Efficacy, Acceptability and Safety of Event-driven HIV PrEP Using TAF/FTC in MSM in Thailand and France. (SimpPrEP)
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for HIV/AIDS focused on measuring PrEP exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), On-demand, Event-driven, TAF
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Male at birth age ≥ 18 years old Reporting having sex with men Negative 4th generation HIV-1 and HIV-2 test Reporting condomless anal sex with men not more often than two days during the previous month and able to plan their sexual activity Risk of HIV acquisition based on self-report of at least one of the following behaviors during the 6 months before enrollment: condomless anal sex with at least 2 different sexual partners, sexually transmitted infection (rectal chlamydia and/or rectal gonorrhea and/or syphilis), provided or received money goods or favor in exchange of sex, binge drinking or use of non-injectable recreational drugs. Consenting to participate and agreeing to follow the clinical trial procedures, including adherence to study visits every 3 months In France: Person affiliated with or benefiting from a social security system (article L1121-11of the public health code in France) Non-inclusion criteria: Women and trans women Taking feminizing hormone therapy Positive HIV test result at screening or enrollment even if HIV infection is not confirmed Positive hepatitis B surface antigen test ALT or AST > 4 ULN Estimated glomerular filtration rate < 60mL/min/1.73m² History of chronic kidney disease, osteoporosis, osteopenia or pathological fracture not related to trauma Hypersensitivity to the study products F/TDF or F/TAF Past or concurrent participation in a HIV vaccine trial or concurrent participation in another clinical trial without the agreement of the principal investigators of the two trials Use of intravenous drugs within the last 12 months Person under legal guardianship Not likely to comply with the clinical trial procedures or with any condition incompatible with study participation, upon the investigator's judgement. Ongoing Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV
Sites / Locations
- AP-HP - Hôpital Saint-Louis
- STIs Clinic of the Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 1
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Event-driven PrEP with TDF/FTC
Event-driven PrEP with TAF/FTC
Participants randomly assigned to the event-driven TDF/FTC arm will be instructed to take a loading dose of two single tablets containing coformulated TDF/FTC (300/200mg) 2 to 24 hours before sexual intercourse, followed by a third pill 24 hours after the first drug intake and a fourth pill 24 hours later. In case of daily sexual intercourses, they will be instructed to take one pill per day until the last sexual intercourse, then to take the two post-exposure pills.
Participants randomly assigned to the event-driven TAF/FTC arm will be instructed to take one single tablet containing coformulated TAF/FTC (25/200mg) with or without food 2 to 24 hours before sexual intercourse followed by a second pill 24 hours after the first drug intake. In case of daily sexual intercourses, they will be instructed to take one pill per day until the last sexual intercourse and then a last pill 24 hours later.