Impact of Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping on Patient Reported Lower Extremity Limb Dysfunction in Stage I Endometrial Cancer
Stage I Uterine Corpus Cancer AJCC v8

About this trial
This is an interventional supportive care trial for Stage I Uterine Corpus Cancer AJCC v8
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Histologically proven diagnosis of endometrial cancer based on endometrial sampling with a plan to undergo laparoscopic or robotic hysterectomy and lymphatic assessment as part of primary management. Biopsy must be performed within 90 days prior to registration Clinical stage I endometrial cancer based on the following diagnostic workup: History/physical examination within 30 days prior to registration is reassuring for the absence of metastatic disease Age >= 18 years Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status of 0, 1 or 2 Patients with a prior or concurrent malignancy whose natural history or treatment does not have the potential to interfere with the safety or efficacy assessment of the investigational regimen are eligible for this trial The patient or a legally authorized representative must provide study-specific informed consent prior to study entry and, for patients treated in the United States (U.S.), authorization permitting release of personal health information Patients must speak English or Spanish Exclusion Criteria: Patients whom the surgeon believes is not a candidate for pelvic lymphadenectomy due to medical comorbidities or other technical challenges (i.e. morbid obesity or prior surgery) History of chemotherapy or immunotherapy for the treatment of endometrial cancer. Progestin-containing therapies such as megestrol, medroxyprogesterone, or levonorgestrel-containing intrauterine device (IUD) are acceptable History of radiation to the pelvis, groin or lower extremities, or surgery to the pelvic lymph nodes or inguinal lymph nodes Patients who are going to undergo another elective surgery during the same operative event as their hysterectomy (i.e., sacrocolpopexy, cholecystectomy) Patients with severe, active co-morbidity defined as follows: History of patient or provider identified lower extremity lymphedema History of patient or provider identified chronic lower extremity swelling History of lower extremity or pelvic deep venous thromboembolism within 90 days of registration History of lower extremity cellulitis within 90 days of registration For the bioimpedance sub study only: patients with implantable metal devices (i.e. defibrillator, metal joint replacements, etc.) will not be eligible to participate in the bioimpedance sub study but will be eligible to participate in the overall study
Sites / Locations
- Northwestern UniversityRecruiting
- Northwestern Medicine Cancer Center WarrenvilleRecruiting
- Louisiana State University Health Science CenterRecruiting
- University Medical Center New OrleansRecruiting
- Women's Cancer Center of NevadaRecruiting
- University of Oklahoma Health Sciences CenterRecruiting
- Women and Infants HospitalRecruiting
- University of Virginia Cancer CenterRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 1 (sentinel lymph node mapping)
Arm 2 (sentinel lymph node mapping, pelvic lymphadenectomy)
Patients receive ICG dye via injection and undergo sentinel lymph node mapping during standard minimally invasive hysterectomy. Lymph nodes around the uterus may be removed if the mapping cannot be completed. Successful mapping requires no additional removal of lymph nodes. Patients also undergo imaging as clinically indicated.
Patients receive ICG dye via injection and undergo sentinel lymph node mapping during standard minimally invasive hysterectomy. Additional lymph nodes around the uterus are removed per standard of care. Patients also undergo imaging as clinically indicated.