Autonomous Nervous System Regulated Paediatric Anaesthesia With Dexmedetomidine or Placebo (ANNA)
Primary Purpose
Postoperative Confusion, Postoperative Delirium, Postoperative Pain, Acute
Not yet recruiting
Phase 4
Study Type
Sponsored by

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Postoperative Confusion
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria Children allocated for general anaesthesia in abdominal and urology setup. American Association of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score 1-2. Consent from both parents/legal representatives Exclusion Criteria: ASA >2 Missing consent from both parents/legal representatives. Known allergies or intolerances for remifentanil and dexmedetomidine. Intubation. Non fluently Danish speaking/reading parents/representatives
Sites / Locations
- Odense University Hospital
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm Type
Placebo Comparator
Arm Label
DEX: Bolus dexmedetomidine 0,5 mcg/kg
Placebo (PCB): Bolus isotonic saline
Arm Description
Intravenous infusion during first 10 minutes of anesthesia
Intravenous infusion during first 10 minutes of anesthesia
Primary Outcome Measures
Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale Score (RASS)
Nurse evaluation of agitation/sedation on a scale from -5 (deeply sedated) to +4 (highly agitated)
Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale Score (RASS)
Nurse evaluation of agitation/sedation on a scale from -5 (deeply sedated) to +4 (highly agitated)
Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale Score (RASS)
Nurse evaluation of agitation/sedation on a scale from -5 (deeply sedated) to +4 (highly agitated)
Secondary Outcome Measures
Anaesthesia time consumption
Anaesthesia duration
Postoperative care unit (PACU) time consumption
PACU duration
Total time consumption
Total admission duration
Total fentanyl dosage
Total dosage of fentanyl from whole hospital stay
total remifentanil dosage
Total dose remifentanyl infusion + boluses
Postoperative Nausea and vomiting (PONV) in Postoperative Care Unit (PACU)
One maximum score within a 0 - 2 scale, "2" represents most PONV
Postoperative Nausea and vomiting (PONV) after discharge
One maximum score within a 0 - 2 scale during the first 24 hours after discharge. "2" represents most nausea.
Nurse - numeric Rating Score (nNRS)
Scale from 1-10 and "10" represents most pain. One maximum score for the entire postoperative care unit (PACU) stay
Parent - Numeric Rating Scale (pNRS)
Scale from 1-10, "10" is most pain. Maximum NRS estimated by parents
Face Leggs Agitation Cry Consolidation (FLACC) scale score
One maximum score, 0-10 points, 10 points represents most pain state
Paediatric Emergency Delirium Scale Score (PAED) scale score
One maximum score, 0-18 points, 18 points represents most delirium. Scoring done once during entire postoperative care unit (PACU) stay.
Paracetamol dosage
Total dose paracetamol given in relation to the anesthesia, both premedication and what is given from caretakers in hospital and parents the following day.
Voltaren dosage
Total dose paracetamol given in relation to the anesthesia, both premedication and what is given from caretakers in hospital and parents the following day.
Other analgesics dosage
Total dose of miscellaneous medications given in relation to the procedure/anesthesia
Propofol dosage
Total dosage propofol given in relation to the anaesthesia
Events during anesthesia: cough, movement, incision, extra fentanyl administration, bolus remifentanil, ANI < 50, suture, extubation, other
Carbondioxide tensions
End-Tidal carbondioxide tension during anaeshtesia
Full Information
First Posted
October 30, 2022
Last Updated
April 4, 2023
University of Southern Denmark
Odense Patient Data Explorative Network
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
Autonomous Nervous System Regulated Paediatric Anaesthesia With Dexmedetomidine or Placebo
Official Title
Autonomous Nervous System Regulated Anaesthesia: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Dexmedetomidine and Placebo in Heart Rate Variability Monitored Children
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
April 2023
Overall Recruitment Status
Not yet recruiting
Study Start Date
April 1, 2023 (Anticipated)
Primary Completion Date
October 1, 2023 (Anticipated)
Study Completion Date
December 31, 2023 (Anticipated)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Principal Investigator
Name of the Sponsor
University of Southern Denmark
Odense Patient Data Explorative Network
4. Oversight
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Product Manufactured in and Exported from the U.S.
Data Monitoring Committee
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
The goal of this randomized, double blinded study is to examine in children whether postoperative agitation can be reduced.
