the same sleep diaries and questionnaires at the same time points as the intervention group, but will not be administered the intervention modules and will not receive any phone coaching. When they have completed the 1-month follow-up they will be offered the intervention.