Complex And Simple Appendicitis: REstrictive or Liberal Post-operative Antibiotic eXposure (CASA RELAX) - Atrium Health
Appendicitis Surgery

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Appendicitis Surgery focused on measuring post-operative antibiotics, acute appendicitis, complicated appendicitis
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Age ≥ 18 years Planned appendectomy (laparoscopic or open) Willing and able to provide informed consent Working telephone number or reliable method to contact patient after hospital discharge Exclusion Criteria: Unable to consent Pregnant Women Prisoners immunocompromised as determined by clinical team, or patients actively receiving steroids, chemotherapy, or immunosuppressing medications (for example tacrolimus), or patients with active hematologic malignancy affecting the immune system, leukopenia, or end-stage Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) Heart Failure Allergy to Bupivacaine Unlikely to comply with treatment or follow-up Inpatient consultation for appendicitis Clinically suspected sepsis based on Sepsis-3 definition Current use of antibiotics for other indications Type 1 Diabetes or uncontrolled hyperglycemia
Sites / Locations
- Wake Forest University Health SciencesRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Active Comparator
Restricted Post-Operative Antibiotics Group
Restricted Duration of SOC Antibiotic Use
Liberal Post-Operative Antibiotics Group
Liberal Duration of SOC Antibiotic Use
Participants undergoing standard of care (SOC) with simple appendicitis will not receive post-operative antibiotics. Participants undergoing standard of care (SOC) with complicated (gangrenous or perforated) appendicitis will receive 24 hours of SOC post-operative antibiotics.
Use of Standard of Care Antibiotics, type as determined by the clinician, will be restricted to none or 24 hours of post-operatively.
Participants undergoing standard of care (SOC) with simple appendicitis will receive 24 hours of post-operative antibiotics. Participants undergoing standard of care (SOC) with complicated (gangrenous or perforated) appendicitis will receive 4 days of SOC post-operative antibiotics.
Use of Standard of Care Antibiotics, type as determined by the clinician, will be permitted for 24 hours or 4 days of post-operatively.