LT4/LT3 Combination Therapy Versus LT4 Monotherapy in Patients With Autoimmune Hypothyroidism. (T3-4-Hypo)
Autoimmune Hypothyroidism

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Autoimmune Hypothyroidism focused on measuring Triiodothyronine, Quality of life, Persistent complaints
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Patients with overt or subclinical primary hypothyroidism 18 years or older.* LT4 monotherapy for at least 6 months. LT4 monotherapy dose of 75-225 microg, with at least a dose of 1.2 microg/kg. TSH levels within the assay-specific reference ranges for at least 3 months. Severe tiredness with a large negative impact on daily life for at least 6 months, with or without other persisting complaints. This is based on the patient's own experience, without judgment of the treating physician. Sufficiently fluent in Dutch and able to read Dutch. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and/or thyroglobulin (Tg) antibody positivity is not a requirement as these have frequently not been determined. Instead, we ensure that we only include patients with autoimmune hypothyroidism by excluding other causes of hypothyroidism (see exclusion criteria). Exclusion Criteria: Congenital hypothyroidism, hypothyroidism after (sub)acute thyroiditis*, secondary (central) hypothyroidism Thyroid surgery, radioactive iodine treatment, or head and/or neck radiotherapy. Use of thyroid interfering drugs (current/past use of amiodarone, immunotherapy, tyrosin kinase inhibitors, interferon, or lithium and current use of oral or iv corticosteroids or dopamine). Current psychiatric disease treated at a "gespecialiseerde GGZ instelling"** Clinical diagnosis of dementia. Pregnancy, breastfeeding or wish to become pregnant within 2 years. Women of reproductive age not using adequate contraception, who are not sterilized and do not have a sterilized partner. Adequate contraceptives include the contraceptive pill, patch, injection, implant, intrauterine device or system, vaginal ring, diaphragm or cap, and condom. Clinically relevant functional or structural abnormal heart (e.g., cardiomyopathy or valve disease) Recent acute coronary syndrome or unstable angina pectoris (<4 weeks) Current/past atrial fibrillation Current conduction disorder on ECG (i.e, QRS>120 ms or prolonged QTc (women≥460 ms and men≥450 ms)). Frequent ventricular extrasystole (=doublet, trigeminy, bigeminy or (non-sustained) ventricular tachycardia) in the past or on current ECG. Other obvious medical explanation for tiredness (e.g. end-stage renal disease, anemia, COPD stage IV, cancer, etc.) Other obvious major life event explanation for tiredness (e.g., mourning, loss of job) Postpartum thyroiditis is not an exclusion criterium. Treatments of mild non-complex psychological/psychiatric complaints are done in the " basis GGZ", e.g. consisting of conversations with a psychologist or psychotherapist, or via internet (e-health). "Gespecialiseerde GGZ" encompasses treatments of more severe psychological/psychiatric complaints. (link: Basis GGZ en gespecialiseerde GGZ | Geestelijke gezondheidszorg (GGZ) |
Sites / Locations
- Amsterdam UMC - Location AMCRecruiting
- RijnstateRecruiting
- Van Weel-Bethesda HospitalRecruiting
- Albert Schweitzer Hospital
- Admiraal de Ruyter HospitalRecruiting
- University Medical Center GroningenRecruiting
- Leiden University Medical Center
- Maastricht University Medical Center
- Radboudumc
- Erasmus Medical CenterRecruiting
- Maasstad HospitalRecruiting
- Franciscus Gasthuis & VlietlandRecruiting
- Zuyderland
- University Medical Center Utrecht
- Maxima Medical Center
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Placebo Comparator
LT4/LT3 combination therapy
LT4/placebo therapy
The intervention group is treated with once daily a LT4 tablet and twice daily a LT3 tablet with a LT4:LT3 ratio 16:1.
The control group is treated with once daily a LT4 tablet and twice daily a placebo tablet.