Promise Women Project
Human Papilloma Virus, Cervical Cancer

About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Human Papilloma Virus focused on measuring screening, vaccination, Muslim American women, prevention, Health disparities, Acceptability and feasibility., Behavioral intervention, Religious adaptation
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Inclusion criteria: Female Muslim individuals above 18 years old. Able to speak and understand English. Have not had a hysterectomy. Have not had a cervical cancer diagnosis. Willing to participate in the educational program and undergo cervical cancer screening. Physically well, able to give consent form. Exclusion Criteria: Under age 18 Not Muslim Unable to provide consent Participated in a pilot study
Sites / Locations
- the Islamic center of Hampton
- the Peninsula Islamic Community Center
- Islamic center of Henrico-Alfalah
- the Islamic center of Richmond
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
The single-arm trial with a pre- and post-test design
The Intervention Arm in the Promise Women Project evaluates a specific educational intervention program for Muslim women to promote cervical cancer prevention. It involves a one-time, 90-minute culturally and religiously tailored educational session with 20 participants. The session covers perceived risks of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection, cervical cancer, and benefits of early screening and vaccination. Pre- and post-intervention surveys measure changes in participants' knowledge. This experimental arm assesses the intervention's effects on knowledge and acceptance of cervical cancer prevention.