The main question it aims to answer is Will optimized, monitor guided analgesic treatment and dexmedetomidine reduce postoperative agitation Participants will receive a standard anaesthesia regimen and on top of that, a titrable remifentanil infusion guided via Mdoloris Anastasia nociception index (ANI) monitor will be added. Additionally, the patients will receive either bolus placebo or bolus dexmedetomidine. The postoperative agitation measured via the Richmond agitation and sedation scale (RASS) score, will be compared. Secondary outcome measures including carbon dioxide trends will be made.
Detailed Description
Study protocol
Screening of eligible patients before procedure day All children assigned for evaluation for abdominal or urology procedures are primarily seen by surgeons in an ambulatory visit. This takes place in the months or weeks before surgery. If surgery for abdominal or urology issues is decided, the paediatric surgeons hand out a patient s folder about the present study. The patient information folder is seen in supplement 1. Line Gry Larsen (LGL) will attend the surgeon's ambulatory visits in the start-up phase, assisting the paediatric surgeons in what information to give by handing out patient information folders. It is not the intent that the paediatric surgeons should give the full information. If the parents/legal representative(s) consent to further contact, they sign a brief consent form for primary contact, including the preferred phone number and time frame, see supplement 2 The parents are then contacted by phone by one of the researchers within the assigned time frame, and the study is now introduced in full, in line with the information given in the patient information folder. There will be time for questions and careful consideration about participation. The researchers who provide the information to the families are all experienced within the field of anaesthesia, research, and Good Clinical Practice (GCP)-guidelines. If the parents show immediate interest in participating, the importance of bringing a signed power of attorney if one of the parents/legal representatives is not attending on the procedure day is emphasized.
Progress on procedure day
Information, consent, and randomization On the procedure day, one of the researchers again consults with the child and its parents/legal representatives in a private meeting room. They are offered the possibility to bring a bystander or be provided one. A summary of information about the study previously given by phone is done, including the right to withdraw consent. Questions are again encouraged. If the parents/legal representatives after receiving oral and written information agree on participation, consent forms are now signed and randomization is done to either placebo or intervention group, blinded for the participant, researcher, and other staff. The procedure is then performed that same day. Contact information is stored in the REDCap database for follow-up data, and to provide the family conclusions of the study after finalization.
Anaesthesia One or both parents or legal representatives follow the child to the operating theatre. Induction of anaesthesia is set as time = 0 and the first RASS score is registered. The child is then anaesthetized via inhalation of sevoflurane 8% on a mask while she or he is sitting with one of the parents. As soon as the child is asleep, the parents are shown to a waiting area. I.v access is obtained, and fentanyl 2-4 mcg i.v is given, and adjusted to fit the planned procedure. Airway management is typically done with a laryngeal mask aiming to keep the child spontaneous breathing throughout the procedure. Standard monitoring is applied: ECG, blood pressure cuff measuring, and fingertip oxygen saturation. Furthermore, all children are ANI monitored. A continuous infusion of remifentanil 0,5 mcg/kg/hour is started immediately and withheld for the entire procedure. Sevoflurane concentrations, airway pressure, and end-tidal carbon dioxide tensions, are noted. When all monitoring equipment is applied, a bolus infusion of the study drug (dexmedetomidine 0,5 mcg/kg or placebo) is given within the first 10 minutes. With ANI values < 50, a bolus of fentanyl of 1 mcg/kg or remifentanil 0,1 mcg/kg is given. Which drug is given, is assessed, and decided by the anaesthetist. The effect of this intervention is evaluated every five minutes and repeated if ANI is still < 50. Sevoflurane concentration is adjusted, guided by a clinical evaluation in a usual manner, guided by Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC) values 0,7-1,4. In the case of bradycardia or other arrhythmias, bolus dexmedetomidine (DEX) is immediately discontinued, and remifentanil (REMI) is withheld until baseline heart frequency is achieved. If longer-lasting bradycardia exists, iv. Atropine/kg bodyweight is given. To connect specific events to ANI values, the following are registered via the monitor: "infusions", "airway in", "incision", "bolus remifentanil", "bolus fentanyl", "neuraxial", "local anaesthesia", "bolus sevoflurane", "suture"," intense surgical stimuli"," bradycardia", "other [note in anaesthesia chart]", and "airway out".
