Investigator Global Assessment score.
The investigator (the second evaluator not performing the peeling act) will evaluate the global effect of the medical device using the following scale:
Worse (-1); No improvement (0); Slight improvement (1); Good improvement (2); Very good improvement (3)
Patient Global Assessment score.
The subject will evaluate the global effect of the medical device using the following scale:
Worse (-1); No improvement (0); Slight improvement (1); Good improvement (2); Very good improvement (3)
Local and overall tolerance of the Crystal Peel.
At the end of the study, the local tolerance on the skin of the product will be assessed during the clinical examination. Abnormal clinical signs and subjective signs reported by the subjects will be reported in the CRF.
According to these signs, the local tolerance of the product will be defined on the following scale:
0= Bad tolerance
Moderate tolerance
Good tolerance
Very good tolerance.
Subject's self-evaluation.
Subjects will be asked to complete the satisfaction questionnaire.
First question related to the global appreciation of Crystal Peel. Possible answers: very pleasant, pleasant, neither pleasant nor unpleasant, unpleasant or very unpleasant.
Other 14 questions related to efficiency of Crystal Peel. Possible answers: totally agree, agree, no agreement or not at all in agreement.
And 3 last questions related the future use of Crystal Peel. Possible answers: Yes or No.
Adverse events number.
Collection of adverse events by the investigator.
Comparison of change from baseline of conspicuous number of detected pores on each visit to evaluate the improvement of pores assessed by Colorface device.
Front face image and parallel polarization will be analyzed. A region of interest is defined on the cheek near the nose of each subject at baseline, it has the same size for all subjects and is automatically replaced at other timepoints thanks to a spatial registration algorithm. The conspicuous number is defined as the number of distinct elements in the segmentation. A decrease of the conspicuous number of pores results in a decrease of the number of pores that are detected by the algorithm. There is an improvement of pores if at least one of the following parameters is statistically decreasing and the other ones remain stable and/or not statistically increasing: conspicuous number, conspicuous area, average area, conspicuous density, conspicuous depth and conspicuous volume of detected pores.
Comparison of change from baseline of conspicuous area of detected pores on each visit to evaluate the improvement of pores assessed by Colorface device.
Front face image and parallel polarization will be analyzed. A region of interest is defined on the cheek near the nose of each subject at baseline, it has the same size for all subjects and is automatically replaced at other timepoints thanks to a spatial registration algorithm. The conspicuous area is defined as the total number of pixels in the segmentation (total surface of detected pores). A decrease of the conspicuous area results in a decrease of the total surface occupied by detected pores. There is an improvement of pores if at least one of the following parameters is statistically decreasing and the other ones remain stable and/or not statistically increasing: conspicuous number, conspicuous area, average area, conspicuous density, conspicuous depth and conspicuous volume of detected pores.
Comparison of change from baseline of conspicuous relative area (density) of detected pores on each visit to evaluate the improvement of pores assessed by Colorface device.
Front face image and parallel polarization will be analyzed. A region of interest is defined on the cheek near the nose of each subject at baseline, it has the same size for all subjects and is automatically replaced at other timepoints thanks to a spatial registration algorithm.The relative area is defined as the area of segmentation divided by total area of the region of interest. A decrease of conspicuous relative area results in a decrease of the detected pores conspicuous density. There is an improvement of pores if at least one of the following parameters is statistically decreasing and the other ones remain stable and/or not statistically increasing: conspicuous number, conspicuous area, average area, conspicuous density, conspicuous depth and conspicuous volume of detected pores.
Comparison of change from baseline of conspicuous depth of detected pores on each visit to evaluate the improvement of pores assessed by Colorface device.
Front face image and parallel polarization will be analyzed. A region of interest is defined on the cheek near the nose of each subject at baseline, it has the same size for all subjects and is automatically replaced at other timepoints thanks to a spatial registration algorithm. The conspicuous depth is defined as the difference of intensity between detected pores segmentation and surrounding segmentation. It is an average value over the whole region of interest. A decrease of conspicuous depth results in a decrease of detected pores visibility. There is an improvement of pores if at least one of the following parameters is statistically decreasing and the other ones remain stable and/or not statistically increasing: conspicuous number, conspicuous area, average area, conspicuous density, conspicuous depth and conspicuous volume of detected pores.
Comparison of change from baseline of average area of detected pores on each visit to evaluate the improvement of pores assessed by Colorface device.
Front face image and parallel polarization will be analyzed. A region of interest is defined on the cheek near the nose of each subject at baseline, it has the same size for all subjects and is automatically replaced at other timepoints thanks to a spatial registration algorithm. The average area is defined as the area of segmentation divided by the number of distinct elements in the segmentation. It represents the average area of one detected pore. A decrease of the average area results in a decrease of the average size of detected pores or remaining detected pores if number decreases. There is an improvement of pores if at least one of the following parameters is statistically decreasing and the other ones remain stable and/or not statistically increasing: conspicuous number, conspicuous area, average area, conspicuous density, conspicuous depth and conspicuous volume of detected pores.
Comparison of change from baseline of conspicuous volume of detected pores on each visit to evaluate the improvement of pores assessed by Colorface device.
