Quality of life of post-stroke patients measured by SIS (Stroke Impact Scale)
This is a specific quality of life scale for patients post-stroke. The scale contains 64 items measuring 8 different domains (strength, hand functionality, Activities of Daily Living ADL/ Instrumental Activities of Daily Living IADL, mobility, communication, emotion, memory/thinking and social participation) and one item assessing overall recovery out of 100. The items are scored using a Likert scale with 5 response options. The score is reported out of 100 for each dimension (100 = no difficulties, 0= maximum difficulties)
Quality of life of post brain injury patients measured by QOLIBRI (Quality Of LIfe after BRain Injury)
This is a specific quality of life scale for patients post brain injury. The scale contains 37 items measuring 6 different domains (cognitive, affective, functional, relational, physical and emotional). The items are scored using a Likert scale with 5 response options. The score is reported out of 100 (100 = best quality of life, 0 = worst quality of life)
Depression and anxiety measured by HADS (Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale)
This is a specific depression and anxiety scale of 14 items. The scale contains 14 items of which 7 measure anxiety and 7 measure depression. The items are scored from 0 to 3, giving two scores out of 21 for each dimension; a score above 11 indicates an anxious or depressed state.
Autonomy measured by modified Rankin score (mRS)
This is a validated 6-level global assessment scale. The score is between 0 et 6, a higher score is associated to a worse outcome.
Walking assessment by 6 MWT (6 Minutes Walking Test)
This is a functional walking test
Autonomy in health assessed by the PAM-13 (Patient Activation Measure)
This is a test assessing skills, knowledge and knowledge, skills and confidence in managing one's health.
The scale contains 13 items scored on a 4-point Likert scale. The total score is reported out of 100 (100 = maximum activation, 0 = no activation)
Adhesion to preventive treatment assessed by the Girerd questionnaire
This is a specific self-questionnaire that assesses compliance in 6 items. Each item can be answered by yes or no. For each item, "Yes" scores 0 and "No" scores 1. A final score of 0 means a good observance, of 1 or 2 means a mild compliance problem, and of 3 or more means a poor compliance.
Quality of life of caregivers measured by SF36 (Short Form Health Survey)
This is a validated scale measuring health-related quality of life. Score is between 0 and 100, A higher score is associated to a better outcome.
Depression and anxiety of caregivers measured by HADS (Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale)
This is a specific depression and anxiety scale of 14 items. The scale contains 14 items of which 7 measure anxiety and 7 measure depression. The items are scored from 0 to 3, giving two scores out of 21 for each dimension; a score above 11 indicates an anxious or depressed state.
Perceived burden of caregivers measured by the Zarit questionnaire
This is a self questionnaire assessing the suffering of caregivers. Score is between 0 and 88. A higher score is associated to a worse outcome.
Reaching the target population evaluated by : 1- The description of the active file : description of socio-demographic characteristics
The indicators are obtained from data collected in the user file. The socio-demographic characteristics collected are: age, gender, family status, professional status, social status
Reaching the target population evaluated by : 2-The description of medical characteristics
The indicators are obtained from data collected in the user file. Medical characteristics are type of stroke, treatment and sequelae
Adoption : 1-Integration in the territory evaluated by the department of residence of patients
This indicator is obtained from data collected in the user file.
Adoption : 2-Link with partners assessed by way of patient referral
This indicator is obtained from data collected in the user file. The type of practioner who referred the patient is collected
Adoption : 3-Perception of the structure by professionals
The perception of the structure will be assessed through semi-structured interviews conducted by the research team. The questions focus on the professional's feelings about their participation in the facility and are 30 minutes long
Adoption : 4-Active patient file : number of inclusions per week
This indicator is obtained from data collected in the user file.
Implementation 1-Number of patients present compared to the number of patients planned per activity
This indicator is obtained from data collected in the user file.
Implementation : 2-Follow-up of programs (number of patients per programs)
The follow-up of programs will be described, for each program, by the number of patients per program over time
Implementation : 3-Deployment of therapeutic workshops : description of workshops
Description of workshops in terms of type of activity , rhythm
Maintenance: 1-Over time at the organisational level by monitoring team meetings
Integration into the medico-social offer in the long term via the partnerships established and maintenance of the activities initiated during the program by the patients measured 6 months after the end of the program
Maintenance : 2-Evaluation of the sustainability of activities since the end of the program
One question will focus on the continuation of activities and the description of these activities
Average cost to produce all the support provided by the programme by modelling the pathways
Assessment of transferability
Assessment of transferability using the ASTAIRE grid (Analysis of transferability and support for the adaptation of health promotion interventions) : it contains 4 categories of criteria: description of the population (descriptive criteria of the population), environment (environmental factors likely to influence the effects), implementation conditions (elements of implementation of the intervention, particularly with reference to aspects of planning and partnerships) and support for transfer (elements that make it possible to support the transfer of the intervention and contribute in particular to its adaptation to the new context.