All children receive standard premedication, consisting of oral or rectal diclofenac and paracetamol according to weight. Children will receive wound infiltration with local anaesthetics (bupivacaine 2.5 mg/mL) or a regional block while anaesthetized, when indicated.
The anaesthesia is terminated, the airway device is removed before leaving the operating theatre, and the child is then followed to the postoperative care unit (PACU). Even if project medication is withheld, data collected until that time and until discharged and follow-up, are included. In the case of an unexpected major change of standard procedure, e.g., a severe surgical complication resulting in surgeries far from normal procedures, ex. laparotomies, the patient will be excluded from the study.
The most time-critical point is on procedure day when general ward flow is to be balanced with appropriate time for the information, consent, randomization, and medicinal setup. The most time-critical data are the ANI values perioperatively and the importance of administering supplementary remifentanil boluses at the same time as when ANI values go below "50".
PACU stay Usual Face Legs Activity Cry Consolidation (FLACC) and Postoperative Nausea and Vomitation(PONV) scorings are done. For this study population, a supplementary RASS score is done every 15 minutes, a maximum nurse-Numeric Rating Scale (NRS)f, and a Paediatric Agitation and Emergence Delirium (PAED) score, each done once.
Follow up The parents/legal representatives will automatically receive a questionnaire via electronic mail as soon as the children are included in the study. In this, a "parent NRS", nausea, type, and dosage of pain killers are noted. If it is deemed too much of a task for the parent, the researchers can instead offer a follow-up phone interview and make the questionnaire orally with the parents. A questionnaire is seen in supplement 3. Due to the short half-life of the drugs used in this study, a long-term follow-up will not be done and participation in this study terminates at 24h.
Any protocol violations, adverse events (AEs), serious adverse events (SAEs), or suspected unexpected adverse reactions (SUSARS) are noted in a REDCap database and can be noted by all investigators. Additionally, SAE and SUSARS are noted in the SAE/SUSAR registration form as seen in supplement 4 The sponsor is notified of these automatically via an email notification provided by REDCap, or in case of breakdown, directly from the responsible researcher on procedure day. Common events such as challenges with obtaining i.v. access or laryngeal mask leak are not registered or stored in this study, as they are common and do have no correlation to study drugs or equipment.
Finally, the investigators wish to emphasize caution is taken, in creating a safe and comfortable atmosphere for both patients and their parents/legal representatives.
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Postoperative Confusion, Postoperative Delirium, Postoperative Pain, Acute, Postoperative Complications
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Phase 4
Interventional Study Model
Parallel Assignment
ParticipantCare ProviderInvestigator
220 (Anticipated)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
DEX: Bolus dexmedetomidine 0,5 mcg/kg
Arm Type
Arm Description
Intravenous infusion during first 10 minutes of anesthesia
Arm Title
Placebo (PCB): Bolus isotonic saline
Arm Type
Placebo Comparator
Arm Description
Intravenous infusion during first 10 minutes of anesthesia
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Other Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
To reduce postoperative agitation
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Other Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
Placebo bolus saline
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale Score (RASS)
Nurse evaluation of agitation/sedation on a scale from -5 (deeply sedated) to +4 (highly agitated)
Time Frame
Once within the first minute at entering operating theatre
Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale Score (RASS)
Nurse evaluation of agitation/sedation on a scale from -5 (deeply sedated) to +4 (highly agitated)
Time Frame
Once within the first minute at entering the postoperative care unit (PACU)
Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale Score (RASS)
Nurse evaluation of agitation/sedation on a scale from -5 (deeply sedated) to +4 (highly agitated)
Time Frame
Every 15. minutes while admitted to postoperative care unit (PACU) and until discharge, within a time frame of maximum 240 minutes
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
Anaesthesia time consumption
Anaesthesia duration
Time Frame
From the minute of induction of anaesthesia minute of extubation, within a time phrame of 180 minutes
Postoperative care unit (PACU) time consumption
PACU duration
Time Frame
From the minute of entering PACU area to the minute of discharge from hospital, within a time phrame of 400 minutes
Total time consumption
Total admission duration
Time Frame
From the minute of induction of anaesthesia to the minute discharge from hospital, within a time phame of 600 minutes
Total fentanyl dosage
Total dosage of fentanyl from whole hospital stay
Time Frame
From the minute of induction of anaesthesia to the minute discharge from hospital, within a time phame of 600 minutes
total remifentanil dosage
Total dose remifentanyl infusion + boluses
Time Frame
From the minute of induction of anaesthesia to the minute discharge from hospital, within a time phame of 600 minutes
Postoperative Nausea and vomiting (PONV) in Postoperative Care Unit (PACU)
One maximum score within a 0 - 2 scale, "2" represents most PONV
Time Frame
From the minute of entering the PACU area to the minute of discharge from hospital, time phrame of maximum 400 minutes
Postoperative Nausea and vomiting (PONV) after discharge
One maximum score within a 0 - 2 scale during the first 24 hours after discharge. "2" represents most nausea.
