Effect of Mobilization With Movement on Weight Bearing Ankle Dorsiflexion Range of Motion
Ankle Joint Contracture

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Ankle Joint Contracture
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: The sole inclusion criterion will be a limitation in active ankle dorsiflexion range of motion to less than 20 degrees in weight bearing in one or both ankles. Exclusion Criteria: Exclusion criteria include self identified feelings of ankle instability or known diagnosis of chronic ankle instability, dermatologic conditions such as open wounds or impaired sensation which inhibit the ability to use the mobilization strap, and inability to get into the testing position or perform a lunge during the intervention.
Sites / Locations
- Blatt Physical education BuildingRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Ankle dorsiflexion range of motion with inclinometer in standing
Weight bearing lunge test
The Standing Ankle Dorsiflexion Screen (SADS) will be used as a categorical outcome measure which is a more functional way to measure ankle dorsiflexion and does not require the use of additional equipment. The participant will be instructed to stand in tandem stance, one foot directly in front of the other, and bend both knees as far as they can while keeping their heel in contact with the ground. The examiner will then use a ruler to align the posterior knee with the medial malleolus and determine the position of behind, within, or in front of the malleolus.
The Weight Bearing Lunge Test (WBLT) will be used to measure closed chain dorsiflexion in participants. A bubble inclinometer will be placed 15 cm below the tibial tuberosity for measurement during the WBLT. Participants will place their foot on a line on the floor which is perpendicular to the wall to help maintain alignment. The participant's heel will be stabilized by an examiner, and they will then be instructed to lunge forward so that their knee reaches a vertical line on the wall. The measurement will then be taken using the inclinometer placed at 15 cm below the tibial tuberosity. The examiner stabilizing the heel will hold the inclinometer in place, while another examiner ensures proper placement of the inclinometer and takes the reading. The WBLT will be completed twice and the average of the two measurements will be taken.