Liquid Biopsy Based NGS in Newly Diagnosed NSCLC (iNUDGE)
Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Metastatic, Newly Diagnosed NSCLC, Non-Squamous Non-Small Cell Neoplasm of Lung
About this trial
This is an interventional health services research trial for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Metastatic focused on measuring Next Generation Sequencing, Liquid biopsy, Newly diagnosed, Molecular testing, Plasma based next generation sequencing, Electronic health record, Nudge intervention, Targeted therapy, Behavioral economics
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Participants with a histological, or cytological diagnosis of metastatic non-squamous (mNSq) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who have not yet received systemic treatment for metastatic disease. Participants must be seen at Lancaster General Health (LGH), Penn Presbyterian Medical Center (PPMC), Penn Medicine Cherry Hill (PMCH), Penn Medicine Princeton Health (PMPH), Penn Medicine Voorhees (PMV) or Penn Medicine Washington Township (PMWT) for mNSq NSCLC. Exclusion Criteria: Participants with incomplete staging information. Children, pregnant women, fetuses, neonates, or prisoners are not included in this research study.
Sites / Locations
- Penn Medicine Cherry HillRecruiting
- Penn Medicine Princeton HealthRecruiting
- Penn Medicine Washington TownshipRecruiting
- Penn Medicine VoorheesRecruiting
- Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health
- Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Penn Medicine New Jersey
Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
All sites with be randomized to implement the nudge at different points in time. Prospective data with be compared with each site's respective baseline numbers over a two-year period.
All sites with be randomized to implement the nudge at different points in time. Prospective data with be compared with each site's respective baseline numbers over a two-year period.
All sites with be randomized to implement the nudge at different points in time. Prospective data with be compared with each site's respective baseline numbers over a two-year period.