Time Frame
From the minute of discharge from hospital until 24 hours after discharge from hospital. Time phrame of maximum 24 hours.
Nurse - numeric Rating Score (nNRS)
Scale from 1-10 and "10" represents most pain. One maximum score for the entire postoperative care unit (PACU) stay
Time Frame
From the minute of entering the PACU area to the minute of discharge from hospital, a time phrame of maximum 400 minutes
Parent - Numeric Rating Scale (pNRS)
Scale from 1-10, "10" is most pain. Maximum NRS estimated by parents
Time Frame
From the minute of discharge from hospital until 24 hours after discharge from hospital. Time phrame of maximum 24 hours.
Face Leggs Agitation Cry Consolidation (FLACC) scale score
One maximum score, 0-10 points, 10 points represents most pain state
Time Frame
From the minute of entering the PACU area to the minute of discharge from hospital, a time phrame of maximum 400 minutes
Paediatric Emergency Delirium Scale Score (PAED) scale score
One maximum score, 0-18 points, 18 points represents most delirium. Scoring done once during entire postoperative care unit (PACU) stay.
Time Frame
From the minute of entering the PACU area to the minute of discharge from hospital, a time phrame of maximum 400 minutes
Paracetamol dosage
Total dose paracetamol given in relation to the anesthesia, both premedication and what is given from caretakers in hospital and parents the following day.
Time Frame
From admission to hospital until 24 hours after anesthesia, maximum of two days
Voltaren dosage
Total dose paracetamol given in relation to the anesthesia, both premedication and what is given from caretakers in hospital and parents the following day.
Time Frame
From admission to hospital until 24 hours after anesthesia, time phrame of maximum of two days
Other analgesics dosage
Total dose of miscellaneous medications given in relation to the procedure/anesthesia
Time Frame
From admission to hospital until 24 hours after anesthesia, time phrame of maximum of two days
Propofol dosage
Total dosage propofol given in relation to the anaesthesia
Time Frame
From the minute of induction of anaesthesia until care overtaken by postoperative care (PACU) nurses, within a time frame of 400 minutes
Events during anesthesia: cough, movement, incision, extra fentanyl administration, bolus remifentanil, ANI < 50, suture, extubation, other
Time Frame
During anaeshtesia between induction and extubation, within a time frame of maximum 400 minutes
Carbondioxide tensions
End-Tidal carbondioxide tension during anaeshtesia
Time Frame
Every five minutes during anaestesia, between induction and extubation, within a time phrame of maximum 400 minutes
10. Eligibility
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
1 Year
Maximum Age & Unit of Time
6 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria
Children allocated for general anaesthesia in abdominal and urology setup.
American Association of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score 1-2.
Consent from both parents/legal representatives
Exclusion Criteria:
ASA >2
Missing consent from both parents/legal representatives.
Known allergies or intolerances for remifentanil and dexmedetomidine.
Non fluently Danish speaking/reading parents/representatives
Central Contact Person:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Line G Larsen
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Nicola G Clausen
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Line G Larsen, MD
Organizational Affiliation
Odense University Hospital
Official's Role
Principal Investigator
Facility Information:
Facility Name
Odense University Hospital
ZIP/Postal Code
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Plan to Share IPD
IPD Sharing Plan Description
Data will be shared to specific written requests to well defined elements and personal information about study participants will not be given.
IPD Sharing Time Frame
3 years
IPD Sharing Access Criteria
Approved by principal investigator
Learn more about this trial
Autonomous Nervous System Regulated Paediatric Anaesthesia With Dexmedetomidine or Placebo
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