Front face image and parallel polarization will be analyzed. A region of interest is defined on the cheek near the nose of each subject at baseline, it has the same size for all subjects and is automatically replaced at other timepoints thanks to a spatial registration algorithm. The conspicuous volume is defined as the multiplication of conspicuous area and conspicuous depth. A decrease of conspicuous volume results in a decrease of detected pores visibility. There is an improvement of pores if at least one of the following parameters is statistically decreasing and the other ones remain stable and/or not statistically increasing: conspicuous number, conspicuous area, average area, conspicuous density, conspicuous depth and conspicuous volume of detected pores.
Comparison of change from baseline of conspicuous area of line marks on each visit to evaluate the improvement of line marks assessed by Colorface device.
Profiles images in standard 60 polarization will be analyzed by colorface device. A region of interest is delimited on the cheek of each subject at baseline and it is automatically repositioned at other timepoints thanks to a spatial registration algorithm. The conspicuous total area is defined as the number of pixels in segmentation of detected line marks. A decrease of conspicuous area results in a decrease of the total size of cheek line marks. There is an improvement of line marks if at least one of the following parameters is statistically decreasing and the other ones remain stable and/or not statistically increasing: conspicuous area (unit=number of pixels), conspicuous length (unit=number of pixels), conspicuous depth (unit=arbitrary unit) and conspicuous volume of line marks (unit=arbitrary unit).
Comparison of change from baseline of conspicuous depth of line marks on each visit to evaluate the improvement of line marks assessed by Colorface device.
Profiles images in standard 60 polarization will be analyzed by Colorface device. A region of interest is delimited on the cheek of each subject at baseline and it is automatically repositioned at other timepoints thanks to a spatial registration algorithm. The average conspicuous depth is defined as the difference of intensity between segmentation and surrounding segmentation. A decrease of conspicuous depth results in a decrease of cheek line marks visibility. There is an improvement of line marks if at least one of the following parameters is statistically decreasing and the other ones remain stable and/or not statistically increasing: conspicuous area (unit=number of pixels), conspicuous length (unit=number of pixels), conspicuous depth (unit=arbitrary unit) and conspicuous volume of line marks (unit=arbitrary unit).
Comparison of change from baseline of conspicuous length of line marks on each visit to evaluate the improvement of line marks assessed by Colorface device.
Profiles images in standard 60 polarization will be analyzed by colorface device. A region of interest is delimited on the cheek of each subject at baseline and it is automatically repositioned at other timepoints thanks to a spatial registration algorithm. The conspicuous length is defined as the total number of pixels in the morphological skeleton of segmentation. The morphological skeleton is defined as the central element of unit width of segmentation of detected line marks. A decrease of conspicuous length results in a decrease of the cumulated length of detected cheek line marks. There is an improvement of line marks if at least one of the following parameters is statistically decreasing and the other ones remain stable and/or not statistically increasing: conspicuous area (unit=number of pixels), conspicuous length (unit=number of pixels), conspicuous depth (unit=arbitrary unit) and conspicuous volume of line marks (unit=arbitrary unit).
Comparison of change from baseline of conspicuous volume of line marks on each visit to evaluate the improvement of line marks assessed by Colorface device.
Profiles images in standard 60 polarization will be analyzed by colorface device. A region of interest is delimited on the cheek of each subject at baseline and it is automatically repositioned at other timepoints thanks to a spatial registration algorithm. The conspicuous volume is defined as the multiplication of conspicuous area and conspicuous depth. A decrease of conspicuous volume results in a decrease of cheek line marks visibility. There is an improvement of line marks if at least one of the following parameters is statistically decreasing and the other ones remain stable and/or not statistically increasing: conspicuous area (unit=number of pixels), conspicuous length (unit=number of pixels), conspicuous depth (unit=arbitrary unit) and conspicuous volume of line marks (unit=arbitrary unit).
Comparision of the change from baseline of the contrast on each visit to evaluate the improvement of the smoothness of skin.
Profiles images in cross polarization will be analyzed by Colorface device. A region of interest is delimited on the cheek of each subject at baseline and it is automatically repositioned at other timepoints thanks to a spatial registration algorithm. The contrast is a measurement of local variations. It is computed from the co-occurrence matrix. This matrix contains parameters called Haralick indicators. There is an improvement of the smoothness of skin if at least one of the following parameters is statistically decreasing and the other ones remain stable (no statistically significance) and/or not statistically increasing: contrast (unit=arbitrary unit) and entropy of skin color texture (unit=arbitrary unit). Each one defined by a particular
Comparison of the change from baseline of the entropy on each visit to evaluate the improvement of skin roughness.
Profiles images in cross polarization will be analyzed by Colorface device. A region of interest is delimited on the cheek of each subject at baseline and it is automatically repositioned at other timepoints thanks to a spatial registration algorithm. The entropy is a measurement of randomness of the distribution intensity. It is computed from the cooccurrence matrix. This matrix contains parameters called Haralick indicators.
There is an improvement of skin roughness if at least one of the following parameters is statistically decreasing and the other ones remain stable (no statistically significance) and/or not statistically increasing: contrast (unit=arbitrary unit) and entropy of skin color texture (unit=arbitrary unit).