NEXUS - Next Generation Health Through 2D & 3D Fetal UltraSound; Building Connections to Support Maternal-fetal Health (NEXUS)
Pregnancy Related, Substance Use, Mental Health Issue
About this trial
This is an interventional supportive care trial for Pregnancy Related
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Pregnant persons, Aged 18 through 45, between 22-32 weeks gestation at study entry Provision of signed and dated informed consent form Not incarcerated Able to read and understand English For infants after delivery, parental informed consent to participate in the study Stated willingness to comply with all study procedures Meets Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 criteria for Substance Abuse or substance use disorder in the last 12 months or is in active treatment for substance use disorder (including Nicotine/Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, illicit and licit substances, and opioids) or actively using substances during pregnancy. Willingness to participate in the NEXUS regimen Exclusion Criteria: Presenting with cognitive impairment psychiatric instability (active psychosis or acute mania) language or legal barriers that would limit the patient's ability to provide informed consent and complete research assessments. Known fetal anomalies Medical conditions requiring frequent ultrasound monitoring outside the study (e.g. Gestational Diabetes)
Sites / Locations
- Virginia Commonwealth UniversityRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
NEXUS Intervention
Standardized non-diagnostic fetal ultrasound protocol without interactive intervention to control for time and attention.
Standardized non-diagnostic fetal ultrasound with motivational interviewing techniques, focused on maternal and fetal strengths.